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Fri(END)s just FOR NOW.
Now where have I heard that before lol

Dont tell me we have to wait for another 5 months like last time!?

I really want to read this but the translation went to shit after ch:20. Where can I read the original(in English)or If someone finds better translation please leave a comment!

MaxSalt created a topic of Apollo's Gift

The ending Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)
(╯°Д °)╯╧╧

It's been a month, is it gonna get updated or do I need to forget about its existence for a year?

MaxSalt created a topic of Night Fragments

I wont survive this cliffhanger
(╯°□ °)╯╧╧

Is there an English translation available somewhere? If anyone knows please drop a link

MaxSalt created a topic of Be Crazy About Me

That's an interesting one! Need to read more.
On another note:
I think the art is fine tho.
I have seen many with shitty art where the face is too small compared to body or the face changes with every panel, or it is just plain weird ,as compared to those this is 10 times better

MaxSalt created a topic of Be Crazy About Me

That's an interesting one! Need to read more.
On another note:
I think the art is fine tho.
I have seen many with shitty art where the face is too small compared to body or the face changes with every panel, or it is just plain weird ,as compared to those this is 10 times better

MaxSalt created a topic of The Prince of Myolyeong

The wait feels so long suddenly when I'm waiting to know what's going to happen next, what the conclusion will be, if waiting for the previous 5 chapters was pain then I dont know how to feel about this one ╥﹏╥

I waited so long for this update! I have laughed so much while reading this.

MaxSalt created a topic of The Prince of Myolyeong

I love how everyone knew hamil was sus but are still feeling betrayed by him when he showed his true colours. Like we all knew he was the red -est of the red flags from the beginning.

The art was so pretty but it felt weirdly stretched? And the translation.... you will understand when you suffer through one chapter what I'm talking about.
But it's free translation so we cant ask for high quality work and just be grateful that they introduced this story to us.

MaxSalt created a topic of becoming the king's man

I can't find any chapters after 38 anywhere.
When will this get updated?
If we go by statistics, this does has the chance to get updated in April.

I love how everyone has almost unanimously decided they want Cedric to be the male lead.

F**k why is this so funny,I have been stifling my laughter with my pillow so that I dont wake people at midnight Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

Is this story still updating somewhere else?
Or has this been dropped? If so is there a Tl novel somewhere?
How come there are no comments here.

MaxSalt created a topic of See You Never

There is a chapter missing between 89 and 90, I guess they just mis numbered ch91 as 90 and forgot about ch90