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Qiu created a topic of Jinx

So this doesnt make him realize how much of a bitch and a pussy he is... I dont know when he'll grow up man

Dohu would be terrified of Taeju lmaoooo "forceful" hahahhahha

Qiu created a topic of Waterside Night

Honestly... taeju is so trashy lmao I cant take this relationship seriously at all

Qiu created a topic of Habibi's Rabbits

With every update I keep on taking away one the stars that I gave in the beginning, this story's just plain annoying.

Qiu created a topic of Backlight

Yeah, I'm coming back when the MC grows a fucking brain

Qiu created a topic of 1 to 10

I'm not really the jealous type, but if my partner kept getting approached by people they "just know"... let's just say we wouldnt be dating for much longer if he doesnt elaborate.

Qiu created a topic of Instant Family

Damn Sejoon, I feel you, there' nothing worse than being bretrayed by your own family

Qiu created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

What a fucking pussy, bro doesnt even have the courage to confess but was all up for kissing a non-consenting person for years, and on top of that he's wearing those ridiculous jesus sandals, disgusting.

Qiu created a topic of Waterside Night

I decided to come back to this one and read it again cuz I forgot the plot, but man I was not expecting to spend the whole night crying

Qiu created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

Ji9star if there was a competition for dumbest character you would walk in the room and everyone else would leave immediately, knowing they have no chance of winning against you

Qiu created a topic of 1 to 10

He' soooo handsome omg his pretty beauty marks, his pretty grey eyes and jet black hair, he's fucking perfect, I too would just flirt unabashedly and try to win him over

Qiu created a topic of Jinx

That slap was better than the whole fight man, fuck junim or whatever his name was, cheating bastard

Woowon just beat the shit out of this midget omg put him in the hospital

Qiu created a topic of The Third Ending


Talking about him being hung as if you arent hung yourself!! I think WE ALL are hung!

Qiu created a topic of I Want to Spoil You

The supervisor is literally Levi?

Qiu created a topic of Nerd Project

Luke you forgot to say "no homo" after the practice

Qiu created a topic of Jinx

Dont they have cameras in the room? Just fucking check ffs

Qiu created a topic of Perfect Buddy

Yess finally, and it only took 90 chapters lmao

Qiu created a topic of Full volume

Yesss the hunks are here to stay