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incognitoes created a topic of The Tosa's Master

In terms of plot... there's none lmao. In terms of art it's fine. Really just a short read with good looking sex scenes and no substance and that's ok

But I can't help but feel sad for the uke and his life. He was basically groomed at a young age, making him think the only way to get validation and love from other men was through sex. He became hypersexual because it was the only way he had learned to receive affection and the predatory men used his desire for love to prey on his body. When all the poor guy wanted was to be loved!

Then comes along a man who literally imprisons him and constantly rapes him. In uke's mind this is the highest form of affection and he feels cherished even though these are objectively disgusting acts. This is basically the equivalent of what happens to the girl in the 'Metamorphosis' porn manga but as a BL, except that one ended on a sad note of reality while this one will probably end with both characters in a weird happy state with the situation

I'm just feeling sad that people are hating on the uke so fiercely when he is literally a victim throughout the story :/ The seme literally has everything else going perfectly well in his life (money, popularity, could easily get a partner if he wanted) except the scars on his arm. And that is no excuse to rape someone!!! He's only pissy from his superiority complex he inherited from his father (mf daddy issues strikes again). He was also weird back in highschool too because it is true that he was creepily staring at uke in the bathroom!

BAscially the point of this long rant/psychoanalysis was if I see one more person hating on uke I will defend! #justicefortherapevictim!!!! (/TДT)/