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MC has no backbone. New Prince is a brainless simp and plot is so forced to make MC look like a Mary Sue...

Ok...bye now (ー_ー゛)

Not a fan of another girl being introduced who, surprise surprise, is into MC. Princess is hinted at that he'd be perfect as a husband. LET THE HAREM BAIT REST. Is it in the first place???? He's shown no interest but with the brown haired girl and that's only slight so far. If this is harem, it's another story down the drain. ತ_ತ

Mayo Nessa created a topic of Last Love of Youth

I just read this on another site ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧ A lil bit frustrated that their is miscommunication somewhere between the two and I hope they SIT DOWN AND TALK. Other than that, everything else is great. Also pretty psyched that they're both quite masculine in looks. Effeminate bottoms are great but I like them on a more masculine side.

Mayo Nessa add manga to list Chef's Kiss

Host Miyama Tooru has climbed to be the No.1 host in Kabukichou with his ability to "read minds...

  • Author: Eiji nagisa
  • Genres: Yaoi / Smut
Mayo Nessa created a topic of Kabukichou Bad Trip

I wish I could read Japanese. Couldn't quite understand the overall issues they had with their own past. I think one guy had a crush on someone that looked like the host with black hair. And black hair had a noncon thing with his bro/relative??? Ick I hope I'm wrong. The smut is top-tier tho (though there's only 1 in 6 chapters which I actually appreciate). I love how the mangaka draws their expressions.

Mayo Nessa created a topic of Kiraide Isasete

He left his frog toy (╥﹏╥)

Mayo Nessa created a topic of Doctor Resignation

I wish this was written better. I can't explain it well but it's just frustrating overall.

About Lorraine
When Lorraine meets her beau???? Please! I wanna see him already! That elopement needs to happen ASAP!

That the MC divorces him and be single and tralala away to wherever the fuck she wants.

Mayo Nessa created a topic of Afterglow

Why is the art so immaculate!?

My heart is warm again. Thank you lil rabbits (灬º‿º灬)♡

When she says she wants her revenge, she wasn't kidding. Here's one thing she did:
Major spoiler ahead
War ensues (or that's how I interpreted it coz I can't read Japanese) and MC encounters the knight character. Empire loses with King offering his head. Legitimately offered his head in a box. MC had talks with knight and Empire side making them falsely believe there was room for negotiation. Nope. She kills them all except the knight. She brainwashes him and he wakes up at home. His family celebrates and are obviously happy he's back. Just as you think everything is fine, brainwashing triggers and he kills his fam. First he beheads is his younger sister who was happy and was just talking to him and he just slices her head off. No warning whatsoever.

He kills his whole family. Walks out of the estate, kills people out on the street. Kids, women, anybody. It was a literal bloodbath.

Some people might not like that kind of story so just a heads up y'all.

Mayo Nessa created a topic of 16647

Anybody know of some plot like this? I do like that the guy gets the boy out of that toxic shit. Not a fan of what comes after. I wanna read something with actual adults for once (╥﹏╥)

Mayo Nessa created a topic of Last Love of Youth

Why still be nice to the awful neighbor? If you think what he did is funny, you need a wake up call. That's fucking rude and the fact that he has no real remorse over what he did is another notch against him in my book.


I'm done with this story. For now anyway. Not only is the current couple pissing me off, but it might also have a love triangle. The tropes I hate are starting to pop up like daisies. Where the first couple felt cute and organic, this now feels like it has all the trappings of a K-drama. Goodbye for now to you all!

Mayo Nessa add manga to list BL • Smutt-a-Lot


  • Author:
  • Genres: Doujinshi / Yaoi / Adult / Mature / Smut
Mayo Nessa created a topic of My Secret Stalker

Bought the raw from cmoa and I these two hahaha

Yakumo, stalker dude, is hot. Just...the way he's drawn is just...yummy. Poor Kadoya really was swimming in the filth of his own depression. His apartment was a dump. I wish I knew how to read Japanese.

The big reveal of stalker identity wasn't over dramatic. In fact, it was very chill and there was something tender about it. What a refreshing manga! Didn't go ham with the stalker trope and even had an uke that I liked. Definitely one of my faves.

I liked it. Then I saw the raws and they introduced two other boys that hints heavily at love interests in the future. I am not amused.

But I'll say it again. I hate his bro. Wtf