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Helplessromantic April 3, 2017 6:04 am


    moan May 23, 2017 5:28 am

    let's go to hell together, buddy! ( ̄∇ ̄")

Helplessromantic April 3, 2017 5:52 am

I'm fucking SHOOK

Helplessromantic April 3, 2017 5:21 am

Once a uke always a uke ( ̄へ ̄) ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

Helplessromantic March 27, 2017 2:07 pm

Does anyone else wish they were guys just so they could be gay ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    cupcake567 March 28, 2017 8:25 am

    Yes lol

    Anonymous April 5, 2017 10:59 pm

    Well I mean I am gay but I'm a girl and still like reading these manga?? I don't know

    Blu April 8, 2017 8:30 am

    I say the exact same thing! I also wish I had a penis

    cupcake567 April 9, 2017 2:28 am

    Same lmao ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    Blu April 9, 2017 10:03 am

    ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ (≧∀≦).....In my next life I shall be born a man ╥﹏╥

    cupcake567 April 9, 2017 4:29 pm

    Yessss (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ me too

    nat April 10, 2017 3:08 am
    Well I mean I am gay but I'm a girl and still like reading these manga?? I don't know @Anonymous

    im the same way im a gay girl but i like reading these manga

    Blu April 10, 2017 7:12 pm

    YAOI IS LIFEヾ(☆▽☆)

    aimehana April 16, 2017 1:59 am


    aimehana April 16, 2017 1:59 am

    YES. EVERYDAY. ╥﹏╥

    Korei April 16, 2017 6:49 pm

    Omg yes! Finally people that want to become a guy just to be gay! ;D Im so thankful!! We're not the only ones! >;)
    And to you question, like i said: Yes!

    Korei April 16, 2017 6:50 pm

    I'm a girl thats gay already anyways. ;3

    Blu April 17, 2017 10:00 am
    Omg yes! Finally people that want to become a guy just to be gay! ;D Im so thankful!! We're not the only ones! >;)And to you question, like i said: Yes! @Korei

    I know what you mean. I thought I was the only1 who wished they were born a male and be gay(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    The only boi April 26, 2017 3:29 am

    You want to be gay until you get beaten up for it. Being a gay male isn't sunshine and rainbows (idiocy intended) when you live in a conservative or poor area. Unless you're in an extremely liberal area, people will tell you that "you're too young to make this kind of decision", or people will treat you like shit for liking the same sex. (Even if you're in a liberal area, you can have the same said and done to you) Males have to conform to traditional masculinity a lot more than a female has to conform to traditional femininity as females are rarely judged for wearing pants, while I've personally been bullied for wearing pink. Stick to being female, it's much easier. I understand this post may have been written as a joke, but my point still stands.

    Blu April 26, 2017 4:33 am

    This post was not meant as a joke!! This is a place were any1 can be free to be what ever they want. The real world is full of to much negativity, discrimination and hate. If you want to full your thoughts on the unhappiness of the real world go ahead but not here. This place is freedom for the fan boys, fan girls, Fujoshis and many more to express their inner fandom. So please when you enter this world be whomever you want to be and leave the real world and its chains behind. Be free, express your inner Fandom. I and many others know how evil the world can be. Telling someone to stick to being female is you being no different than the ppl that make life harder for others to be happy being who they really are. Why should someone fake being something their not just because it's easier for who? Life is short and happiness is what we all take for granted.

    Blu April 26, 2017 4:34 am
    You want to be gay until you get beaten up for it. Being a gay male isn't sunshine and rainbows (idiocy intended) when you live in a conservative or poor area. Unless you're in an extremely liberal area, people... The only boi

    This post was not meant as a joke!! This is a place were any1 can be free to be what ever they want. The real world is full of to much negativity, discrimination and hate. If you want to full your thoughts on the unhappiness of the real world go ahead but not here. This place is freedom for the fan boys, fan girls, Fujoshis and many more to express their inner fandom. So please when you enter this world be whomever you want to be and leave the real world and its chains behind. Be free, express your inner Fandom. I and many others know how evil the world can be. Telling someone to stick to being female is you being no different than the ppl that make life harder for others to be happy being who they really are. Why should someone fake being something their not just because it's easier for who? Life is short and happiness is what we all take for granted.

    The only boi April 26, 2017 10:38 pm
    This post was not meant as a joke!! This is a place were any1 can be free to be what ever they want. The real world is full of to much negativity, discrimination and hate. If you want to full your thoughts on t... Blu

    Goodness, what I said does seem quite mean looking back on it. I didn't mean that if you feel like you rather be physically male you cannot; I only meant to say that the grass isn't always greener on the other side. It's just that many people don't understand the seriousness of something like gender dysphoria, and often wish they can change sex, but if you don't feel like a male beyond the fantasy of being gay, then it might as well be a joke about a very serious topic. If you feel like being physical male would make you happier, then I'm not talking to you; I'm talking to the people who think that the mind of a female can fit comfortable as a male. To suggest that gender is so useless in determining what body you belong in is ludicrous. If you are genuinely a transgender young man who identifies as gay then I apologize, but if you are a female who only thinks it'll be greener on the other side then I hope you can realize that gender doesn't change. I'm saying that people should be who they are, not who they envy.

    Blu April 27, 2017 1:33 am
    Goodness, what I said does seem quite mean looking back on it. I didn't mean that if you feel like you rather be physically male you cannot; I only meant to say that the grass isn't always greener on the other ... The only boi

    No matter how serious this topic is it still doesn't mean it's a joke. Females cannot physically have their own complete male sexual organ attached to them as part of their own body so the answer is yes its a fantasy. Regardless of who a person is they're some things we envy and no matter the effort we cannot be. We can never be in present time 2017, a real mermaid or genetically half man half animal. The reason the grass its greener on the other side is because ppl are what restricts a persons happiness. If ppl would stop trying to fit their ideals as x's and o's imagine the things the human race would accomplish and how united the world would be. Wishing to be on the other side is not making a mockery. Back in time if a women wanted to be her own boss ppl would laugh. If a man wanted to be a hairstylist ppl would laugh. My point is as time progresses what was a fantasy is now reality.

    The only boi April 27, 2017 3:20 am
    No matter how serious this topic is it still doesn't mean it's a joke. Females cannot physically have their own complete male sexual organ attached to them as part of their own body so the answer is yes its a f... Blu

    You don't seem to be getting my point. One of these things is a mental disorder that has one of the highest suicide rates in teens, and the other is making light of a serious issue. From the way you speak you clearly have done no research as I can link many sources that disrupt the basis of your entire argument, or you are a young girl who spends too much time in your own fantasies, so I'm going to try to educate you on the subject in a professional way. I do not wish for you to change your mind, but I do wish to teach you about falsehoods you litter your argument with. Once again, I don't mean any offense with my statements; I only want to state my opinion, and show you that this isn't something to take lightly.

    Firstly, while a medical professional will likely not help a female to change her sex to male, there are many ways a transgender boy can take to become physically male. The process starts with therapy, where a professional gauges the severity and steps that should be taken by the patient, then the patient gets a letter for testosterone therapy, where they start the physical transition, then top surgery, when the mammary glands are removed, lastly bottom surgery, which can be anything from a straight up hysterectomy to phalloplasty. An erection rod can be implanted for sexual activities or toys can be supplemented. You don't need to take all or any of these steps to "qualify" as trans, but if you are interested, doing research on your own is the best way to get started.

    Of course we cannot be a mermaid or half animal, if you are talking about otherkin or therians then you will be sadly mistaken, as these identifications are mostly the result of an over active imagination or mentally disorders. I am not saying that you can't have these fantasies, but instead saying that you should not wish to have a mental disorder. If you want to do that, you can crawl back to Tumblr.

