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sarcasticpotato created a topic of Yona and Chang-il

Yona's dad is that nasty boss isnt it...well he better kill him and take over asap if thats the case

sarcasticpotato created a topic of Nerd Project

Considering that luke's dad is in army, he probably hates guns as well. When i catch this mf he is DEAD

sarcasticpotato created a topic of Finder

I hope sensei draws feilong and mikhail as well, there is something about chinese x russian couples.

So shounen ai was him loving hikaru and since hikaru is truly dead, no more romance huh

sarcasticpotato created a topic of Wolf In The House

Bodies are so beautifully drawn in this. This could honestly be the best korean bl with the art and im not even joking.

sarcasticpotato created a topic of Paljae

He is so in love oh my god i wanna be loved and worshipped eternally in every life like that. And at this point i dont even care if they have sex or not BECAUSE the tension the love the yearning is so good that u dont need more ITS EVERYTHING

sarcasticpotato created a topic of WindBreaker

I miss suo like can we get to his story i swear i need to know more about him and only him

What is with bottom being obsessed with one spesific dick, i dont get this story

sarcasticpotato created a topic of Toxin

Why everyone be hating this is super interesting enemies to lovers. Like actually enemies. Plus art is gorgeous.

sarcasticpotato created a topic of Distorted Soul

I like everything about this but the stepfather thing gives me the ick. Also it is so ambiguous about stepfather/god being different entities. Does god kinda likes him enough to save his life or is it stepfather's feelings in his body? Because i very much like the god version, i dont fw that weird stepfather thing even tho it is clear that ml only likes "stepfather".

sarcasticpotato created a topic of Bound to Be

kiss your brother and then call him a pervert. i actually laughed out loud

sarcasticpotato created a topic of Wolf In The House

This is more like Ein's story more than Leto's and im loving every second of it.

Even though this is a simple story, it is incredibly romantic. The characters are so well written, it just sucks you in. This is really a rare gem. Autor really knows how to write and art is superior as well. One thing i loved is, this looks like your classic mafia top and classic cute helpless bottom BUT its nothing like that. so easy to read, boosts your mood, fun. Just GOOD SIMPLE ROMANCE!

sarcasticpotato created a topic of Paljae

This manhua's plot can fight with turkish dramas fr fr can we have a one single chill moment

sarcasticpotato created a topic of The Trapped Beast

The first omegaverse in history where alpha is prettier and more beautiful than the omega

Haruki aged backwards omg hes a beauty

sarcasticpotato created a topic of Flip the script

This is highkey interesting. My expectations were low but yeah this is pretty good.