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Danieka created a topic of I Will Change The Genre

Something tells me Isabella lived to tell the tale and lead big daddy ML to the hideout~

Or maybe I’m delulu lol

Danieka created a topic of Stranger in the Mirror

Can someone explain why the Vice General or Chairman whoever the fuck he is killed his lover? I must have missed the WHY that was necessary out of ALLLL the motherfuckers he could’ve picked. Like the betrayal, I’m pissed and hurt for that baby. I want to skin that motherfucking assistant that was taunting him before his death too. Death to them all. Please someone explain the purpose behind all of this or where it was confirmed the VC/G(?) knew this was happening.

Danieka created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

Went back and reread and now I’m regretting because it reminded me what I lost when they switched up art styles. RIP season one, the looks gave and now the plot must carry.

Danieka created a topic of Stranger in the Mirror

Has lost his goddamn mind.

Danieka created a topic of The Man Who Can't Taste

But Jiho is genuinely fucking stupid. No learning comprehension. Needs to learn how move past his selfishness before trying to be in a relationship because that requires caring about the other persons feelings, needs and wants which he clearly cannot comprehend.

Read the raws if you want to argue with me.

Danieka created a topic of A Proper Relationship

I dislike this MC so badly I just cannot explain it. We all have our cup of tea but he’s my week old stale crumpet that’s been dropped on the floor and stepped on. Totally my opinion only, respect anyone who does enjoy him.

Danieka created a topic of The Man Who Can't Taste

Jiho gets on my nerves. He really can’t rub two brain cells together to figure out an empathetic response. There’s been multiple times when Inwoo is clearly expressing that he isn’t okay and Jiho has me going “yes girl give us nothing.” On the bridge when he says “I’m not okay” and gets “I don’t know what to say” as a response because THATS HELPFUL. And now here, the man just gave you an entire synopsis of the story ending and says he can’t figure out how to land the most complex character and his melancholy and you go “then make him happy!” Are you fucking listening or? What part of the story gave you good feelings, it’s clearly not intended to be a manifestation of positivity since your boyfriend has been reflecting his life into it and he’s MISERABLE. COMFORT THE MAN. Jesus, Inwoo is out here doing all the work.

Danieka created a topic of Ghost of Paradise

What role did the fiance play? We don’t even know if the gal gets an ending lmao

Danieka created a topic of Crush and Burn

Maybe what the author was referring to was who dies? Just because they were together in the past doesn’t necessarily mean they need to be together in the present especially since we know Agia is only tricking Ken into this relationship so they can both be sacrificed since Agia wants to die. But maybe that’s what the author meant by they may not be endgame is Agia may find another way to die and allow Ken to live because he is clearly also falling in love with Ken and no one wants to drag their loved one into a sacrificial ceremony right? So author nim may be alluding to an upcoming death or who knows maybe it really could be a surprise switch up or love triangle. But that’s highly doubtful.

Danieka created a topic of Jinx

Everyone is calling Heesung a red flag but he hasn’t actually presented any red flag traits at this time? The onus is on Potato as an adult to be able to read the room and navigate life, Heesung isn’t a mind reader and he isn’t his parent. He isn’t responsible or obligated to Potato who is for all intents and purposes an adult from a one night stand where they were both incredibly under the influence. If you say he took advantage of Potato then you can say the same for Potato since they were both equally smashed. The only time you can actually see clearheaded thinking and not just dirty talk was the morning after. He took care of him in the morning, wasn’t rude to him or suggested they forget about it or that he was less than him. Potato said “I’ll take responsibility” but we haven’t even seen the next chapter so we don’t know yet if they’ve established what that looks like. Are they agreeing to be sex friends the way Heesung intends or will it be a misunderstand as one believing it a relationship and one believing it a sexual benefit? Like a lot of you need to reevaluate what a red flag is because I can pop at least 20 other BL MLs off the top that are actual red flags (the call may be coming from inside the house jaekyung.)

Danieka created a topic of Perfect Addiction

If only we could get this delicious art but with a savory plot instead of this stale cliche trope. Just imagine.

Danieka created a topic of Love in Orbit

This is pissing me off so hard core that I am going to have to drop it until this is resolved. I don’t care how realistic this is for some people, unfortunately I’m not some people and I handled these types of manipulators much harsher in my life. I picked this up to escape reality not be hit in the face with reminders. Fucking hate when they do this to my feel good mangas. Okay, that’s all, just wanted to rant.

Danieka created a topic of Sweetie, Sweetie, Sweetie

The mangaka must have more than one helper because some panels seem consistent with the original art style and are PERFECT and then immediately the next panel is so (with all respect because I’m sure they are trying and deserve no hate for that) sloppy and rudimentary. It ruins the experience of one of my favorite works on the platform which is so sad, I hope they notice this and adjust accordingly because it’s such a lovely work.

Danieka created a topic of Profundis

What do yall mean by “why is he hung up on family, he needs to let go and move on?” Move on to what? His rapists? He literally only came this far for his last remaining family member and I pity those of you who don’t have such a deep love for your family (blood or chosen) that you’d go through hell or high water to protect them. He’s clearly exhausted and this isn’t just a moment of “I’ll shield you” it’s a resignation, a “I’ll use my very last ounce of fight to cover you because if I can’t do what I promised then I’ll go with you, back to our mom and dad so we can be whole again.” Y'all act like him surviving beyond this (I’ve finished the novel but the MC doesn’t know his future so I’m saying this from his perspective) with his tormentors is appealing to him; his recent life has been quite bleak so “he needs to give up on his brother” is a bit heartless is all I’m saying. And he’s going to prove my point in the next few chapters.

Danieka created a topic of Crush and Burn

Am I missing the part yall are ripping into Ken for? Where did he sleep with someone else? And even if he did, keep in mind they aren’t in an actual relationship, he’s literally in a glorified bondage contract against his will where it is being kept from him that he’s going to be sacrificed as a means to an end because his “partner” wants the sweet release of death. Which I wouldn’t call selfish seeing what Agia has been through but could abstractly call selfish when seeing him throw away someone else’s life for his own benefit after manipulating them into falling in love. Leave Ken alone, he didn’t want or ask for any of this from the start.

Danieka created a topic of Sweetie, Sweetie, Sweetie

The way the author clearly put little to no effort into drawing the art for this chapter made the slapstick comedy that much funnier, I wish this had a novel because I am dying lmaooo

Danieka created a topic of Stars Seeing Nightmares

I love when the ML is feeling particularly strong emotion his real eye color peeks through, like we’re being reminded that his core self is still there waiting to be freed by the MC.

Danieka created a topic of Toxin

Would fucking die if my employer caught me sleepwalking naked into his pond after he just threatened to pluck out my eyes in the break room.

They don’t like the dress because it exposes the collarbone so the previous grand duchess decides to wear it to the event, but the dress Pereshati is wearing also completely exposes her collarbone? So what was the point here. They both show the same amount of skin.

Sensei isn’t a love interest, unless it was a translation error they cut our precious MC off as he was saying “this is-“ so as not to reveal his identify. So he’s probably his brother or cousin or neighbor or something really overprotective, or potentially the lover of someone close to him. If I was close to MC and saw the way he was being treated by ML I can’t say I wouldn’t step in and whip out the old butter sock on the ML either.