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Geek Goddess's feed

Geek Goddess created a topic of Raising Beta

When stuff started being explained in the last chapter, I swear to y'all I said, "Please don't tell me he did something to the parents." I love obsession stories, but his obsession is so fucked up that it's well passed the line of psychotic. And at the very end of the last chapter, when he looked at the picture of the parents and Yoo-il, heart didn't drop to my stomach. It didn't drop to my feet. My heart dropped to Hell. I honestly wish there was more. Maybe to see the baby and for Yoo-il to find out what Hwan did and leave. But, that won't happen and I'm left with what we all are thinking and that is, "For the love of all things yaoi, what in the HELL did I just read??"