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If you're only reading yaoi, you'll obviously feel tired. I've been reading anything since I was a kid, and if I'm not reading, I'm writing, if I'm not writing, I'm playing, if I'm not playing, I'm doing another thing. I don't know for you but for me, a ~decade of spending your life doing something is a commitment, a commitment that proves thay y......
Miet°-° followed question about question

hello i’m 21 years old and i have been reading yaoi since i was a 7th grader lol. Is anyone else starting to feel like they’re growing out of this phase? for me im getting deathly bored of it because ive been here for so long, and i am tired of chasing the high i once had when i first discovered this website. the storylines are boring and child......

2 hours
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in sophomore year here, my last full day is tomorrow and honestly i haven’t done anything amazing at all. i’m also average at everything i don’t try at, but if i do try i’m sure that i’ll be good at it. tbh my mindset is is that if u think you can do it u probably can, just as long as it’s in your physical capability. recently i’m jus......
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i'm genuinely curious about what y'all do for a living. i'm saying this as someone that has to choose a university but has no idea nor any hobby that could help succeed in life. i heard a lot of people saying that i should start by looking for a path that's related to what i'm good at, but i've actually always been pretty average in everything. i ......

3 hours
Miet°-° followed question about applying edging to your life

For me it’s when they aren’t dependable

1 days
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18 people did   /   9 want to do

Miet°-° followed question about applying edging to your life

i love the side walk rule

1 days
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This whole manhwa is just one big comedy
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Effective birth control ig
Miet°-° followed question about applying edging to your life

What’s a read everyone seemingly loves but you personally think should’ve already ended where it was!

1 days
Miet°-° followed question about going to concerts

no "don't like don't read" or "let people enjoy things" allowed! this is a safe space for haters to talk shit about tropes they hate! nothing generic about hating noncon or incest either

2 days
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What are the things (can be celebs/manga/movies etc) That was so HYPED but fell off so bad after a while (●'◡'●)ノ

3 days
Miet°-° followed question about going to concerts

Can be manhwa/manhua/manga

3 days
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hey bitches and bros and non-binary hoes!! HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!! i’m just curious about y'all’s sexualities …. i’m bi or pan (at this point i don’t fucking know)

3 days
Miet°-° followed question about going to concerts
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Nisekoi.. Listen, I know we hate harems, but Raku is an exception, he's a sweet harem protagonist, and I love Nisekoi. This should be the blue print of harem mangas.
Miet°-° followed question about question

Stories that get too much hate. They don't even have to be good, just stories that have decent elements to them.

4 days