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saki answered question about question
i don’t mind the other combinations but alpha x omega will always be peak. only wokejoshis will diagree
saki created a topic of Lily of the Valley

lily is so fckn gullible and stupid… touch her mind Lord! tbh i think i’m a better match for anna anyway ^q^

saki answered question about music recommendations
only ones i know off the top of my head are hypmic, vazzrock, paralive and charisma house. haven’t caught up to hypmic in years though
saki answered question about question
saki created a topic of High School Boy

cute boys getting molested? oh you already know i’m sat

saki answered question about question
tbh it was probably sebaciel. 13 yo me was obsessed
saki created a topic of Into the Rose Garden

anyone got the link to the novel pwetty pleaseee _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):

saki answered question about question
saki followed a goer

Ive been on this website for way too long

24 02,2024
saki answered question about being black sheep of mggo
exactly! own that old fat pedophile
saki followed a goer

homosexuality is a disease

20 02,2024
saki answered question about have a wild imagination
they’re misogynists. hating fujos is equivalent to hating women. all anti fujos are sick in the head
saki created a topic of Within My Shadow

something about chaon is seriously annoying, i just can’t place my finger on it. i mean i know he’s the stereotypical retarded whore uke but there’s something specifically about this guy that makes me wanna throat punch him

saki answered question about question
you’re perfect the way you are, mrs. that fujoshi
saki answered question about question
super freaky grandma needs to get off twitter and go into rehab. i just know she snorts 4 lines of coke before going live
saki created a topic of Solo For Two

sasya is stronger than me tbh if i were in his situation i’d just kill myself

seo is a WHORE. poor natori is gonna catch an std from this slut wallahi someone save him!

saki answered question about question
saki created a topic of Solo For Two

off topic, but i wish sasya’s hair was still long. an angel dies every time a man with long hair cuts it ;_;

saki answered question about read manga ?