    No one is restricting your happiness though whatever illusion you have about the human race. We are simple creatures acting on basic and typically violent behaviors. If you really want to know more about how humans insist on pinning the blame on anothers and believing in stupid things you can click this link: It is human nature to hate "the other". Please don't blame me for you're own dislike for the species you were born as. Humans suck, the faster you learn this the faster you grow up. I'm going to say you're around 13 or 14? You're still a kid, please don't act as if you understand the world you live in. Explore and learn; this requires fact checking and looking at other perspectives.

    Gender cannot change; this is why we have sex reassignment surgeries. If you want to stick it up a man you can do that, it is called pegging, but please, stop with the "fantasy" drive in your argument. It isn't about fantasies; it's about the fact that you are ignoring facts and pretending that you are some new gender or something, or the fact that you envy someone and want to be like them. It's fine to envy people, but be who you are not the person you want to be. You have your whole life to find out who that is, and let me tell you that envying a person who you cannot be, because you weren't born with your brain built that way, doesn't help. It will only get worse from here, so please focus on being the best you, you can be.

    A woman being her own boss wasn't that uncommon in medieval times; married women felt the biggest blow. I admit on this point that women were disenfranchised throughout the ages, but it wasn't as bad as you think. The hair stylist thing gets on my nerves as it was mostly portrayed as a male's job to be the "barber".

    Sadly, not all fantasies become reality. If you identify as a male and you whole-heartedly believe you are a male, then I hope you transition. If it is purely a fantasy, then fantasize away, but you don't want to transition into the sex you don't belong in. Studies have shown that a transgender male is closer to a cis male than he is to female. This means that he doesn't belong as female, and as a person who identifies as female, whose brain chemistry is that of a female, doesn't belong in a male body. That is all I'm trying to say. You don't want to transition unless you are a male in your mind, and if not, stay a female; it is better to participate in an act of pegging, then ruin your body for the purpose of being in place you won't actually enjoy.

    Please do more independent research if you want to learn more and I'd be glad to point you in the right direction.

    Helplessromantic April 27, 2017 4:20 am

    Okie dokie folks i didn't mean to offend anybody with this and if I did I'm honestly sorry I so yeahhhh........just wanted to say that

    marry April 27, 2017 4:58 am

    me too. in high school i used to say "if there is such thing as reincarnation i would like to come back as a gay man but keep my current personality that way i will still be head strong and fight any discrimination i may encounter" people thought i was odd. glad to know i am not the only one.
    just because i thought that and still do doesn't mean i suffer from any gender issues or confusion. I have no problems with being a girl (besides the 3 days out of the month i hate my female parts- lol) nor do i identify with any other gender or sex (not that there is something wrong with it).
    still i would really like to be reincarnation as a gay man or a lion, i am cool with either. just thinking about it makes me happy.

    Blu April 27, 2017 6:08 am
    You don't seem to be getting my point. One of these things is a mental disorder that has one of the highest suicide rates in teens, and the other is making light of a serious issue. From the way you speak you c... The only boi

    Using my imagintion does not mean I have a mental disorder. I don't need to be educated from you I have teachers, parents and books for that. Saying all of this in the comment section on a manga website about yaoi who's main readers are predominantly female who feel the same way, then you are in the wrong section. I also was referring to the future were ones own thought can become reality, who's to say with technology growing more advance. You need to be educating the young and those who have hate towards ppl who are different from their ideals and from what society says is normal and abnormal. To make my point me or any other fujoshi who says "I wish I had a penis and was homosexual" are the wrong ppl to be educating on the the dificulties of being homosexual. A yaoi fan has no hate, prejudice, or discrimination against the LGBT community. In other words you are pointing your finger in the wrong direction and wasting energy at the wrong ppl.

    Blu April 27, 2017 6:09 am
    You don't seem to be getting my point. One of these things is a mental disorder that has one of the highest suicide rates in teens, and the other is making light of a serious issue. From the way you speak you c... The only boi

    Using my imagintion does not mean I have a mental disorder. I don't need to be educated from you I have teachers, parents and books for that. Saying all of this in the comment section on a manga website about yaoi who's main readers are predominantly female who feel the same way, then you are in the wrong section. I also was referring to the future were ones own thought can become reality, who's to say with technology growing more advance. You need to be educating the young and those who have hate towards ppl who are different from their ideals and from what society says is normal and abnormal. To make my point me or any other fujoshi who says "I wish I had a penis and was homosexual" are the wrong ppl to be educating on the the dificulties of being homosexual. A yaoi fan has no hate, prejudice, or discrimination against the LGBT community. In other words you are pointing your finger in the wrong direction and wasting energy at the wrong ppl.

    Blu April 27, 2017 7:27 am
    Okie dokie folks i didn't mean to offend anybody with this and if I did I'm honestly sorry I so yeahhhh........just wanted to say that Helplessromantic

    ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ it's okay your question is what a lot of fans are feeling. (/TДT)/ Hunger and thirst from the yaoi fandom shall never wither

    Skylar.Cross April 29, 2017 1:50 am
    You don't seem to be getting my point. One of these things is a mental disorder that has one of the highest suicide rates in teens, and the other is making light of a serious issue. From the way you speak you c... The only boi

    I agree with @The only boi. It's because he speaks the truth. @Blu also says many correct things, but judging on all these comment below... These girls are all really just joking and fantasizing about an unreal homosexual male relationship. Some of these girls have gone as far as to become transmen, just to fulfill such "dreams". And I say this, because I've met some like this. As for the rest, they're just aroused by the idea of a fake, all around perfect, male relationship. Sure, let them be, but also them them know how it really is.

    The only boi April 29, 2017 2:53 am
    I agree with @The only boi. It's because he speaks the truth. @Blu also says many correct things, but judging on all these comment below... These girls are all really just joking and fantasizing about an unreal... Skylar.Cross

    Thank you for being one of the few people who got my point. Growing up, I was envious of females who weren't judged for their attraction to men, but I wasn't female and hated myself for not fitting the role I was supposed to fit in. But, I wasn't female in my mind and heart. I grew up and learned to love who I was, but it took a lot of time that I may not have needed to take if I hadn't felt guilty about my sexuality. I rant quite a bit, don't I? I digress, the summary of this overdone paragraph is merely that I have nothing against fantasies; I only wanted to say that you don't have to envy a person who you can't be. You'll only end up feeling unfulfilled, so be yourself.

    The only boi April 29, 2017 3:10 am
    Using my imagintion does not mean I have a mental disorder. I don't need to be educated from you I have teachers, parents and books for that. Saying all of this in the comment section on a manga website about y... Blu

    Gender dysphoria is a serious mental disorder. If you have the feeling that you are a male, then you have a mental disorder. If you only rely on parents, teachers, and books, you might not want to close your mind off from other points of view and you may find that adding "peers" to the list will help you educate yourself on being a more well-informed young lady. Education should be done everywhere to everyone, no one should stop learn because they feel they are superior. "The fool believes himself the wisest, and the wisest believes himself to be the fool". The way to create change in the world is to try to educate everyone, just because you aren't stoning homosexuals, doesn't mean you know everything about being a gay male. As I've stated before, you can have these fantasies, but know that it isn't better to be a gay male. Personally, I doubt the human race will last long enough to create anything as wonderful as "where one's own thought can become reality", but if you believe this may be something possible, then I say that you should be the one to invent something that does this. Never too young to create, and you feel very passionate about such an invention.

    Sakata April 29, 2017 3:32 am
    Using my imagintion does not mean I have a mental disorder. I don't need to be educated from you I have teachers, parents and books for that. Saying all of this in the comment section on a manga website about y... Blu

    I think you did not get what the only boI wants to say .They wanted to say in real life if you think you want to became male it's an issue and being a gay male is not a don't want to be male in real life do you ?,you yourself said it's just fantasy and here we can think what we want to but then you contradict yourself by saying you don't meant it as a joke which made people.think that you are talking about this seriously and you really want to have penis .I know everyone here is joking and they just fantasizing about I wish I had a dick so I can thrust it in someone's ass.which is fantasy but in real life it's different .You could have said it that it was meant it in a fantasy and I was just fantasizing it but then you said you didn't meant it as joke which makes it quite serious you know.!. I quite understood what you mean but you somehow contradict you own words here a bit.

