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Nathan's experience ( All 0 )

Nathan's answer ( All 3 )

I like yaoi the best, I honetly dont like yuri at all. It makes me uncomfortable, and trust me ive tried to read yuri and force myself to at least read shoujo ai but not even dat im ok with. I find it sad and im kinda disappointed in myself cuz i hav a lesbian friend and it feels lik im hating on lesbians   2 reply
05 07,2017
Can't really remember since my dad was obsessed with the old anime movies. They showed anime a LOT in Cuba so you not liking yu-gi-oh was not a thing back then (≧∀≦). So I have basically have been watching anime since I was born, I was even allowed to watch the really dirty ones. But I remember Mermaid Melody. Such an amazing anime!! I was co......   1 reply
06 03,2017
I was probably 8, my older cousin was into yaoi and she had vids of the real stuff in her phone, and I watched it cuz I was a very curios kid. I suffered for days, I couldn't see men together and not think of them doing it. And one day when I was like 11 I read a real nasty yaoi manga which made matter even worse. A year later there is a new girl a......   reply
06 03,2017

Nathan's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did touched grass

pollen is just plant cum and that's very funny to me for some reason

2 hours
did touched grass

i'm allergic :( smells nice tho

18 hours
did touched grass

i want to lay down in it every time

20 hours