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kosmo.dewey asked a question

Can anyone recommend me comedy/funny manhwas like The World's Best Engineer. I'm feeling down rn so I need something to cheer me up:(((

kosmo.dewey created a topic of Camping

I have peanuts for brain cells I cannot comprehend a shit

He looks like Lloyd and Javier's secret love child

kosmo.dewey created a topic of Smyrna & Capri


kosmo.dewey created a topic of Ordinary to Alpha

Damn that's actually better than I expected

Who tf is uploading these half chapters?

kosmo.dewey answered question about thinking about death everyday
Idk if this is true, somebody enlighten me

I'm gonna put it in the comments

kosmo.dewey created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

This chapter is funny af LOLOL

kosmo.dewey created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon


kosmo.dewey answered question about question
Senior highschool year is fr fucking me up, I'm at school from 11am-8pm then I go to sleep around 11 pm then wake up at 4am to grind all the subjects that I have to work on. If I'm lucky I have 1 hour sleep at school if the teacher is absent.
kosmo.dewey shared experience about stuck my cock in a blender
Can we all collectively agree that we all experienced eating those choco peanut butter bars then suddenly you swallowed something solid but you didn't mind it because you thought it's just some chunk of that candy, then after some hours you felt nauseous and extreme stomachache, it went for days that your parents took you to the hospital then the d......