    Blu April 29, 2017 3:40 am
    You don't seem to be getting my point. One of these things is a mental disorder that has one of the highest suicide rates in teens, and the other is making light of a serious issue. From the way you speak you c... The only boi

    What your still don't understand this is a topic created about the yaoi fandom. This is not the place to be talking about such things. Who are you trying to convince? If you want to discuss such things that had nothing to do with the joys of yaoi then I suggest you either say yes or no to the question that was asked. If you don't want to join in the so called ''fantasy'' then go write a college thesis, book, or discuss the matter at your local high school but not on a website in a yaoi forum filled with fans that love to indulge in this so called fantasy! Telling fans they have an over active imagination or mental disorders makes you no better than ppl who make fun of homosexuals or ppl who actual have mental disorders. You don't get to pick and choose what things can make someone feel picked on or bullied. I will not feel pressured to change my euphoric opinions on YAOI just to stroke your pathetic ego! Whether I am female or male should be of no concern to you just as much if I was homosexual, lesbian, heterosexual or bisexual. Go educate your negative opinions to ppl who you think agree with your views. That fact you think that ''We are simple creatures acting on basic and typically violent behaviors'',says that your looking for someone to validate your real world opinions on a manga website about a yaoi topic that has nothing to do with the question the person posted. Your in the wrong topic and need to go troll somewhere else to spew your so called anti hate on love that fans have for their fandom somewhere else (●'◡'●)ノ.

    The only boi April 29, 2017 4:47 am
    What your still don't understand this is a topic created about the yaoi fandom. This is not the place to be talking about such things. Who are you trying to convince? If you want to discuss such things that had... Blu

    The fact you are desperately clinging on to your faulty argument is almost laughable, before I wasn't so angry, but now, after this feeble statement, I'm at the end of my rope. I'm going through and picking apart every sentence in this post just to show you how ridiculous you are being.

    "What your still don't understand this is a topic created about the yaoi fandom."
    -Of course, I understand. I was only trying to put things in perspective and state that you should love yourself for who you are and that, while fantasies are OK, there are downsides to everything.

    "This is not the place to be talking about such things. "
    -knowledge should be shared everywhere, no one should be spared from the facts.

    "Who are you trying to convince? "
    -Who do you think? No one! I wanted to state a fact, not start a movement.

    "If you want to discuss such things that had nothing to do with the joys of yaoi then I suggest you either say yes or no to the question that was asked."
    -I'm going to say that I don't believe in yes or no questions because they don't really tell you anything. Knowledge should be burrowed in every crevice and corner, and every moment you question your own beliefs is a moment worth its weight in gold. This statement also sounds like you started off saying one thing, and then you switched in the middle.

    "If you don't want to join in the so called 'fantasy' then go write a college thesis, book, or discuss the matter at your local high school but not on a website in a yaoi forum filled with fans that love to indulge in this so called fantasy! "
    -Why can't yoai lovers express their opinions and still enjoy a fantasy? Why can't the lovers of yoai be philosophers or intellectuals who love both sides? I remind you that this started because I said that life isn't always greener on the other side. Why would I go to a high school; I'm gay, not a pedophile. I guess your edgy humor is lost on me.

    "Telling fans they have an over active imagination or mental disorders makes you no better than ppl who make fun of homosexuals or ppl who actual have mental disorders. "
    -The mental disorder I keep referencing is gender dysphoria. Let that sink in a moment. I'm not making fun of you; I'm disagreeing with you. I understand you may be young, and it may be harder to think about topics more abstractly or to experience a differing opinion, but you are going to need to learn. I'm am not the same as the woman who held me to the floor; her rancid breath hot on my face as she screaming in my ear about how, in her house, she will never accept me as her son, if I insist on pretending to be something so stupid. You don't seem to understand, but a differing opinion isn't bullying; it's called disagreeing.

    "You don't get to pick and choose what things can make someone feel picked on or bullied."
    -No, I do not, but having a differing opinion is off limits for the "bullying range" as it is a stunt to intellectual growth. If you can't handle someone who disagrees with you, then you should drop out of school, leave the Internet forever, and move to Mars, cause honey, I can tell you: it gets much worse.

    "I will not feel pressured to change my euphoric opinions on YAOI just to stroke your pathetic ego! "
    -Keep your fapping material and go on, love yoai to death, but that doesn't stop reality from sucking sweaty balls. I only wanted to say that it does. Also, if we're going to get into semantics, my Id is going bananas.

    "Whether I am female or male should be of no concern to you just as much if I was homosexual, lesbian, heterosexual or bisexual."
    -I'm glad we agree because I don't care; I was only saying that it sucks to be gay sometimes.

    "Go educate your negative opinions to ppl who you think agree with your views."
    -Firstly, not how education works, secondly it's not negative; it's a purely neutral fact that I've been defending.

    "That fact you think that ''We are simple creatures acting on basic and typically violent behaviors'', says that your looking for someone to validate your real world opinions on a manga website about a yaoi topic that has nothing to do with the question the person posted. "
    -That was a response to an idiotic comment. Also no, I'm not looking for validation; the only one who is looking for validation is you. You're being hypocritical and childish. Please read your own comments before posting another crappy response that doesn't really make much sense. Also I'm an absurdist; I don't look for reason in the darkness; it isn't there. I was only stating the most basic of human aspects to support a point.

    "Your in the wrong topic and need to go troll somewhere else to spew your so called anti hate on love that fans have for their fandom somewhere else (●'◡'●)ノ."
    - I never said this was anti-hate; I merely said it can suck to be gay. I love the love you have for your fandom, but just because you love your fandom doesn't mean I can't express an opinion that relates to it? Is free speech a problem for you? I'm in the right topic, if you look at my original post.


    the Alexander Hamilton of poorly written rant posts.

    The only boi April 29, 2017 4:52 am
    I think you did not get what the only boI wants to say .They wanted to say in real life if you think you want to became male it's an issue and being a gay male is not a don't want to be male in real l... Sakata

    Ah, the language barrier. My point is that being gay is hard sometimes. I have known many men who are transgender in my life time, and there is nothing wrong with it. If you feel like a male, then feel like a male, but know there are problems that come with it.

    Sakata April 29, 2017 5:46 am

    Eh yes I was meant to say that did I said something wrong??? ( ̄∇ ̄") I am sorry .When I was saying it's male is an issue I mean to say that if you wanted to be male there will come problems too and she was just fantasizing it I don't think she want to be male in real life.

    marry April 29, 2017 5:53 am
    The fact you are desperately clinging on to your faulty argument is almost laughable, before I wasn't so angry, but now, after this feeble statement, I'm at the end of my rope. I'm going through and picking apa... The only boi

    Let me see if I understand- you are not stating that you hate or love being gay or even if it is better being straight or gay. You are simply stating that it sometimes sucks to be gay- it is not always sunshine and rainbows. I see your point, most of us see and agree with your point. It is most defiantly “not always greener on the other side”. There is no way that any adult or teen can believe that being gay doesn’t come with difficulties or even tragedies. Even in a country like the united states there are hate crimes against gays, we see it on the news and hear about it from our friends. There is no way to escape these facts but sometimes it is fun to fantasies and romanticize about what it would be like to be gay. Yes I am female, I have never been in a relationship with another female and I have no issue with my sex, gender or sexuality so I can never really understand from an emotional point the difficulties that may come from having those issues. Although I know it is not always sunshine and roses I still have fun with the idea of being a gay man (I would totally be a top). Like myself, I am sure most yaoi fans fantasies being a gay man with the sweet and cute yaois in mind- the ones where the parents accept their sons and they find love with ease and no complications and not with the harsh realities in mind. Sometimes it is fun to imagine without thinking about all the cruelties. Your point is valid and sound- there is nothing wrong with it- but our desire to imagine is also valid.

