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youraedthiswrogn's feed

I think this is more gray than people are acknowledging. Like, with that being a part of the story even...

It's not like he just raped her on their first night, he had just set up a deal between them that she agreed to that he would try to get her pregnant within a month. Sure, she wasn't expecting the sex right there and then and she takes issue with that he was rough, wording it as that he did whatever he wanted, but to say she didn't consent to the sex seems off. It was within her own interest and she did agree to the deal. She doesn't even know yet why he treated her like that the first time. I mean, WE know that in his head he was being an asshole for personal reasons, but she just looks back on it and goes "?" right now. She just said that. She's noted the change in his behavior since literally the next day, since he realized she was a virgin.

I think it's important that he's realized he did wrong, is actually looking at her now and is trying to do right. And that matters because it's explicitly a part of the story that she does not hate him for anything he's done. She just said that. She's not feeling raped, he just irritated her that night. It's not part of the story that she feels raped, it's just not. I'm sure he's going to face some backlash in a bit though, because she was just thinking about why he was acting like that at first and contemplated that it might be because of the rumors. So I see it maybe being a hurdle in a second where he has to make up for it. Not for the "rape", but for the fact that he believed the rumors for a time.