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Zero created a topic of Yurameku Aki no Koi Gokoro


Zero created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

Cosmic cats save usssssss

Zero created a topic of Sankaku Twilight

Sorry but the confession to dicksucking pipeline was way too short lmfao

Zero created a topic of Te wo Nobashitara, Tsubasa

CH3 was lazy writing imo

Zero created a topic of ARTS MANZ

Didn’t ask don’t care. NEXT

Zero created a topic of Miraiken de Ai o Tsumugeba

Second story was good angst

Zero created a topic of High Clear

I’m sorry but how tall is the net their legs look so tiny

Zero created a topic of ARTS MANZ

Why is it that the shitty second story gets more chapters than the one on the cover

Zero created a topic of Fantasia World
Zero created a topic of Jinx

Aiming for this year?? :///

Zero created a topic of High Clear
Zero created a topic of ARTS MANZ
Zero created a topic of Jinx

Wow. 53 whole chapters of shite. I can’t believe we have to break between seasons before any semblance of change might occur. Sigh.

Zero created a topic of 1 to 10

ahh hell no. don't let him get away with these evasive answers you need to grill him. "just someone i know" my ass

Zero created a topic of Jinx

Guys 52 isn’t there for me am I tripping

Girl why do I feel like I’ve guessed the entire plot on page 1….

Zero created a topic of 1 to 10

Jungseok’s friend is so cute