    Blu April 29, 2017 6:04 am
    I think you did not get what the only boI wants to say .They wanted to say in real life if you think you want to became male it's an issue and being a gay male is not a don't want to be male in real l... Sakata

    I dont see it as a joke, what was the joke? Since I don't have a penis I can only view it as fantasy. Saying its not a joke and that it's a fantasy is not contridicting, thats not what it means to contridict.

    Sakata April 29, 2017 6:07 am
    I dont see it as a joke, what was the joke? Since I don't have a penis I can only view it as fantasy. Saying its not a joke and that it's a fantasy is not contridicting, thats not what it means to contridict. Blu

    Oh yes I am sorry I am wrong here I didn't express my self properly here and I am at fault.iam sorry for that .I will take my leave now

    justme April 29, 2017 7:29 am

    @the only boi. Yous right man. I honestly think majority of the people in the yaoi fandom ONLY see sunshine and rainbows BECAUSE the source and image carved in their imagination about positives in being gay is the mangas. And the mangas on here portray a pretty ideal world for gays (except the rape. That shit is cray cray.) where they thrive and most of the time have a happy ending with their significant other. What you're stating is the real world and it's definitely true that gays are not socially accepted and that's why you even started your point which is to say, y'all mfs think being gay is sunshine and rainbows when it's NOT. Blu was going on and on bout fantasy or something, idk, I understand her views too but at the same time, feeling like she's not getting it tbh lol Yeah, you can imagine wanting a dick, wanting to be a guy, no harm done there. However, you can't just ignore real life and just go "this is a fantasy so yadayada". I know this is a yaoi community where people might seriously think of turning male but once you do, don't expect rainbows and sunshine, cuz you ain't getting that. Fantasy and real life ain't the same thing. So by saying it ain't a joke, meaning the situation shouldn't be taken as fantasy. Even if it is, at least understand the responsibilities of being male and liking the same sex.

    And tbh I didn't even read all the replies cuz damn, the only boi was writing an essay lmaooo but I think I got the overall idea of this argument (if I didn't then just ignore this whole comment :D) so this is just my two cents.

    Blu April 29, 2017 7:46 am
    The fact you are desperately clinging on to your faulty argument is almost laughable, before I wasn't so angry, but now, after this feeble statement, I'm at the end of my rope. I'm going through and picking apa... The only boi

    You say you dont care but your assuming what gender I am? I dont need your so called knowledge. You are no philosopher just a narcissist who likes to troll his time and hateful antics on fans. If you read any of my comments I never switched I just gave you a better understanding of where my comments were coming from. Rather than seeing my point you just rambled on without reading the proper context. You also started posting negative remarks that insults fans. You might think your spewing knowledge while others think your talking trash. In other words, what you call knowledge is ignorance to others. The hipocracy in your comments are blind to you. You need to read what you write before you post. You like calling ppl idiots when going to a high school would actually benifit. The youth today are bling to their own ignorance because they either don't know or understand just how much their actions and words affect their fellows peers. Kids are venerable and high schoolers are just trying to fit it. Going to high schools and teaching teens that ppl who are different are also ppl. They have families, friends and love music, basically those ppl are different but are still human. No two ppl are exactly alike even twins. You freedom of speech is being directed at the wrong ppl. No true yaoi fan would make fun of ppl who are homosexual. We all have our issues but that doesn't mean you can insult fans for indulging in their yaoi delusions. I have gay friends and many yaoi fans who have the same answer as yes to the question the original person posted. You don't know me so don't assume that I don't know the hardships of ppl that are attracted to a different gender or both. I watched a documentary on transgenders having to live in sewers because their own family disowned them. I know personally how difficult the torment and ridicule ppl must go through just for loving the same gender or wanting to live as the opposite.

    The only boi April 29, 2017 11:49 pm
    You say you dont care but your assuming what gender I am? I dont need your so called knowledge. You are no philosopher just a narcissist who likes to troll his time and hateful antics on fans. If you read any o... Blu

    You know what? Your right I'm being childish. I should have done this from the start.
    Hi, you seem like you are very young; I suggest you read a book instead of wasting your time arguing with someone twice your age. I recommend Plato's "The Republic". It was my favorite book when I was around your age.

    The only boi April 29, 2017 11:54 pm
    @the only boi. Yous right man. I honestly think majority of the people in the yaoi fandom ONLY see sunshine and rainbows BECAUSE the source and image carved in their imagination about positives in being gay is ... justme

    You should talk to my poor 8th grade history teacher. He can tell you what an essay is. He asks for two pages on the civil war, and I gave him ten. -maniacally laughs- But yes, you got the entirety of my point.

    Blu April 30, 2017 1:35 am
    You know what? Your right I'm being childish. I should have done this from the start. Hi, you seem like you are very young; I suggest you read a book instead of wasting your time arguing with someone twice your... The only boi

    Again do you not see the insults in your comments? The only books I read are those relating to science since our very existence starts off with the division of a single cell. The more you know about your body the better you can protect it. Keeping clean the only planet known to man thus far that's able to sustain life. The very ground you walk on is also your home.

    LessThanThree April 30, 2017 1:52 am

    Thank you @The only boi for saying what I was thinking (though I might have to disagree on that general "being female is easier" point). I might enjoy reading BL and GL, but wishing to become a persecuted group, even if jokingly, unnerves me.
    I'm not even homosexual. I'm an asexual that hates having sex, and we don't have it anywhere near as hard as homosexuals.
    Still, I remember how I used to think something was wrong with me, how I wished that I was straight, how not telling anyone hurt relationships with my family, how the simple suggestion of me not having sex prompted my mother to scold me, getting told I'm going against God for not procreating.
    I couldn't handle being gay. I wouldn't be able to live with that. I'm romantically attracted to all genders, and the fact that I have to be thankful that I'm generally attracted to the opposite sex more often than I am the same sex is extremely fucked up.
    I realize you all don't mean it in a bad way, but it's just kind of fucked up to read that someone wants to be a minority when you've struggled because of that. It kind of feels almost like a personal insult that trivializes what you've been through.
    No hate towards anyone here. Just explaining why people might not see it as a joke. :)

    Blu April 30, 2017 1:56 am
    You know what? Your right I'm being childish. I should have done this from the start. Hi, you seem like you are very young; I suggest you read a book instead of wasting your time arguing with someone twice your... The only boi

    Salutations , I may not have experienced what you went through as a person who's attracted to the same gender but no parent should have to deny their child love for that reason. No person should make a parent feel like they would fear for that child's safety because of the hate. No person should fear to love the same gender or fear to be the gender opposite of who she or he was born as. It's a shame that even though we as homo sapiens may attain more knowledge than animals they have a better understanding of love than half the world.

    SuperLibbieZz April 30, 2017 1:05 pm

    YES YES SAME IF POSSIBLE I WOULD BE THE TOP, DEFINITELY (seme). Btw these comment's too long like REALLY long skipped it (I'm the type who reads comments and replies just like in utube) p2n,900m (=・ω・=)

    Blu May 1, 2017 3:15 am
    Thank you @The only boi for saying what I was thinking (though I might have to disagree on that general "being female is easier" point). I might enjoy reading BL and GL, but wishing to become a persecuted group... LessThanThree

    No true Yaoi Fan takes these things as a joke. With the world today being so connected through, news, social media, technology. We have seen, heard, family, and friends experience the social repulse, hatred and abuse of people who love the same gender or choose to live as the opposite of his or her gender. What I'm trying to say is that its not bad that ppl want to see that kind of relationship as Beautiful. There is absolutely no ill intent when ppl accept someone loving the same gender or choosing to live as the opposite. I see it as change that should of never taken this long to accept ppl of every race, color, religion, and sexual preference(▰˘◡˘▰). The TRUE Yaoi community is Not prejudice (๑•ㅂ•)و✧Slowly but surely the world is beginning to stop the prejudice and hate.

