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incognitoes followed a goer

Aspiring Artist. She ain't cute though.

6 days
incognitoes followed a goer
8 days
incognitoes created a topic of When the Star Sleeps

Not the side story saying ppl were super conservative and suffering ptsd as the reason for in person school lmaoo Maybe ppl just wanted to connect with others offline godamn. I like the internet as much as the next but that's such a chronically online take lol
(Just found this funny lol still love the story <3)

incognitoes created a topic of Sayonara Alpha

I was lied to. Why tf was this on a reading list described as fluffy and cute. This shit was fucking nasty. I gave it a chapter and a half trying to see if it gets any better since it has such a high rating. I had to tap out because what the actual fuuuuuuuckkkkkk who here is rating this so high I'm actually pissed off y'all have issues and should be nowhere near children online or in person

incognitoes answered question about chat about anything
WELCOME TO THE CLUB!!! (I keep trying to reply to my post with this but mangago hates me so hopefully this works lmao) On a more serious note, a video that really helped me put into perspective what my feelings on love were in regards to the aroace spectrum was Jaiden Animation's video about it and I highly recommend! (Funny and informative :D......
incognitoes created a topic of The Tosa's Master

In terms of plot... there's none lmao. In terms of art it's fine. Really just a short read with good looking sex scenes and no substance and that's ok

But I can't help but feel sad for the uke and his life. He was basically groomed at a young age, making him think the only way to get validation and love from other men was through sex. He became hypersexual because it was the only way he had learned to receive affection and the predatory men used his desire for love to prey on his body. When all the poor guy wanted was to be loved!

Then comes along a man who literally imprisons him and constantly rapes him. In uke's mind this is the highest form of affection and he feels cherished even though these are objectively disgusting acts. This is basically the equivalent of what happens to the girl in the 'Metamorphosis' porn manga but as a BL, except that one ended on a sad note of reality while this one will probably end with both characters in a weird happy state with the situation

I'm just feeling sad that people are hating on the uke so fiercely when he is literally a victim throughout the story :/ The seme literally has everything else going perfectly well in his life (money, popularity, could easily get a partner if he wanted) except the scars on his arm. And that is no excuse to rape someone!!! He's only pissy from his superiority complex he inherited from his father (mf daddy issues strikes again). He was also weird back in highschool too because it is true that he was creepily staring at uke in the bathroom!

BAscially the point of this long rant/psychoanalysis was if I see one more person hating on uke I will defend! #justicefortherapevictim!!!! (/TДT)/

incognitoes answered question about question
Absolutely love 'sibling love' (NOT SIBLING ROMANCE FUCK NO) I wish more stories just had siblings being happy together and taking care of one another. Usually those stories start out with that and then completely disregard that part of the story in favor of romance with the ML (if any of y'all have good recs out there help a girl out pls and ty (......

Aww Wang Yi's younger self wishing for his master to come back tugs at the damn heartstrings!

incognitoes answered question about your opinions
If you're interested in the trope of someone being reincarnated in a game and multiple regressions, there's two that come to mind that expanded on the cliche to an even greater level of development and I need more people talking about them (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ Concubine Walkthrough How to Raise a Victim? (aka Raising a Sacrifice)
incognitoes answered question about have an unpopular opinion
I'll fucking say it. I am a proud mahito lover His shit eating grin fills me with love and joy :D
incognitoes answered question about have an unpopular opinion
I just don't like his attitude or face
incognitoes like the answer
incognitoes like the answer
Let's be fr who tf wants std's in their porn. But also women dominate bl because it's the only porn that they can really expect to be for them. Straight porn is for men, gay porn is for men (kinda obviously) but then also lesbian porn is for men. And then straight and lesbian hentai and doujins are also for men. Most porn that includes women is inc......
incognitoes answered question about make a picrew
Damn I did good work here

I was rereading and I just realizeddd! Holy shit the new maid for the FL is Shae, the sister of the white haired beastman! AND IT'S PROBABLY OUR MC'S SISTER FROM HIS REAL LIFE! How did I only just realize Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

incognitoes like the answer
I can see a lot of controversy in the comments, and here's my opinion. Personally, I've read yaoi, yuri, and straight hentai before and essentially I read them for the same reason: because I want to. I like the story line, I like the smut and I like the art. If you get turned on by seeing smut, then I don't see the problem with it. I don't see why......
incognitoes followed a list

Although guys in isekai type stories are common, BL or yaoi and shounen ai are harder to find I decided to make this list. If yall know any not on the list feel free to share.

08 10,2023
incognitoes created a topic of The Masquerade

Wait so just to double check, is rafael related to gerald la shora? And how are they related? Why was rafael not excited to see his family again if they are related?