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With our MC not dying and leaving his son behind obvs it'll be different from the original novel. So my hope is the main dads get married, making their kids siblings and Kotsu to grow up and be with his friend he likes.

Hafren created a topic of Kaiju No. 8

I haven't read this yet as I just clicked on it BUT...
This is the same creator of Pochi Kuro?! I loved that series

Hafren created a topic of Guiding Hazard

Merch you say?
Say less

And honestly I was kinda hoping Gwonryeon was gonna be the ml rip but so far I'm loving all the characters and their interactions

Hafren created a topic of Steel Under Silk
Hafren created a topic of Jinx

Really? cuz it felt like a whole lotta nothing. You wrote a pathetic unlikeable asshole and a male version of Yui from Diabolik Lovers. Dan leaving wasn't even satisfying cuz you already had him fall in love with his abuser (for no valid reason) and he mentioned when he left there had good times (fucking what?!?!?!). Feels there was legit no progression of the story or characters and this is supposed to be the halfway point?!?!!? This story is just such a downgrade from her previous work it's almost baffling, considering BJ Alex was by no means without faults. Also you can write a toxic character without making them a sex offender and abuser

Daiki's a sad beige mom lmaoooo

aw shit there's a season 2?!?!?


Hafren created a topic of Tomodachi engagement

wait a min, I thought they were already dating at this point?!
Guess I gotta go reread it again from the beginning

Hafren created a topic of I Didn't Mean It

"Shouldn't this be done when I'm conscious and consenting?" OMFG YES
Also the MC literally putting a collar and leash on the seme, I'm dying this is amazing
The seme literally fucked around and found out lmao

Hafren created a topic of I Didn't Mean It

Shingo accidentally falls on top of someone and Kagami blames him and flips his shit. Kagami neglects, doesn't communicate, laugh's at Shingo's insecurities and kisses another man. Kagami never apologizes for any of it. He's so toxic and straight up trash but what can we expect from a guy who drugged and raped Shingo for shits. By no means is this series great but holy shit was this volume a dumpster fire.

Something I don't understand is why Kagami went through the effort of chasing and raping Shingo when they first met cuz he even said it was just a fling to him. I get that now he's madly in love yadda yadda and that it's a common troupe in yaoi for rape equals love which is dumb but idk I found the start of their relationship hella weird. I just don't understand why y'know?

Hafren created a topic of Yukyu omega

Ignoring everything else, I gotta say that you don't see many omegaverse where bystanders jump in to help an omega in heat while also keeping alpha(s) away from them. Here here for the bystanders and police.

not only did the ex out our boy but I hated that when he was recounting their relationship, it started by showing him as a literal kid so let's be real, that bastard probably groomed our mc.

Hafren created a topic of Jinx

"there were some good times too"

Hafren created a topic of Libido Effect

So I just started reading this and I'm on chapter 9 but is it even worth continuing? Maybe I just can't get into it or something idk