    Blu May 1, 2017 3:19 am
    @the only boi. Yous right man. I honestly think majority of the people in the yaoi fandom ONLY see sunshine and rainbows BECAUSE the source and image carved in their imagination about positives in being gay is ... justme

    No true Yaoi Fan takes these things as a joke. With the world today being so connected through, news, social media, technology. We have seen, heard, family, and friends experience the social repulse, hatred and abuse of people who love the same gender or choose to live as the opposite of his or her gender. Some of use have experienced it first hand but that doesn't mean that we should verbally attack ppl who choose to see that kind of love as wonderful, beautiful, and envious. What I'm trying to say is that its not bad that ppl want to see that kind of relationship as Beautiful. There is absolutely nothing wrong with ppl that accept someone loving the same gender or choosing to live as the opposite. I see it as change that should of never taken this long to accept ppl of every race, color, religion, and sexual preference(▰˘◡˘▰). The TRUE Yaoi community is Not prejudice (๑•ㅂ•)و✧Slowly but surely the world is beginning to stop the prejudice and hate.

    justme May 1, 2017 6:21 am
    No true Yaoi Fan takes these things as a joke. With the world today being so connected through, news, social media, technology. We have seen, heard, family, and friends experience the social repulse, hatred and... Blu

    But do you understand tho that saying you want to become a boy just so you can experience being gay DOES seem like a bad joke considering so many people are gay and they know how it feels to be an actual gay person out in the real world. You keep saying it's for fantasy, yeah, I get it, but the affect is still hurtful. No one chooses their sexual orientation and that gay guy you wanna become probably hates being gay because he's basically hated by majority and you're over here saying you wanna be him. I know yalls don't mean any harm with what yalls said but it is kind of stupid to wanna be gay for such a reason when there are real gay people out there suffering. It's kind of foolish to say something like that tbh the more I read about your reasoning behind why saying something like that is okay, the more stupid I think this argument is. I'm not saying this because I wanna create some hate or anything, I just think your side of the argument is really stupid. You have your reasons but for something completely unrelated to why the only boi started his point. Laters. I still love yaoi, I still like this community, so there's no point in you giving me paragraphs of education either because I don't want it. I've read enough of what you wrote to the only boi. Thanks. Keep on loving yaoi.

    Blu May 1, 2017 7:27 am
    But do you understand tho that saying you want to become a boy just so you can experience being gay DOES seem like a bad joke considering so many people are gay and they know how it feels to be an actual gay pe... justme

    Relationships our formed regardless of status in wealth, color, religion, gender. Every love story that had a tragic ending because two people were not allowed to be together were envied by many. Even though it was tragic and difficult its that ideal love that people wanted in their own lives. A love with no concern to gender, wealth, color or religion. People who got into a relationship and did even though they knew the consequences it would cost, I guess you would call them stupid simply because you don't understand the way they think. No two minds are alike. Someone I disliked I can now call family. Someone I once called friend is now a stranger. Don't assume you really know someone.

    Anonymous May 1, 2017 8:31 am

    I am definitely sure the people here who were saying above the they like to be gay does not mean any harm or any disrespect towards homosexuality.they said it because they admire it in a manga . This was actually not meant to be that seriously as people above were only talking about their fantasy .sometimes when we see beautiful thing in a a show or anywhere else we always think like oh I wish to be there or I wish I could be like that there nothing wrong with it and does not mean they mean to mock you or anything that was just the heartfelt admiration that they had and someone said it.i am pretty sure they know that being homosexual in a society is not easy so isnt that a good thing that they are not being prejudice towards homosexuality and world is changing slowly but youth are accepting ,when they want to be like you.yes there are discrimination more than the people who have acceptance but shouldn't we be happy that there are people who want to be like us .I don't think it's a bad thing I was happy when I saw that people saying oh I wish I was a guy .I know its fantasy but I am happy people accept it . And in real life I am sure they don't want to be a guy that phrase is just out of admiration and their love towards BL .I am a lesbian and I am grateful towards you guys that you accept it in real life or in manga .I have been hated because of my sexuality I don't live with my parents anymore and I know what it feels like to be discriminated I came from a country where gays are taboo. Why all the hate just because of one words why to watch things negatively instead of seeing it in a new light.insated of thinking like.oh,'you want to be gay let me tell you it's not easy to be gay okay do even know how much we are suffering and you want to be gay tsk' why can't we be like oh I am so glad you like us and don't discriminate it makes me happy when there is so much hate in this world there are people too who admire us.

    justme May 1, 2017 12:03 pm
    Relationships our formed regardless of status in wealth, color, religion, gender. Every love story that had a tragic ending because two people were not allowed to be together were envied by many. Even though it... Blu

    ....okay... let's re-evaluate your whole thought process because I see we're going in a circle. First your quote, "If you want to full your thoughts on the unhappiness of the real world go ahead but not here". Meaning the only boi is NOT allowed to speak his mind which is very different from yours on here, contradicts everything about you here, "No two minds are alike. - Don't assume you really know someone." I think I've made the case clear :) so no one is allowed to have their own thoughts except for special Blu. Of course. Oh and btw, you're spouting nonsense. Literally. You should stop. It's embarrassing to read you trying to make a point when....I don't really see one. Bye. Muting the notifications for this topic because it's really stupid ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    LessThanThree May 1, 2017 1:31 pm
    No true Yaoi Fan takes these things as a joke. With the world today being so connected through, news, social media, technology. We have seen, heard, family, and friends experience the social repulse, hatred and... Blu

    But this post didn't say anything about that. It talked about wanting to be a persecuted group because of some sexual fantasy.

    LessThanThree May 1, 2017 1:32 pm
    But this post didn't say anything about that. It talked about wanting to be a persecuted group because of some sexual fantasy. LessThanThree

    Being serious about it makes it even worse.

    Blu May 1, 2017 7:19 pm
    But this post didn't say anything about that. It talked about wanting to be a persecuted group because of some sexual fantasy. LessThanThree

    Of course it can only be a fantasy to some. Homosexuality is not the only persecuted group. Jews, Africans, Hebrews, immigrants, Christians etc all had a time and some are still today, a period in which they were persecuted. Ppl that wanted to be apart of that converted, married, accepted and supported them even if they were the same or not. Yaoi is directed towards female fans since the genre is more popular to girls. The majority of ppl that read yaoi, buy merchandise and attened the conventions are girls. That's how the mangakas make their income off of their works. To blame people for wanting to be attracted to the same sex is futile ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭. Their numbers are greater than any army and growing (⊙…⊙ )

    LessThanThree May 1, 2017 7:23 pm
    Of course it can only be a fantasy to some. Homosexuality is not the only persecuted group. Jews, Africans, Hebrews, immigrants, Christians etc all had a time and some are still today, a period in which they we... Blu

    But I don't sit around thinking, "Man, I wish I was black."
    What you're saying is insulting to both gay and trans men, and the LGBTQ community in general.
    Fantasy is one thing, but actually wishing for it just because it turns you on is fucked up and borderline insulting. I'd honestly rather it be a joke than a serious comment.

    LessThanThree May 1, 2017 7:24 pm

    Honestly that comment about gays not being the only persecuted group makes no sense, is completely irrelevant, and trivializes the struggles homosexuals face in today's toxic society.

    Blu May 1, 2017 7:33 pm
    ....okay... let's re-evaluate your whole thought process because I see we're going in a circle. First your quote, "If you want to full your thoughts on the unhappiness of the real world go ahead but not here". ... justme

    Yes no one should join into a topic where your opinions are insults at others who are enjoying talking about the topic posted. Why make yourself stressed and angry talking negatively and being disrespectful by calling Ppl names. You know have become the person you hated when they called you names.

    LessThanThree May 1, 2017 7:35 pm
    Yes no one should join into a topic where your opinions are insults at others who are enjoying talking about the topic posted. Why make yourself stressed and angry talking negatively and being disrespectful by ... Blu

    I'm insulting for being insulted by your insulting comment?

