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Hafren created a topic of Ameiro Curriculum

wait so did his sister's husband actually cheat or not?

I hope our boys get married and the two girls end up together

Hafren created a topic of Cat Boys!

The rich boyfriend reminds be of Tamaki from OHSHC, rich silly idiots haha

Hafren created a topic of Ore Miko!

I hope the 2 girls ended up together

The mc targeting the son rather then the father was dumb, they're too different people and people shouldn't be blamed for the sins of their parents. Plus it didn't even work cuz the dad would throw his son under the bus without blinking an eye.

Hafren created a topic of Ore no Oshi ? Kamisamadesu

y'know at first I thought the author was writing the ml that they were going for a classic god type mindset. That's why he was so cruel cuz he was incapable of understanding the human experience but naw, just lazy writing and classic rape trope
Also why's everyone mad they're gods, the story already established other gods are idols

oh no not another love ballad I could legit read this series forever

Hafren created a topic of A well known love affair

and this feels like a kagehina dj so much I love it
Please stop calling my baby boy ugly
omfg the jealousy in the newest chapters delish

Hafren created a topic of Romance, But Not Romantic

Look at our baby boy enjoying his donuts, blesssss

Hafren created a topic of Yankee to Carameliser

Ain't no such thing as "girls toys" it's just toys. Also it sucks that his parents warped him so bad he believe's being manly is violent :(

Hafren created a topic of Blaze Out

don't betray our MC

so did his mom kill herself?

Hafren created a topic of Renchin!

and idk I still don't like Waki's mom