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Cedric potter summoned me, I see those little glasses near the speech bubbles and imagine a lighting bolt there

On another note I feel bad for Eclis, I know penne is doing all this for her survival and there is no place for love in this for her but it's not the same for him, it's so Sad!

MaxSalt created a topic of Meteor Orbit

Ugh at this point I like every one of them, Second lead syndrome? What is that?
They made me like Taewon, I had decided to hate him from the start!

MaxSalt created a topic of Turning

Finally it's getting updated! I was so impatient that I went and read 193 chaps on the novel. The story is good, I feared it would be toxic but aside from some misunderstandings everything else is green

MaxSalt created a topic of Monochrome Rumor

I went away for a few days thinking that when I return I would have 2 or 3 chaps waiting for me, What I got was a news for haitus and just a single chapter on my return

MaxSalt created a topic of Meteor Orbit

The car accident seems so sus now, I'm going think is behind every single thing, the way things are coming out,it would be no surprise really.