    Blu May 1, 2017 7:38 pm
    I'm insulting for being insulted by your insulting comment? LessThanThree

    What was the insult directed at you?

    LessThanThree May 1, 2017 7:39 pm

    I'm not even going to bother with this any more if you can't even grasp that what you said is horrible.

    Blu May 1, 2017 7:56 pm
    But I don't sit around thinking, "Man, I wish I was black."What you're saying is insulting to both gay and trans men, and the LGBTQ community in general. Fantasy is one thing, but actually wishing for it just b... LessThanThree

    Yes I've heard ppl say I wish I was black, I wish I was gay, I wish I was lesbian. I wish I was Jewish. Just because you don't say it or think it doesn't mean others dont. Jews were beaten, killed, held as prisoners, experimented, tortured , while being annihilated by the millions in their country. Africans were killed, enslaved, kidnapped, raped, sold and were being killed in millions by their own country along with others. Yes its the same do you think they were also not persecuted? Do you think their lives were not just as hard because it was in the past?

    LessThanThree May 1, 2017 8:07 pm
    Yes I've heard ppl say I wish I was black, I wish I was gay, I wish I was lesbian. I wish I was Jewish. Just because you don't say it or think it doesn't mean others dont. Jews were beaten, killed, held as pris... Blu

    As someone whose ancestral country was enslaved for 200 years, you can quit with the attempted guilt trip. I'm not saying gay people are the only persecuted group. I'm talking only about gay people because that was the initial topic. You're bringing up a completely different topic. "Some people wish they were black." Well, I'm not talking about Rachel Dolezal right now, I'm talking about fujo who wish they were gay men. If you really want to know what I think on "transracial", as Dolezal puts it, I'll comment by saying it is just as insulting to wish to be black. It is an insult to trans people and people of color. You're bringing up a bunch of irrelevant topics, crying, "But they do it, too!" to make your own comment seem better. It's not working. It's still insulting.

    marry May 1, 2017 8:45 pm

    We are becoming way too PC. I am pretty sure that @Helplessromantic comment was menat to be innocent. one of those things people say to express a momentary longing without deep thought or meaning. how can such a comment drift into a discussion about issues of the world. Even if i am wrong about @Helplessromantic comment what is so wrong about saying she wish she was a guy so that she may be gay? did she disparage the gay community? if her comment can be translated into an insult to the gay community then simply reading yaoi can also translate into an insult to the gay community because it is mostly an unrealistic depiction of relationships between men. relationships that we think are cute therefore not really taking it seriously.

    LessThanThree May 1, 2017 11:02 pm
    We are becoming way too PC. I am pretty sure that @Helplessromantic comment was menat to be innocent. one of those things people say to express a momentary longing without deep thought or meaning. how can such ... marry

    Sorry that we get upset when you joke about something that gets people beaten, disowned and murdered?
    The initial comment was a joke. Slightly inappropriate, but I could handle it. It's the fact that someone here actually thinks so lightly that they genuinely wish they were part of a persecuted group just to fulfill some sexual fantasy that pisses me off.

    marry May 1, 2017 11:39 pm

    the only response i have to this: It's the fact that someone here actually thinks so lightly that they genuinely wish they were part of a persecuted group just to fulfill some sexual fantasy that pisses me off" is 'so'. i can understand being offend, even outraged if someone said 'gays deserves to be persecuted' but i can not understand these kind of response simply because someone wish to be gay to fulfill a sexual fantasy. i don't see how this harm anyone in anyway. i am black and i have experience negative treatment simply because of the color of my skin but i never get offended when i hear white kids saying they wish there were black because they want to be cool because it doesn't effect me in any way if any of them tried to harm me for my skin then i would have a problem.

    Anonymous May 1, 2017 11:41 pm
    Sorry that we get upset when you joke about something that gets people beaten, disowned and murdered?The initial comment was a joke. Slightly inappropriate, but I could handle it. It's the fact that someone her... LessThanThree

    Not talking about Blu here because TBH I didn't understand what they meant ?... Can I ask what you find inappropriate in the initial comment .more than a joke it was like the person felt nice when reading a manga and thought ah I wish I was like that . I am pretty sure they know the hardship of being homosexual . They didn't do it to mock homosexuality that was just a sweet comment and pretty normal .when they said it they didn't think about people getting beaten ,disowned .why don't you see it this way it's a big thing that they are accepting homosexuality . isn't that the main thing ???? Atleast there are people who don't think us as some sickness and want to be like us ? This comment was so light-hearted but got so far fetched dear helplessromantic I don't know about others but I understand your comment and as a homosexual I am not offended if it's make you feel better .there are some who can get offended but I am not I know we have to suffer because there are some people who think us as some kind of plague but it make me feel nice that there are people who are accepting us .there so many gay joke that was meant for the mockery of people like us and your comment was nothing like that .

    LessThanThree May 1, 2017 11:45 pm
    the only response i have to this: It's the fact that someone here actually thinks so lightly that they genuinely wish they were part of a persecuted group just to fulfill some sexual fantasy that pisses me off"... marry

    Well, then you're a better person than me and so many others. :P

    LessThanThree May 1, 2017 11:58 pm
    Not talking about Blu here because TBH I didn't understand what they meant ?... Can I ask what you find inappropriate in the initial comment .more than a joke it was like the person felt nice when reading a man... @Anonymous

    The initial joke made me uncomfortable. I commented to reply to the guy who said he felt it was inappropriate since everyone seemed to disagree. I just wanted to let him no that someone else shared his opinion. I didn't take it to heart. If that guy hadn't commented on it, I probably would have just ignored it and moved on.
    Also, liking yaoi doesn't mean you accept gay men. There are plenty of fujoshi who, when it comes to real life gay couples, find it disgusting. I'm not saying that this is the case here, but rather that it isn't a very solid argument. I mean, there are so many people on this website who like rape fantasies, but they by no means want to be raped in real life. Clearly a stark contrast to gay relationships, but it applies nonetheless.
    A lot of LGBTQ people despise people who read yaoi and think they're fetishizing homosexuality and creating stereotypes. While that is 100% true, I don't hate anyone for it. You're into what you're into, and I'm okay with that if no one's getting hurt. However, my liking girls isn't going to make me feel flattered if someone reads yuri.
    Honestly, at this point it's not me trying to insult anyone (sorry if it seemed that way; I probably said quite a few things out of anger that weren't appropriate of me), but rather that I want people to see why it might upset people if you express that you genuinely wish you were a minority.

    Anonymous May 2, 2017 12:11 am
    The initial joke made me uncomfortable. I commented to reply to the guy who said he felt it was inappropriate since everyone seemed to disagree. I just wanted to let him no that someone else shared his opinion.... LessThanThree

    Yes liking yaoi doesn't mean you like LGBT but I don't think anyone who hated lbgt will wish I wish I were gay too.oh and people.reading yaoi.or Yuri doesn't flatter me but I don't hate people who say they want to be gay or lesbian just out of admiration and from admiration I mean something that they like lightly and wishes like just didn't upset but I guess it sure did to you nothing can be done about it .but that comment was so light and now I know it upset people so yeah okay ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭.

    marry May 2, 2017 12:17 am
    Well, then you're a better person than me and so many others. :P LessThanThree

    I never claim to be better than anyone. I simply understand @Helplessromantic, didn’t mean any harm in her comment (comment was innocent) and most who agree with her, myself included, don’t think our gay fantasy is to take light of or disregard the harm that gay men face in rl. I also believe that we can be allowed to have and share those fantasies here without being told we are wrong or ignorant of the rl issues. On a different note, It wasn’t so long along that people weirdly thought that being gay was an illness (this should be offensive to any human being) so I think it is improvement that some people are wishing they were gay or have gay fantasies. If more people loved and are accepting of gay people and culture there will be less people that hate it and hopefully that will decrease the cruel treatment that some gay people face daily.

