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seabi like question

how do you know if someones blocked you on this website? if someone blocks you can you not reply to their comments?

seabi answered question about question
please watch this it’s so good
seabi created a topic of Chainsaw Man

……… shocked

seabi like the answer
I don't got any, because I'm not like you HOMOSEXUALS!!
seabi created a topic of Just Twilight

WHAT THE FUCK????? okay guys i’m so CONFUSED LOL first of all, what’s gojo doing here ? and the time skip????? omgggg no way PLS HE REALLY NEVER CAME ????? omg

seabi answered question about question
HAPPY PRIDE MONTHHHH it’s a fucking shame that i can’t enjoy this month cuz of my final exams so excited for the pride parade !!! ^^ btw i’m prob bi idk i never made out w smn
seabi answered question about question
seabi followed a goer


13 days
seabi answered question about question
i think all zionist should be fucking bombed so they would actually understand what being colonized and seeing your siblings, mother or fathers death body right in front u while u just can’t do shi about it is !! they would start to understand this way, right? zionist don’t deserve to live such lives, palestians do tho. FREE PALESTINEEEE !!!!!......
seabi answered question about going to concerts
nathan from lis 1 :((( i love him so much dang

they look like literal kids ….. and they’re minors so no pls that’s not cute

seabi created a topic of Free in Dreams

We all know he’s gon beat the shit out of this bitchass

seabi created a topic of Pink to Habanero

NAH WTF IS THIS CLIFFHANGER pls i wanted to see em kiss