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Can't stand the bitch sister and the sleazy prince and the asshole father. And WHY is bitch sister going around calling MC her Sister? Last I checked she walked out on them and the father and sister disowned her sooo....I'm not understanding why they are talking familiar with her and she, with them. Honestly, if I was MC, I would have walked around like I didn't know them. We aren't family. We aren't friends. We aren't anything. So don't address me, talk to me, or look at me as such Ma'am and Sir.

Geek Goddess created a topic of Nerd Project

So Derrick did all that shit talking about when they were kids, only to get a finger to the forehead and a "I don't even remember you." from the kid he was so jealous of. That was so embarrassing that I can hardly look. Lmaooo

Geek Goddess created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

I didn't know this chapter was going to be the end. I did the the notif, but I decided not to check it bc I was going to let the chapters build up so that I can read back to back again. Something told me to look at this this morning and I saw it was the end. My heart nearly stop. BWAT really is one of my favorite authors. Every work I've read by them, I've never wanted it to end--I just wanted it to keep going and going.

Anyway, I'm gonna miss Smyrna & Capri. Can't wait for the side stories. Still reading Miscreants & Mayhem. Always looking forward to a BWAT project.

Geek Goddess created a topic of Full volume

Nooooo! Come back! I knew it was gonna end, but I wasn't ready! Man! And I can say there was not one boring chapter, couple, etc. in this. This is a true gem and I'm gonna miss it so much.

Geek Goddess created a topic of Lucky Paradise! The way he makes love to Chunwoo?? Especially this last time. Chunwoo was literally running from HoIn. Lmaooo Impotent. Maybe he just didn't like them or has been gay all along? Or maybe bi, but leans more towards men.

Geek Goddess created a topic of Miscreants And Mayhem

Well! Ya shudda taken him to the hospital. Now ya ass is about to be obliterated. Lol

How Pil-Gyun normally is with you + his obsession for you × his love for you ÷ by the drug in his system = Total Asshole Annihilation. AND Pil-Gyun squirted too yet he's still raring to go?? Uh-huh. Good luck Nanmu. Lol

Also....guys? How do you pronounce Nanmu and Pil-Gyun's names? I tried to look it up with no help.

Geek Goddess created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

So, we went through that whole background/flashback to understand everything. Then HyoUn (or HyoIn??) remembers his mate finally. Searches for him. Saves him. We go through aaaaall of that just to be met with Tae's memory loss and indifference. So, is this what that Charon-like Spirit at the river meant? HyonUn brought him back with the consequences of memory loss and now he has to endure not having his mate when he just remembered him???

My heart can't take this. And now we must wait. I already feel like I can't breathe lol. I know that's dramatic, but I left for a while and let the chapters build up so I read the last 4 or 5 back to back and my heart was pounding and now it's breaking.

Geek Goddess created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

Swear I said, "Watch that egg hatch while they are going at it." And it happened. That baby is so gosh darn cute that it's not even funny. I should've waited one more week before catching up on chapters, but I was too anxious and just had too. Now I gotta wait for the next chapter. Siiiiighs.

I...I just can't with this Saint chick. And I'm sorry, but the way she runs full force, with her head down everywhere. Chile, watch where you're going before you run into a wall or something. This whole part if the SL is balls out batshit crazy. And...I think that's a good thing. Lmao. I was actually gonna feel mildly sorry for her bc it seems like nothing is going how she knew it was going to go (Seria noticed that too) so, she was understandably blindsided by this pregnancy, but her coming up with this cock-a-mamie idea about Seria marrying her if the baby is hers....just...just calm down m, breathe slowly, and cover up. Your crazy is showing.

Geek Goddess created a topic of Remarried Empress


TL/DR: Because Rashta stole what she has now, she had the nerve to ask why she was being punished?? What, she deserves love and happiness? Nope. She deserves every bad karma coming to her. I didnt read the novel, so I don't know what will happen in the end, but Novel/Webtoon Gods, please help Rashta's children get happiness. Also, I wish Navier and her child, and Everly happiness.

So...Navier was born a rich Noble and had and education and perfect family. Rashta was born a slave, whose father left her with an abusive family to work for. She stole Sovieshu from Navier. Stole some favor of the people from Navier. Stole the position and title of Empress, plus gave Sovieshu a child. She roughly thought about all of this to herself, yet she STILL had the audacity...the ask why is she being punished.

Look, we can't pick and choose what family we are born into. If we could, a good third...maybe even half wouldn't be with the family they have now. I understand you wanted love and wanted to be loved, but getting it by way of lying, cheating, and stealing it from another? Nah. You deserve every single hardship and negative karma that has been coming to you and will continue to come to you.