    LessThanThree May 2, 2017 12:21 am
    I never claim to be better than anyone. I simply understand @Helplessromantic, didn’t mean any harm in her comment (comment was innocent) and most who agree with her, myself included, don’t think our gay fa... marry

    Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to say that you thought you were better than anyone. That was me genuinely saying you're a better person than I am for not getting angry.
    I highly disagree with some of this stuff, so I'm just going to give it a rest. Didn't even mean for it to go on this long. Sorry that I offended.

    LessThanThree May 2, 2017 12:26 am
    Yes liking yaoi doesn't mean you like LGBT but I don't think anyone who hated lbgt will wish I wish I were gay too.oh and people.reading yaoi.or Yuri doesn't flatter me but I don't hate people who say they want... @Anonymous

    The initial comment being a joke didn't bother me. Idk, I can't describe it. The best thing I'd suggest if you're interested in my opinion is to just Google it (I don't mean that in a snarky way so much as me just genuinely being shitty at describing things, lol). I mainly just commented originally to tell The only boi that he wasn't alone with his opinion.
    I've just had a lot of struggles, even with things non-LGBTQ related, and hearing people talk about something that nearly destroyed me just kind of hurts my heart. So it kind of feels like a personal insult. I know that's not the intention, though. I didn't really intend to insult so much as try and share why so many people get hurt by those sort of comments. Sorry if I came off as overly aggressive.

    Blu May 2, 2017 12:30 am
    As someone whose ancestral country was enslaved for 200 years, you can quit with the attempted guilt trip. I'm not saying gay people are the only persecuted group. I'm talking only about gay people because tha... LessThanThree

    When did giving examples to express your words become a guilt trip? What might be insulting to one person might not be to the next of the same category. No two ppl think exactly the same. Sit there and be blinded by anger lashing out to ppl who have no I'll intent. Your "but they do it to" is ridiculous because now your making things up I never said. Do you know how many ppl say they wish they were black even after knowing the struggles people of African descendants went through and still do today? You can see a persons color with your eyes but not their sexual preferences.

    LessThanThree May 2, 2017 12:41 am
    When did giving examples to express your words become a guilt trip? What might be insulting to one person might not be to the next of the same category. No two ppl think exactly the same. Sit there and be blind... Blu

    It definitely seemed like an attempted guilt trip.
    And once again you pull up a completely different subject. I was talking about gay fantasies and you suddenly mention that black people are persecuted. I have no idea where that came from. Then you say it's relevant because people wish they were black, too. Okay, fine, if we're bringing that into this then I think that shouldn't be said, too. I seriously don't understand your train of thought.
    Like I said, I'm done trying to describe why it was hurtful to me and why it is hurtful to many others. We'll agree to disagree.

    justme May 2, 2017 12:46 am
    It definitely seemed like an attempted guilt trip.And once again you pull up a completely different subject. I was talking about gay fantasies and you suddenly mention that black people are persecuted. I have n... LessThanThree

    Couldn't help but come back lol because it feels like talking to a wall, doesn't it? XD it's like the words you say aren't going anywhere but back at you. It's frustrating when you're just talking to yourself because the other person keeps bring up irrelevant stuff but yeah, best to just let it go and go read a good yaoi to lighten the mood.

    Blu May 2, 2017 1:52 am
    It definitely seemed like an attempted guilt trip.And once again you pull up a completely different subject. I was talking about gay fantasies and you suddenly mention that black people are persecuted. I have n... LessThanThree

    Those examples were brought up because of the definition of persecution. Yes we don't have to agree to each other but if you felt I'll intent on the topic then I deeply apologize. Just try to keep in thought no yaoi fan truly mean any harm or evil intentions when they say things like the question that was asked in the topic.

    Helplessromantic May 2, 2017 3:29 am
    The initial joke made me uncomfortable. I commented to reply to the guy who said he felt it was inappropriate since everyone seemed to disagree. I just wanted to let him no that someone else shared his opinion.... LessThanThree

    Now reading all of these comments i can definitely see why it could offensive to the LGBTQ community I'm actually very happy that all of you commented whether you liked it disliked the comment because one of my biggest fears is being ignorant so thank you ALL and my brother is gay so any information on LGBTQ is valuable

    Anime rules! May 10, 2017 8:04 pm

    I never thought of it before, but lately ive been reading alot of Yaoi( N i mean ALOT! Hehe) N now i too wish i could be a gay too. Only sometimes i think about it when im reading a hardcore yaoi!

    cupcake567 May 10, 2017 9:14 pm
    I never thought of it before, but lately ive been reading alot of Yaoi( N i mean ALOT! Hehe) N now i too wish i could be a gay too. Only sometimes i think about it when im reading a hardcore yaoi! Anime rules!


    Anime rules! May 10, 2017 9:42 pm
    Okie dokie folks i didn't mean to offend anybody with this and if I did I'm honestly sorry I so yeahhhh........just wanted to say that Helplessromantic

    Hehe rite. Ik wat u mean i said something N someone got upset with my comment.

    Anime rules! May 10, 2017 9:43 pm
    You don't seem to be getting my point. One of these things is a mental disorder that has one of the highest suicide rates in teens, and the other is making light of a serious issue. From the way you speak you c... The only boi

    Damn! This is the longest comment ive ever read!

    SluttySemi June 23, 2017 2:16 pm
    You don't seem to be getting my point. One of these things is a mental disorder that has one of the highest suicide rates in teens, and the other is making light of a serious issue. From the way you speak you c... The only boi

    I agree with most of the things you said, and I love that you brought a lot of insight. but saying that "it's a mental disorder" makes you sound insensitive. being transgender isn't a problem with the mind, you can't see a therapist and magically be "cured" of the feelings of not being born the correct gender.

    Hello DARKNESS my old friend June 23, 2017 2:37 pm
    I agree with most of the things you said, and I love that you brought a lot of insight. but saying that "it's a mental disorder" makes you sound insensitive. being transgender isn't a problem with the mind, you... SluttySemi

    I think when they said mental disorder they were referring to GID known as gender dysphoria disorder not to transgender.

    SluttySemi June 23, 2017 4:14 pm
    I think when they said mental disorder they were referring to GID known as gender dysphoria disorder not to transgender. Hello DARKNESS my old friend

    but the only terms used was transgender and mental disorder, so i'm probably not the only one that could have took it that way. I know what GID is, and I looked over the term again when I read this comment. I just think it's important to identify what exactly you're calling a mental disorder when you're talking about LGBTQ + topics/ issues. Because unless you were a straight man/woman that identifies with your assigned gender---for so long the individuals who didn't were told they were mentally ill. In 2017 there are even church and psych programs they make lgbtq+ members undergo in the name of "correction." The wording could have damaged the way a lot of people see themselves (no matter what the intent was) that's all I was saying.

    Hello DARKNESS my old friend June 23, 2017 4:35 pm
    but the only terms used was transgender and mental disorder, so i'm probably not the only one that could have took it that way. I know what GID is, and I looked over the term again when I read this comment. I j... SluttySemi

    Yes in this comment they haven't but they have mentioned about dysphoria in one of the first three comments that's how I thought they were talking about the GID
    and I didn't mean to teach you what GID I am probably sure you knew the meaning already just like you said .I just wrote that without thinking anything I wasn't telling you what it is .

    SluttySemi June 23, 2017 5:07 pm
    Yes in this comment they haven't but they have mentioned about dysphoria in one of the first three comments that's how I thought they were talking about the GIDand I didn't mean to teach you what GID I am prob... Hello DARKNESS my old friend

    no it's fine, now any future readers have more clarification on what the person meant so it's all good!

