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Abel✯lied's feed

>Before being reborn she suffered all her life, because her family didn't love her

>Gets reborn into a body of a girl, that's never been loved by her family

>In a system, where she literally can be murdered at any given moment if she isn't lovable enough

>With a deadline, that's REALLY REALLY close

>Man, who loves her 99% betrays her, because of a new girl

>Man, who tells her that he doesn't love her at all, proposes to her

>New girl will likely pursue this man too and if he comes to love new girl, he'll likely kill her (Penelope)

"Omg, why does she care so much about love!!! How annoying!!!"

Like of course there's her trauma, but again, THERE'S A DEADLINE ABOUT GETTING A MAN TO LOVE HER OR SHE'LL BE MURDERED. Even without the trauma, it is logical not to bind yourself to a man who doesn't love you in that situation. People will say, that we need more complex female characters, and then can't handle Penelope of all people bffr.