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sexierthanu created a topic of Nerd Project

for everyone asking about the novel, when i searched it on Google i found a few links that seem legit it's just a lot of ads. so unless the people mentioning the novel have a better site (who for some reason don't provide where they read it), that's gone have to do.

sexierthanu created a topic of Backlight

im honestly kinda lost but the artwork mad nice so ill keep reading

sexierthanu created a topic of Killing Stalking

I find it so unrealistic for swallowing cum to be an issue and I see it so much in yaoi. Like yall already super sexual but swallowing cum is where we draw the line? Idk it's never been an issue for me personally

sexierthanu created a topic of My Darling Liar Boy
sexierthanu created a topic of Backlight

it's really no shade but why manga authors alway got some kind of illness, no one in good health writing them?

sexierthanu created a topic of Jinx

lol it's always something and even if it becomes a huge misunderstanding it's all on joo anyway for making doc feel like he can't tell him anything

sexierthanu created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

can't stand je oh so I had to stop reading ...idk stuff like this don't interest me anymore

sexierthanu created a topic of Gunjou

I actually enjoyed the art style but damn the story dragged - I skipped to the last chapter after chapter 8. Ion got the patience.