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Wrong number answered question about compulsive lying
Maybe a little indirectly. Still I just searched up what vol 32 cover looks like and I feel like it doesn't give much away. It's show the characters grown up and in new uniform and the pose their in isn't atypical of an action show, especially of aot nature. Maybe it was the the new characters well. Unless you're hyperanalzing the image you would ......
Wrong number like the answer
tbh when i feel lazy to study, i think about how the academic year 23-24 in palestine officially ended because all the children are either dəad or displaced.
Wrong number asked a question

Any good roommates to lovers bl?

Wrong number followed a list

୧••୨ ========== Feel Free To Suggest Anything==========୧••୨ 

List here mainly consists of mangas whose central theme revolve around consensual relationship .. nothing toxic , nothing force , some pure relationships

☚•..•☛☚•..•☛☚•..•☛☚•..•☛ ☚•..•☛☚•..•☛☚•..•☛☚•..•☛

29 12,2023
Wrong number followed a list
28 12,2023
Wrong number like the answer
I hate it when yall weird ass bitches try to lump us all in w/ yall, like tf you mean "I know damn well you’ve tried to date your favorite character" that sounds like straight up projection
Wrong number asked a question

Hi guys!
Any recs like "What Do You Wish for With Muddy Eyes."?
Don't mind gore and not looking for any romance preferably.
Trying to avoid cliches. ☆

Wrong number followed a goer
13 01,2023