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Bear answered question about question A bunch of students dealing with their own life problems with each other's help and making things better overtime. A true slice of life imo. Nobody is quite the 'main character' but yeah, good story.
Bear answered question about question
I checked and looks like Jujucat is gonna upload so you should send him a mail on this :]
Bear like the answer
I can recommend a few novels, only one I can think of has a manga adaptation but maybe others do as well. Preface this by saying there are a few spoilers in my descriptions, but not really serious... Well, I wrote descriptions that are too long, bad habit of mine. Maybe it will help you avoid something that is triggering though. "Tensei Shitara S......
Bear answered question about your opinions
Then I guess that person doesn't care. I'll move on with my day just fine regardless
Bear asked question about question

If you would like to read something not-so-ordinary, yet heartwarming, you might like this. This oneshot comes first And this manga is like an expansion of the oneshot above Do tell how you liked those :)

Bear answered question about your opinions
Airhead / Blushes all the time / Can't do shit x Literally anyone Why is your dumb ass getting game at all? mfs need a babysitter in the name of a lover.
Bear answered question about play games
Bear asked question about question

This sorta plot always makes me not want to read it because I start having a multitude of thoughts like: 1. It would be hella embarrassing for character A if character B acts weird after exchanging bodies with them. 2. Since other people don't know that they have exchanged bodies, misunderstandings + more embarrassment. 3. The entire fucking pub......

Bear asked question about question

I read this just now. It's very short, won't take much of your time so do read it if you can. I would love to hear what you guys make of it. It's noteworthy that the video was titled by her name, unlike normal porn titles. Makes me feel like the video was simply uploaded to showcase Lily's message (if ther......

Bear answered question about chat about anything
Fam I just wash my face with a face wash because I wear literally no makeup, then use a moisturizer and finally top it off with sunscreen. Then in the evening I wash my face again and use moisturizer. That's all I do because I don't need other stuff. As for you, figure out your needs first and then choose what you will do with that. In any case, e......
Bear answered question about question
You guys, I found this yesterday while searching though tags. It's kinda interesting. Personally, I would rate it 3/5. Putting it here if anyone is interested to read as well :)
Bear like the answer
Jest opened a manga and the team who uploaded it, 'Canis Major Scans' had this page part or their intro Thought it'd be cool to share!! ENJOY:))
Bear like the answer
8 of my recent listens (on repeat and some classics too) last one makes me feel like i’m a mc or sum cringe shit loool anyways hope you like some :)
Bear asked question about question

Male characters on the Doctor x Police officer dynamic please. Would love to read something cool on that. Any genre can work if the plot is good. Asking again because I haven't found anything yet

Bear asked question about question

Give me some nice plots with male characters on the Doctor x Police officer dynamic please Would love to read something cool on that. Any genre can work if the plot is good.

Bear answered question about question
Periods are like any other day but with pads for me tbh. No mood swings, no pain, no cravings. Just your normal 4-5 days menstruation every other month.
Bear answered question about masturbated to yaoi
Bear answered question about read all the yaoi in the world
Recently it's been these four : Payback, Night Song, Define the Relationship, Guiding Hazard
Bear answered question about unpopular opinion
All feminine looking whiny ass bottoms need to die asap because I am sick of seeing the same thing in majority of the yaoi works. Physically and mentally weak as hell. Their big eyes that probably cover half of their face + weak bony build + extremely feminine gestures and clothes. Nah man I came here to see some dudes, not a fictional girl with a......