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Nekokate May 4, 2020 10:48 pm

I can’t think of the manga name and it’s at the tip of my tongue !! It’s frustrating at this point

It’s a reincarnated manga of a girl and she is engaged to a prince but he has two personality but not and she is trying to set him up with the Female lead of the game ??
Anyway the games fm has a bird that tricks people I think
Help please!!

Nekokate August 22, 2019 9:55 pm

So my work had a little get together and then they started bully other coworkers behind there backs but because I was sat there I felt so awful about what they was saying about them
Anyone else feel like they have said something and instantly regret saying it

    Nekokate August 22, 2019 10:15 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Wisteria

    I know what you mean it's like when they say something you feel compelled to join In but now i feel like a low life for agreeing with them

    sasukesharringar August 22, 2019 10:35 pm

    You can report what you are observing to HR. They should have an anti bullying policy and reporting system in place. You should be able to find it in your HR handbook or HR information section on your intranet.

    Kise August 22, 2019 10:57 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Wisteria

    You pretty much don’t go along with what they’re saying, and tell them bluntly that they shouldn’t be talking behind people’s backs, and if they have a problem with someone, tell them to they’re faces. Don’t just go along, them kind off people will blab about anybody probably even about you OP behind ur back. So If you stand against what they’re doing, it might stop them from doing it in future and know how scummy it is to even do that in first place. I’ve met many people like that and just don’t get involved with them. They’re not worth it.

    Kise August 22, 2019 10:57 pm
    You pretty much don’t go along with what they’re saying, and tell them bluntly that they shouldn’t be talking behind people’s backs, and if they have a problem with someone, tell them to they’re faces... Kise

    Sorry that was meant for the OP. XD

    Meow August 23, 2019 12:41 am

    yea, my little cousin told me my older sister put all of my belongings in my room in a box and dumped it in the garage while i slept somewhere else, and she left out all the important stuff and made it look like my older sister was the bad guy, and yea i believed it cause my sister's done alot of stuff before. then as i unpacked the stuff while angrily crying i ragged on my sister's situation about her marriage cause it got messed up because of the government and how she's "29 and still lives with her mom". immediatly after i ranted and said all that about her i felt really bad and my little cousin ran off and told her everything i just said word-for-word cause 10 year olds these days have crazy good memory. then my mom told me everything including theimportants parts my little cousin didnt tell me like, how 2 of my cousins are moving in with me. immediatly after my sister was screaming at me calling me a bitch. backstabber, "YOUR NOT MY FUCKING SISTER", and other stuff, and i couldn't explain to everyone how my little cousin told it to me as if she was a bad person. then my older sister started talking behind my back to her MUCH much older friends, like, over 30 while im not even 20. i mean the "talking behing my back stuff" isnt new, she gets mad at everything i do and tattle to our mom and sometimes rant about me to our mom and then my mom joins in, once, while i was using the restroom they both started yelling about how i look ugly and more things about my body i was insecure like i eat alot, low metabolism, looks yea. but thats another story. but this time she did it even more excessivly, like every chance she got she would slip in mean comments about me to our cousins and they would laugh along even if i was in the other room and they leave the door open. then i got discouraged and didnt eat anything for a day, then my aunt forced me out of my sisters other sister's room who was at work and she's 21 and my favorite person in the world, anywho. i hated the abuse and thought about how to apologizing and explain, then about 7-12 feet away from me she just starts talkin and DAYUM. my little cousin she the smartest ten year old ive ever seen, im telling you she manipulates other people, like her older brother, when he touches her, even but getting her attention, she makes it seem like he's hurting her or annoying her liked, HUHH.

    Meow August 23, 2019 12:41 am

    yea sorry my comment was kinda long

Nekokate June 23, 2019 10:28 pm

So it's a Yaoi one and it's a out two actors the uke has dark hair and the same has blonde. I wanna say they are av actors but I'm not sure that's right ( might be getting it mixed up with another manga ) and then I remember it getting found out by the media and I'm sure they said it was true
Ahhh I'm sorry that's not much help
And it's not dakaiChi

Nekokate June 4, 2019 8:58 am

It's about a school girl who said to her 2 friends when she wasnt. But then he confessed to him and he called her a dog or something and in the end they started going out ??

Nekokate April 14, 2019 8:47 am

Okay so what I remember is the seme is the emperor I think and the uke is head of a gang or something and
The uke takes the seme as a girl or something like that
I'm sorry that's not much to go on but any help please ?

    Nyx April 14, 2019 9:53 am

    Is it historical genre one? I think I have read it before here on mangago

    Nyx April 14, 2019 9:55 am
    Is it historical genre one? I think I have read it before here on mangago Nyx

    Hua Hua you long(?)

    D ace April 14, 2019 10:43 am


    Nekokate April 14, 2019 11:54 am
    Hua Hua you long(?) Nyx

    Yeah !! That's it ! Thought it would be completed by now but thanks

Nekokate April 9, 2019 9:32 pm

Is that a real manga or just like a ad drawing or something?

    Idontthinkthisisthelifeiwant April 9, 2019 9:49 pm

    Its real tho i dont know the name

    MrsHatake April 9, 2019 9:50 pm

    It says illustration by Nishimura Syuko. Try finding the author. But that usually means its only an illustration and not a real manga, so idk

    mama53 April 9, 2019 10:33 pm

    I believe this is beautiful trap but i don't think manga go has it

Nekokate October 24, 2018 8:43 pm

From what I remember the seme was a theif that stole something and I think the uke got balmed
The seme is also head teacher and puts the Uke in his school
Any ideas ?

    Nxyeria October 24, 2018 8:58 pm

    Wow. How can you compare liking legal gay men together, to liking animals and/ or children together. A fujoshi will always be less strange than a furry or a lollicon/shotacon.
    There is nothing wrong with liking two adult men romantically involved in fact that us a support to homosexual community BUT there is something very wrong with liking children fucking and animal fucking

    MothXLamps October 24, 2018 8:59 pm
    Wow. How can you compare liking legal gay men together, to liking animals and/ or children together. A fujoshi will always be less strange than a furry or a lollicon/shotacon. There is nothing wrong with liking... Nxyeria

    bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright 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bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright lamp

    Nxyeria October 24, 2018 8:59 pm

    Oops! Not you! You are innocent

    MothXLamps October 24, 2018 10:33 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! IveGotNoLife

    Someone on discord sent me a little boy raping a chicken

    Nxyeria October 24, 2018 10:49 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! IveGotNoLife

    Lol that's what some ppl are into I guess

    Nekokate October 25, 2018 10:28 pm

    Guys I never said the uke was a child ?

Nekokate September 26, 2018 10:59 pm

I have been into other world/ transportated manga recently and was wondering if anyone knew of any good ones
Also if they are long ones that would be great

Nekokate January 4, 2018 12:04 am

So from what i remember it was about this student who got really rubbish grades so his mum moved him ( or sold him i remember something to do with a bag ) to a school full of vampires
Any help would be appreciated thank you
( its a yaoi im looking for )

Nekokate December 8, 2016 12:26 am

I'm looking for a Yaoi manga where the boy goes to America and looses his passport and wallet and comes across a mafia/yakuza man who just so happens to be one of his fathers men
Any help ?

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