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xiaxia add link to list some novels I read




gotta read!!

xiaxia add link to list some novels I read


**bickering couple

This is so funny and HOT.. I want them to admit their love though We need more chapters of them~~

xiaxia created a topic of Again

To be honest, I wanted to see his Redemption arc. He had a redeemable character after all. Even Nokyoung had his redemption in this life. Hope Hyunjae also has a better life after serving his punishment.. Characters with grey morality seems more realistic!

xiaxia created a topic of Look at Me (Tansan)

I really really loved the novel. It was slow but realistic. Been waiting for this to update ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

xiaxia add link to list some novels I read


the story is soo good but I really wanna beat Jiang Xie

xiaxia created a topic of Salt Friend

they are not bullying each other. they are bullying ME ╥﹏╥

xiaxia created a topic of I Like Your Pheromones

Are we gonna see Lu Xingci spoiling Duan Jiyan to the bone?

Are we gonna eat dog food left and right?

Are we gonna cry that we can't get anyone like Lu Xingci ever?
-YESS ╥﹏╥ ╥﹏╥

xiaxia created a topic of Reunion

if my partner suddenly said "let's do some good stuff you will love..." I would certainly qs him how did he know the good stuff? with whom did you experimented?
┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

xiaxia created a topic of Who's Spying

who is that baddie?

give us moooore... ╥﹏╥

xiaxia created a topic of Reunion

Reading their story is really bad for my heart!!! like every new chapter arrives, I just seat over the edges.. The anticipation of something bad happening is always killing me...I have palpitations every single time!!

I'm gonna die of heart attack at this rate. ╥﹏╥

xiaxia created a topic of BL in the Dungeon?!

they are my spirit animal.. don't rob us some good comedic smut

hey guys.. I read upto the 1st arc and I think the story is too shallow. like there's no consistency, jumping to scene from scenes, no proper background story is shown, too little info about world buildups..

Do you think I should continue reading it? I love QT novels/manhuas but don't seem to like it..

xiaxia created a topic of Love Percentage

wasn't ready for the batshit love triangle. couldn't read past second chapter of taeeun's story... they could have paired taeeun with the taekwondo girl for all I care... but not with the twins... it's always those twin love triangles that ruins the story for me.. no thanks.... I'll always remember taeeun as a baby.. that's far better than all these nonsense! (︶︿︶)=凸

xiaxia created a topic of Nan Hao & Shang Feng

wow.. papa nan is seriously one true person you need forever in your life!! where's my one true person?! ╥﹏╥