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Momoko created a topic of Comes In Threes

I’m scared of the brother it’s getting weird

I’m so thankful for the official version and no the teenmanhua robbery

Momoko created a topic of Hybrid

Could be better confusing but decent art

Momoko created a topic of Dominant Castle
Momoko created a topic of The Fairy Legacy

I thought I wasn’t gonna like it but I really enjoyed it weirdly

The pace is slow but I don’t mind it too much for now

Did I miss a chapter? The time skip was so random and didn’t really explained anything from previous chapters

He did all the work for her to call a different man’s name

Momoko created a topic of Jinx

Why is this man crying about a dick for the community

The story is slowing down so much already and the chapters are so short

Momoko created a topic of 2020

She’s just stiff as a board while calling him different names, oh lord he should’ve walked out

Momoko created a topic of Evangeline’s Sword

I wonder if we’ll get side stories

Momoko created a topic of Slammer Dogs
Momoko created a topic of The Villain's Savior

Please give us more author like where are the side stories