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Qiu created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

*broken-up* echoing lmaooo Ji9star is the funniest seme ever omg

Qiu created a topic of Habibi's Rabbits

With the way I'm rolling my eyes so often they will be stuck inside my head before this unnecessary bullshit ends

Qiu created a topic of Backlight

Babe you are pratically his fiancee, wtf do you mean fucl buddies. Also petition for him to grow his hair again

Qiu created a topic of Gig of the Day

His knees lmaoooo been there done that.
And I know everyone is like "quiet bf" but he just seems uninterested really, I feel so bad for the puppy, maybe he doesnt notice now but when he realizes he's been played, those moments will hurt like shit

Qiu created a topic of Full volume

Why am I crying this hard with the idea of them growing old together, omg ;~; I loved every minute of this series, I look forward to the authors next works.

Qiu created a topic of Habibi's Rabbits

Man I had to skip the panels with the brother talking shit, my blood was boiling just looking at his face

Qiu created a topic of Backlight

So like, is Haeyool in on the sponsor thing, or is he being forced by his company?

Qiu created a topic of Nerd Project

Wait a damn minute, the director cant be the stalker right? They look so alike

He did not hack WW's phone right? I'm sure he didn't, he just said he didn't want WW to think he's untrustworthy, he wouldn't do that, right???? RIGHT???

Qiu created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Please if the next arc isnt full of comedy and our little dragon making a fool of himself to try and win his heart back I DONT WANT IT.

What the actual fuck Seoan. Like hello?? If my partner does this I would breakup in a heartbeat. Just insanely disrespectful, untrustworthy behaviour.

Qiu created a topic of Instant Family

The way Taeheon is just like me, he fr cant care less, if you mess with his husband you are DEAD. Greenest red flag I've ever seen. Also, Taeheon's father needs to go, this man ruined the perfect daddy and killed Mother, like, how could you sir, go to hell. Also also, I hope the cousin is still alive and well, because I need to see this bitch suffer, I need him to pay for what he put Sejeon through.

Qiu created a topic of Habibi's Rabbits

They invite you to have dinner with them and you start bashing their house? Girl bye

Qiu created a topic of Papa Datte, Shitai

I kind of admire people who think so highly of their family, if I was Kouya I would've ghosted them so hard after being treat like an object, not the dad tho, he's cool

Qiu created a topic of Night Song

I love his puppy form soooo much, I could die for him, I cry tears of joy everytime I see that little snout and those big cutie eyes with pretty eyelashes and his big round belly omg I'm dying from the cuteness... wait Lee Nok I'm so sorry babe I got distracted

Qiu created a topic of Night Song

Wow this story is miles ahead of every other I've read, it's like I'm watching a award winning Drama

Just because Seoan is going through some shit doesnt make it okay to take it out on Woowon, and that's what he did. Ww said mutiple times he didnt want this, if it was the other way around people would view this as rape, but because is the bottom and he has mental illness suddenly its ok for him to do this wtf is wrong with this comment section

Qiu created a topic of Finder

What a christmas present (β‰§βˆ€β‰¦)