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byemimi January 10, 2024 6:50 pm

im expecting like these dope ass fight scenes for da anime but idk if the budget finna let that slide

and also ive been thinking if this is gonna be a 12 ep series bc I WILL BE SO LIVID IF THEY MADE TS 12 EPS N THEN DROP IT HOW U FINNA FINNA FIT 200 CHAPTERS IN 12 EPSSPOILERS FOR ANIME:


dawg know how iconic it wouldve been if they made the statue's eyes glow n shit at the end that wouldve been so tuffffffff

    sweety1997 January 11, 2024 5:04 am

    the reason they announced only the first season, is because they need to make enough money to fund making the next season. that is how the industry goes. or they would all go bankrupt considering how they are reliant on marketing (which costs money) and the whims of humans. Will they watch? Will we make a profit to make up for th money we invested? after they pay everyone, if they have enough, they use it to invest into making a contract for the next season. that is why some amazing anime never released again, because even though they are amazing in quality, the revenue they made was shit.

    If we want them to keep producing solo levelling, we need to make it possible for them to make money. Watch it on official sites. Engage with the content on official sites by liking/thumbs up, sharing and leaving positive reviews.

    that's how the stuff works...

    byemimi January 19, 2024 11:04 pm


maeireum's questions ( All 2 )

maeireum March 21, 2024 1:38 am

im tryna remember this one bl where the uke becomes the semes like housemaid and the uke resembles the seme's past lover who he thinks is dead but isn't

the uke is a painter and the seme used to be one too i think

uke had short brown hair from what i remember

pls help!!

byemimi March 8, 2024 9:17 pm


i've been trying to find this bl for like the longest time but I CANT REMEMBER THE NAME

they're in college and the uke found the seme hot and the seme just slept and hung out w the uke

the uke later develops feelings but the seme doesnt feel the same and leaves the uke heartbroken

then some rumors break out in the college abt the seme and the uke goes to confront the person who posted the post

-the seme and uke are both muscular
-the seme has dark skin w/ dark hair while the uke has lighter skin w/ like pale blondish hair (maybe white? idk)
-the seme has difficulties understanding emotions
-the uke's bestfriend lied abt him and the uke sleeping together to the seme


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