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Wujin created a topic of Medical Intern Wei-Kun

Sucks that its ai. I like his cute little dick uwu

15 cm is not even 6 inches :’) cute

At least sunwoo stacked the phones so I think he’s closer to maybe 8 or 9 inches hehe

Wujin created a topic of I Became the Lousy Side Top

I just keep thinking his real body and face look more like a “top” than the body that died. They should have switched the designs :/

This translation isnt even as bad as some I’ve read yall just like to be dramatic

I dont really get most of yall who read this and rage in the comments. Obviously not enjoying yourself but come back every chapter?

There wouldnt be a plot if everything just neatly solved itself. I feel like the characters are realistic in that they mess up and are kind of wishy-washy. I want them to work it out and live harmoniously.

If you dont even like the story the author is trying to tell or the characters, why not drop it?

She’s thrown everything on the line for the people she cares about, walked an insane tight rope to achieve her goals, both in her last life and this one. I’m not surprised she cant fathom someone would give her the same treatment for once. This is the first time in both her lives she’s experienced this.

Wujin created a topic of Puppy Love

I’ll never forgive the comments when this sub couple story started talking trash about hyunoh and calling this couple boring. He’s so much better than so many secondary main characters. Honestly probably my favorite bottom so ever.

Is it bad i want the mage brother of the mistress to turn sides just because i think he’s pretty? σ(^_^;)

Wujin created a topic of Limited Run

I love historic aus <33 I hope we get a role switch au too hehe

Eh kinda disappointed they rushed this part of the story ://

I just want ml and his son to just go off and be happy and heal from this miserable bitch but he’s so down bad it’s embarrassing. At least he’s devoted ig but damn.

Wujin created a topic of The Tragedy of a Villainess

It’s honestly admirable how this bitch will get told off for being a homewrecking petulant child and her response is to continue making moves on the other woman’s husband. I strive for this level of delusional, bratty pettiness.

Wujin created a topic of Jinx

At this point im only reading for closure

Wujin created a topic of Puppy Love

Anybody got a link to the raws?

Wujin created a topic of Neighbor

Every time i am reminded this comic exists, i want to beat my face into a brick wall. Why are they all Like That.

Wujin created a topic of Limited Run

I like your silly words, magic man

He’s gotta be stupid. She didn’t even want to be there in the first place. Why would he think she would beg to keep the empress position?

Wujin created a topic of Gig of the Day

I knew it was coming but i wasnt expecting so soon. Oof.

Seen Waaaaaay too many comments excusing child abuse and it makes me real concerned for yall. “Well she’s mentally unwell?” AND?? How is that a kid’s fault? Bffr