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sexierthanu created a topic of Wet Sand

idk where the TJ fans atttt...ain't none wrong with Jo but he's just not who I want Ian to be withhhh

sexierthanu created a topic of Yona and Chang-il

this was honestly not that good.

sexierthanu created a topic of Payback
sexierthanu created a topic of Under the Green Light

way to make it obvious that's he's not gonna show up

sexierthanu created a topic of Mad Dog

I love when they swallow and don't care cause a real freak gone swallow

sexierthanu created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

I feel like a lot of yall are so stuck on them getting better or finding a solution but i kind of like it like this. Not everything going to have a happy ending and im not glorifying it or anything but people stay together for worse in real life I don't know I just wouldn't go into this, or continue reading this hoping they somehow change their ways. The toxicity makes it interesting. I've read soooo much yaoi over the years and it's not uncommon to see some back and forth crazy shit then they end up fr liking each other. I think they just trauma bonding at this point, like licking each others wounds type shit

sexierthanu created a topic of The Foul

I've been over the whole "debt" trope lately but I feel like this one got some substance to it ...let's see how it go.

I stopped caring after they had sex

sexierthanu created a topic of Nerd Project
sexierthanu created a topic of Wet Sand

so intimate and sad. im wondering how this will end cause the author said they not going for a happy story. i like ian better with TJ but that's just me. I can see the ending being ian finally runs off and doesn't end up with anyone but who knows
glad I picked this up cause yaoi ain't been hitting like it used to

sexierthanu created a topic of High Clear

head as a gift when you already been fucking is crazy

sexierthanu created a topic of Codename Anastasia

it always kills me how there's never any prep in any yaoi - I get it probably takes away but the bottoms would be painting like shit

I just don't care about this anymore...shit dragging out odeeeee

sexierthanu created a topic of Limited Run

cliche storyline but still a good read

sexierthanu created a topic of Crush and Burn

i can't do these corny story lines anymore, and I can't stand when they have sex off rip. no shade to anyone who enjoys this but is anyone else over stuff like this?

god this is so miserable but i keep reading to see if it will get better