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Zero created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

one voice chat and he’s on one knee

Zero created a topic of High Clear
Zero created a topic of The Boss is too Much!!!

This was so stupid. I’m actually kind of shocked I read it through. They never actually communicated, the mc was dumb asf, it felt like the author just wanted to hit plot points and did it without fleshing anything out. And the devious blue hair kidnapping thing?? Yawn. Trying to throw in rape to spice up the plot and make seojun look better is insane.

Zero created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

BRUH. You can’t leave us on that cliffhanger are you kidding?!

This could have been resolved as soon as he asked Chae on if he had a girlfriend.
Like this:

“Where did that question even come from? You have a bad dream or something?”

“No. I saw you outside your apartment with (forgot her name). What is she to you?”

“Oh, that! She just wanted to take some pics with me to get her toxic ex off her back. The one I like is you.”

Boom. Resolved. (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

Zero created a topic of ARTS MANZ
Zero created a topic of Myungtae, You Little Rascal!

This is so…………….bad. The art is so good tho

Zero created a topic of Grab the Stars

Don’t ever let me be dating someone who’s so much older and so much less mature. Because it would not go down like this at all ( ̄へ ̄)

Zero created a topic of The Path Of Star
Zero created a topic of Jinx

You have got to be kidding me lol

Zero created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon


Zero created a topic of Sonna ni Iu Nara Daiteyaru

These nosey bitches will be the death of us all

Zero created a topic of High Clear

Ok so why did jeongmin do that?? Was he mad that juwon wasn’t wearing his ring? What was it?

Zero created a topic of Kotaete My Drifter

Bruh this reminds me of Rumpsringa I guess maybe just timeline and angst wise. But worse in the angst category

Zero created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

I think he just has anxiety. I hope for the next few chapters that they focus on their irl as hard as they focused on the damn pvp

Zero created a topic of Love Note

Keeping your glasses on during sex is crazy

Zero created a topic of Within My Shadow
Zero created a topic of High Clear