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Anonymous July 2, 2021 3:17 pm

I find it weird that everyone is making shoto out to be this helpless victim bottom that he might actually not be, if you observe his actions and how he speaks he clearly isn't as soft as you guys want to make him out to be.

    Anonymous July 2, 2021 3:20 pm

    to add to this, he's literally the son of a yakuza boss...i doubt he's soft..yall keep forgetting that .

    fanart page July 2, 2021 3:55 pm

    He’s not soft, he’s just….abused

    Anonymous July 2, 2021 9:22 pm
    He’s not soft, he’s just….abused fanart page

    Goro never abused him from what ive read, so what are you talking about

    Shitty Rob July 2, 2021 11:06 pm
    He’s not soft, he’s just….abused fanart page

    That's part of of the play. I actually think that they like each other but beyond common sense hahha... The way they love each other might be different to the love that people who have dont have background about a Dom/sub relationship. What I m waiting now is the murder part. Who's the killer? Who's the victim hahaha probably the guy that the seme saw last time hahha

    leeahraa_ July 3, 2021 6:21 am
    That's part of of the play. I actually think that they like each other but beyond common sense hahha... The way they love each other might be different to the love that people who have dont have background abou... Shitty Rob

    goro is the serial killer. he's just a mere basketball player in the day tho

    Shitty Rob July 3, 2021 7:07 am
    goro is the serial killer. he's just a mere basketball player in the day tho leeahraa_

    Thanks for the info. I missed the prologue and started at chap 1 so i didnt knew it.

Anonymous July 2, 2021 4:19 am

Boy, the comments comparing this to Killing stalking is so interesting. You guys overhype Killing Stalking poorly written plot to every fucking story about serial killers. Please let's not forget that KS is not the blueprint and there were other stories like KS before KS even existed.

This plot has nothing even remotely similar to KS, but most of you see "Stockholm syndrome " and scream KILLING STALKING flash that's actually a word...and term...with actual meanings....

Not only is Goro showing to be a better-written character than sangwoo already, but he shows signs of a serial killer than actually has a motive to why he does things, unlike sangwoo who just went on a rampage whenever he felt like to hide who unstable he is, with Goro from reading, this man shows no signs of emotions or empathy and that's maybe why he doesn't understand that shot may feel sad from the stuff he says or he doesn't think about stuff he says because he doesn't have the ability to think like that or feels emotions regular humans would.

It shows that a lot of you read things and don't try to pull apart information, this BL says psychological for a reason. Use your brains people, think deeper than the picture before you.

Stop comparing stories.

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