    Anime rules! June 28, 2017 4:11 am
    Okie dokie folks i didn't mean to offend anybody with this and if I did I'm honestly sorry I so yeahhhh........just wanted to say that Helplessromantic

    Lol ikr

    Anime rules! June 28, 2017 4:21 am
    You don't seem to be getting my point. One of these things is a mental disorder that has one of the highest suicide rates in teens, and the other is making light of a serious issue. From the way you speak you c... The only boi

    Ik what ur saying. From ur experince i agree with u. Ive known N seen guys get picked on cuz they femine stuff. N i also understand what Blu's trying to say too. I understand that we ppl come to this websites to read N be are selves and fantasies all we want. But there is a limit to our fantasizing. N i think blu doesnt understand. N like i said i totally understand what ur saying but blus also rite. Ik u dont mean to sound rude N all but this is a place where we could be our selves N be normal for once with other ppl like us. So we all need to get along N if u dont like someones comment then u could politely tell them or dont say nothing at all. Cuz a comment is just a comment. Its there for us to say what we want in our minds, not to start an argument LOL N im guessing ur like 19 or 20 but ur pretty smart N educated. Im actually dumb tbh but keep up ur intelligence

    Anime rules! June 28, 2017 4:22 am
    Okie dokie folks i didn't mean to offend anybody with this and if I did I'm honestly sorry I so yeahhhh........just wanted to say that Helplessromantic

    Lol ikr July 12, 2017 9:35 am

    Haa, yes. Also since I could just jerk off and it's easy. Being a girl is such a pain the ass (literally sometimes) plus I want a prostate so (・へ・)

    Anime rules! July 16, 2017 3:39 am

    Did anyone else laugh when they saw the 69 likes??
    Or am i just weird?

    Atys June 10, 2018 1:22 am
    You don't seem to be getting my point. One of these things is a mental disorder that has one of the highest suicide rates in teens, and the other is making light of a serious issue. From the way you speak you c... The only boi

    I'm sorry, "Gender cannot change"? What?

    Atys June 10, 2018 1:56 am
    Gender dysphoria is a serious mental disorder. If you have the feeling that you are a male, then you have a mental disorder. If you only rely on parents, teachers, and books, you might not want to close your mi... The only boi

    I'd like to point out that classifications of transgender people as being mentally disordered have changed.

    Blu❄ June 10, 2018 2:47 am
    You don't seem to be getting my point. One of these things is a mental disorder that has one of the highest suicide rates in teens, and the other is making light of a serious issue. From the way you speak you c... The only boi

    Keep your bias views to yourself. You keep repeating as if you actually need to remind your one track mind that what your saying is right. Writing an encyclopedia that's based of your perspective is not anyone's truth but yours. The topic was does anyone else wish they were guys just so they could be gay? You are so lost, why don't you take your own so called direction and research beyond what you think is real and what does not exist.

    Mountandrew March 27, 2017 7:02 am

    Thank you *q*

    RenRen April 1, 2017 6:28 am


    Helplessromantic April 1, 2017 7:07 am

    Thank you my fujoshi sister/fudanshi brother!!!!anything to help out my fellow yaoi lovers

    SweetEscape April 12, 2017 7:34 am

    Phew, that was great, thanks¡

    Anonymous May 13, 2017 10:05 pm

    really thank U very much

    PhoenixInMySkin May 14, 2017 4:54 am


    rottengirl May 14, 2017 11:30 pm

    OMMMG, Thaaaank youuu

    Quatre May 22, 2017 5:21 am

    Thank you so much!!! I wish I could give you a hug!

    Helplessromantic May 22, 2017 4:35 pm
    Thank you so much!!! I wish I could give you a hug! Quatre

    Thank you I would gladly accept your hug because I love hugs

    Quatre May 23, 2017 4:13 am

    Yay! Hugs are awesome!

    Helplessromantic May 23, 2017 6:26 am
    Yay! Hugs are awesome! Quatre

    For real tho like i need a hug now. I'm so lonley.......dang that got sad real fast

    Quatre May 23, 2017 8:38 pm
    For real tho like i need a hug now. I'm so lonley.......dang that got sad real fast Helplessromantic

    Hahaha!! That did get sad, but it's true. You're not the only lonley one.

    Anime addict June 1, 2017 5:51 pm

    Steal ╥﹏╥

    Anime addict June 1, 2017 8:39 pm

    Its bothering me a little tho ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Helplessromantic June 1, 2017 10:52 pm
    Its bothering me a little tho ( ̄∇ ̄") Anime addict

    Yeah,,I was super bothered that it was in a line I kept instinctively clicking it

    Anime addict June 2, 2017 12:06 am
    Yeah,,I was super bothered that it was in a line I kept instinctively clicking it Helplessromantic

    What do u mean?

    Helplessromantic June 2, 2017 1:12 am
    What do u mean? Anime addict

    You just scroll down instead of clicking to the next page

    Anime addict June 2, 2017 4:11 pm

    Nah i dont mean that, i meant as in u taking something i Bought, which i shared with others and u then sharing it with other People then taking credit for it. That annoys me a little.

    Helplessromantic June 2, 2017 5:30 pm
    Nah i dont mean that, i meant as in u taking something i Bought, which i shared with others and u then sharing it with other People then taking credit for it. That annoys me a little. Anime addict

    Sorry I didn't know you bought it i thought it was just a link really sorryyyyyyyy

    Anime addict June 2, 2017 8:57 pm

    Nah, i really Bought it ( ̄∇ ̄"), it even says my name on a lot of pages which i dont really like tbh but yea i wanted other People to enjoy it too (▰˘◡˘▰)

    Carola June 6, 2017 5:41 pm


    ThatLitShit June 17, 2017 5:05 am

    I can't open the document

    Help.please!!! June 21, 2017 7:32 pm

    Why is it said tbe its unable to acces the file?? Anyone know? ╥﹏╥

    Anonymous June 26, 2017 2:15 pm

    I think the file was set to private. ╥﹏╥

    Himeowchama July 4, 2017 10:30 pm

    I hope u'll accept my request to see the file? ╥﹏╥

    lardylarr July 24, 2017 12:46 am

    S.O.S!! I've sent a request to
    (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Sir Guppy August 6, 2017 6:09 pm

    Hi! I sent a request to access the drive which I hope you'll accept. Thank you!'

    Ren August 8, 2017 9:59 am

    Sent Request.. Please accept.. Thank you!

    lardylarr August 9, 2017 6:59 am

    Thank you for sharing. I just finished reading it. GUUUH. MAH HEART. MAH SOUL. It was great XD

    Ren August 9, 2017 10:48 am

    THANK YOU!! ヾ(☆▽☆)

    MoreFluffyThenFluffy ♥ August 9, 2017 12:23 pm
    Thank you for sharing. I just finished reading it. GUUUH. MAH HEART. MAH SOUL. It was great XD lardylarr

    Hahaha ur welcome, glad u liked it :3

    bespectacledreader March 13, 2018 7:56 am

    Thank you thank you

    Do you perchance know the prologue? The bros story?

    MoreFluffyThenFluffy ♥ April 1, 2018 2:25 pm
    Thank you thank youDo you perchance know the prologue? The bros story? bespectacledreader

    Mayumi April 1, 2018 4:45 pm
    Nah, i really Bought it ( ̄∇ ̄"), it even says my name on a lot of pages which i dont really like tbh but yea i wanted other People to enjoy it too (▰˘◡˘▰) Anime addict

    Thank you (⌒♡⌒)

    bespectacledreader April 1, 2018 7:52 pm
    Nah, i really Bought it ( ̄∇ ̄"), it even says my name on a lot of pages which i dont really like tbh but yea i wanted other People to enjoy it too (▰˘◡˘▰) Anime addict

    Oh yeah I saw your link when I checked comments~ in livejournal people are not into hotlinking~ You can take it down

    MoreFluffyThenFluffy ♥ April 18, 2018 8:46 pm
    Oh yeah I saw your link when I checked comments~ in livejournal people are not into hotlinking~ You can take it down bespectacledreader


    Scarlett March 19, 2019 2:11 am

    I was not able to open it!!!

Helplessromantic March 25, 2017 6:50 pm

If someone doesn't give me more i swear I will actually die ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    neko March 27, 2017 9:04 pm

    this such a great series\(◎o◎)/

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