There's a reddit group I'm apart of and they stopped all discussions of Rashta bc there were some people who felt sorry for her and were on her side and excused everything she did. Because of that, those who opposed her and her actions...well...they opposed those people and it was a HUGE argument and even politics and racism came into it somehow. I said all of that to say this: you can choose who you like and hate. You can even say that Rashta is no different from our favorite MC from the Villainess tropes. But I'm sorry...I don't care what her background was. I don't care who she's like from other stories. I care about the fact that she tried to destroyed a person's life--WHO DID NOTHING TO HER AND DIDNT EVEN KNOW HER--all because that person came from privilege and was loved, while she (Rashta) was born a slave and didn't receive love. You deserve to be placed in a dungeon and never to be seen again. I feel so sorry for her first child, the son, and her child with Sovieshu. They didn't ask to be born and they didn't ask for her mother like her. I haven't read the novel (yet...though I might to get this drama out of the way), but I'm hoping for Navier's happiness, Everly's happiness and to be reunited with her real parents, and for Rashta's children's happiness. It would be nice if Navier and Heinry could raise the son. At least he would have some form of stability (maybe...Henry is flighty and kookie sometimes). But the daughter?? Novel/Webtoon Gods, please help her.

I get it. There are quite a few frustrations with this. One I wanna talk about is her power. People are talking about her fainting every time she uses her power. I agree, there should be a training arc, but she should've gotten said training when she was growing up in her country.

Plus, the Mages are literally there for nothing. For show. "We work in the shadows." Duke Desponne and Lennox are so useless for no f*cking reason that it's pathetic. So, I understand why she keeps fainting. Bc she's literally doing the work of the knights AND the Mages bc the Mages are usless....because of the Duke and Lennox. I hope they hurry up and die. Like a lot.

Then, I want that blonde, whiney, WL to just rot away, right along with the Emperor. I'm...I'm getting kind of tired with this story, but I dont wanna give up on it just yet. I'll just do what I do for Remarried Empress and let the chapters build up a little so that I can read a couple at a time.

But tbh....I'm thiiiiiis close to reading the novel for Remarried Empress and just be done with it. Does this one have a novel? Usually, when I read a novel, I still wanna read the webtoon to "see" the characters being "played out", but for these....I don't think I'll read these after reading the novel...or novels.

Geek Goddess created a topic of Viola Tames the Duke attention to Ivan's face Viola. He knows about that painting and is feeling scared and upset that you might make a wish and end up leaving him and this world like you did your previous one when you looked at the same painting. Pay. Attention. I know it's a big deal for you, but like Ivan says, stay away from it. Especially if you don't want to go back to your old life. What if you unintentionally make a wish of some kind and you end up gone? Until you get more information on that painting....STAY AWAY FROM IT.

Geek Goddess created a topic of Double Trap

Y'all are hilarious. I laughed hard at some of your comments. Especially about Jaepil and his...well...TECHNICALLY...just hear me out....if we go by what is drawn or what it looks like, then he has an actual "bussy". IJS.... ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Geek Goddess created a topic of Yours to Claim

Wow...I have a confession: when I got the notif that the next chapter was up and the words "The End" were next to it, I was a little relieved. This was a Rollercoaster ride and dammit all to Hell if there weren't a bunch of loop-the-loops.

The story was infuriating at times and dragged during some parts..................then there was that one chapter where Cain was just photshopped into a couple of pictures *a-HEM*..................but other than that, I'll miss Cain, Jooin, and Yahwi. :-))

Another tiny, very small confession: If there is a side story, I kinda want a 6 chapter (3 for each) side story on the twins. They were kinda adorable. :-D

I just can't take it. This chapter was too adorable. Those two grown ass men must've walked into that party, with their heads held high, wearing a cat-drawn shirt and two pig tails. And I betcha not one noble said a got-damn thing about it.....They probably said a whole novel in their heads though......

Geek Goddess created a topic of Beast’s Flower

Okay, here we go with the misunderstanding. Instead of asking about his family's history, and Viorst and Lyla telling him what happened, he's going to set out on his own to find his "real mother" because an old "criminal" in a dungeon said a few words and showed him parts of a situation. Of course, he's a child, but it's like the Author was reeeeally pushing for somemore drama that really could have been settled early on. And why wasn't that place heavily guarded?? Why was the little door open in the first place??

Geek Goddess created a topic of Nerd Project

Okay, but WHY did the kissing scene have to be so fkn hotttt??! On top of that, a theatre friend walks in on them (though it was his room after all). I was so annoyed and frustrated, y'all would've thought I was the one who got interrupted. Lol :-)))

Also, I dont know if someone already brought this up, the panel showing Andrew deciding to take Luke home instead of staying and sleeping on the couch and everybody is pretty much passed out...................did anybody else notice that one guy passed out in his own vomit?? Lmaoooo. That tickled me.

Quick Story Time: That panel brings back memories 20 years ago when I was in college. I was at a party thrown by a fellow Theatre major (Yes, majored in Theatre like Luke) classmate. I didnt pass out in my own puke (never have, hope I never will), but I did pass out spooning his toilet. And yes, I was the big spoon. Lol :-p

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Geek Goddess add manga to list New ones to read

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