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thisislele created a topic of Cherry Complex

somebody put this author in jail this is such bullshit. making a rape victim go back to their rapist just to get raped again and again? what is the fucking point?? absolutely disgusting, and then having freaks in the comments romanticizing it genuinely get help.

thisislele created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

i hope that freak gets hit by a car and dies

thisislele created a topic of Brother, am I cute??

the best love interest has always been and always will be dohwan

thisislele created a topic of The Evil Ring

i would just kill myself. unless alvin gets revived somehow i dont think there’s even a good reason to keep reading tbh.

thisislele created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

no sorry but i would have killed him already. this was so entertaining for a while until it got straight up creepy and disgusting. mc is way too good of a person to be putting up with this psycho piece of shit.

thisislele created a topic of Max Mojave's Case
thisislele created a topic of Ranker's Return
thisislele created a topic of Backlight

mc doesn’t need to grow a backbone lol ml needs to stop being a piece of shit yall are so weird

this is so dogshit and honestly the author is sick for this

why does everyone hate the mc for being awesome thats so lame. if you dont want a badass op mc read something else lol.

thisislele created a topic of Form of Broken Love

calling a victim of manipulation and rape a cheating whore is fucking crazy none of you bitches seem to understand the situation. i hope none of you ever get into relationships bc you completely lack empathy and the ability to understand complex emotions and situations.

thisislele created a topic of Sketch

zzzz don’t care about that loser and his stupid sob story

thisislele created a topic of Jinx

acts like a bitch and throws her son around just to show she could have used her words the whole time? is the “i might have hit my son too hard” thing supposed to be a quirky strong woman joke? so cringe

thisislele created a topic of Jueun

genuinely stomach churning, he looks so young