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Aoi created a topic of Silent Lover

No but where is the first victim ahem i mean the 1st shou. He hasn't appeared in S2 ONCE!☠ (Or has he nd I just missed it?)

Aoi created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!


Aoi created a topic of Sunshine Shower

mc is such a pushover ngl nd the ml just keeps taking advantage of tht! bruh mc evn if he is ur crush cant u say no!!?? nvm, evn if u do its not gonna help, not anymore ig

Aoi created a topic of Gig of the Day

These fcking dawgs bttr behave or else i will find them.

tht dawg is in my kill list.

Aoi asked a question

Is there any website where i could read korean novels for free and also korean manhwa raw websites

Aoi created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

i thought bro was a total punk with red hair and piercing all over,..which is hot.....not like he is any less rn

Aoi created a topic of Bad Friend

Brother clearly had a kink