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Vodkard March 27, 2019 3:09 pm

Ending quite alright, but I expected an explosive ending. Can't blame Koogi for one, when you set the bar way too high, it's just hard to out do yourself. Season 1 was top notch for me. The buildup was great, the atmosphere dark yet lulls you home. Season 2 was when you're expecting more surprises but you know the honeymoon is ending. Season 3 is when you're riding a rollercoaster only you stopped screaming.

Vodkard June 10, 2018 6:57 am

I love how the artist has shown us a glimpse of Jiwon hitting the gym in this chapter. I always wonder how he's that...meaty. This chapter has that sweet-sweet detail to it :3

    clouds June 10, 2018 8:12 am

    I think it's the next raw chapter that shows them at the BBQ and Jiwon talks about being one of those" unlucky people that gets fat from drinking water" and how he has to diet (he has some flashbacks to salads, weight training and doing stereotypical disordered behaviour like watching mukbangs of people eating the food he avoids for himself). So apparently his weight is something he is concerned about. In the scene it would have been a good opportunity for DG to then understand that Jiwon has his own issues and he isn't this perfect idol that DG thinks he is, but no DG just seems to internalise any future issues Jiwon has and thinks he is the one to blame rather than realising that Jiwon has his own troubles and insecurities.

    Vodkard June 10, 2018 1:13 pm
    I think it's the next raw chapter that shows them at the BBQ and Jiwon talks about being one of those" unlucky people that gets fat from drinking water" and how he has to diet (he has some flashbacks to salads,... clouds

    That's lovely! I mean, small details like these may not be the main course of the story, but they work really well as an appetizer. It's in these small details you get to see the nitty gritty and mundane human side that could've been left untold behind the scenes. We could only wonder so much!

    clouds June 10, 2018 1:25 pm
    That's lovely! I mean, small details like these may not be the main course of the story, but they work really well as an appetizer. It's in these small details you get to see the nitty gritty and mundane human ... Vodkard

    I agree! I quite like these glimpses into Jiwon's perspective from these flashback scenes, even if they are relatively minor. It's the more "humane" and mundane aspects of their lives that are a great addition to the plot in my opinion, rather than it solely being DG's perspective.

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Vodkard February 3, 2021 3:09 am

For research purposes.

Vodkard March 8, 2019 7:04 am

What non-BL mangas/manwhas you wish were BL?

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