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Ahleh created a topic of The Siren's Cradle

Not me forgetting everyone but simping over the brother and the fl

(Not as a couple but how badass they are individually, clarifying bc this app...everyone's a lost cause)

Ahleh created a topic of Green Apple Paradise

Yo at least it wasn't what we were dreading....him having an incident with the brother

Lol on tiktok the girl was taking about the plot and the dog appears

Me: awwwww precious bein-
Tiktok: the dog is homophobic *video ends*

How tf is it favoritism when your kid ballsack have been targeting his own girl cousin to the point where blood was shed and she collapsed?! Gosh if those were my grandkids oof

Ahleh created a topic of Monster Duke's Daughter

There's a rumor going around that it's gonna be serialized now

Ahleh created a topic of Dear Benjamin

I don't see what the father saw in Cole he a fkn perverted piece of shot. Ewww he made me wanna crawl out of my own skin

Ahleh created a topic of Actually, I was the Real One

Honestly I tried to like the father but my reflex just goes "TRASH" when his face appears

Ahleh created a topic of Sweet dream

Yo what if the dad and the person she's thinking about is our first ml?! That would be so cool but then that means the current ml is a descendant of an ex succubus

Ahleh created a topic of The Scholar's Reincarnation

Can someone ome tell me if this is worth the read pls

Okk latest update is serious serious but I couldn't stop laughing cause Balzac sounds like Ball sack

Ahleh created a topic of Blood Link

Anyone notice how the grandkids Lee Bin aka grabs is the one that is the most identical to his son? Lol he may have been jealous of his son taking his mates attention but still unconsciously expose his affection

Ahleh created a topic of Friendly Competition

Read the raws (more like scrolled and tried figuring the plot out from their facial expressions) and damnnn you thought Jay is scary? Wait until Seulgis past past past is revealed. She takes the cup for crazy bij

Ahleh created a topic of Ring

Yo be glad the translators are taking their time to translate this for your ass FOR FREE. If youve read manhwa/manhua/Manga etc for a while you would notice that the roles are sometimes swapped. Like damn there are literally stories where the dude is called MOMMY. Also if you wanna read this manhua not from someone who "learnt English properly" then maybe you should learn how to speak and read the original dialog he ffs

Ahleh created a topic of Friendly Competition

I feel like Jay actually wants a friend and a rival while the Mc is just drowning in her trust issues and fking whatever friendship she wished for

Ahleh created a topic of Under the Paws of Cats

I don't what I was expecting when it's literally called breeding area.... Maybe its when the cats are portrayed in human/animal form that did it

I feel like the first prince would have a major role in this manhwa. Since his sister was introduced early on than the infamous 3rd prince

Ahleh created a topic of Eleceed

Can we get the assholes to bother the cats and then BOOM the cats just destroy them...... Plsssss

Ahleh created a topic of Eleceed

I'm sorry but the only thing I could focus on was Woojins tragic story of having his chips raided by the others