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I can understand the concept of this manga is almost like the Snow White, where an innocent girl view the world from kindness perspective no matter what happend. But ofc different from Show White where theres at least have a real villain, I hate how this manga turn everything into 'oh no I'm also a victim I have no choice. I think youre a great person but I just cant help it'. Like if the villain at least went 'I'm jelouse of you okay. And I despise you for taking my spotlight cus this useless gameis just a game after all' this story would be 10x better. Without any real problem you wont feel any happy ending because every chapter is just that, a happy chapter.

I don't care about the plot why is the villains who cause countless trouble ended so fast. No. I want to see her suffer for so long. I want her to be kicker around kissing the dirt and licking cat piss to survive. Smh

Laurel created a topic of Saving My Crown Prince

Hmm but the cover look nice maybe not so bad
*read the chap 0
Me: yep totally Chinese manhua shouldnt doubt even for a sec.

Laurel created a topic of Ashtarte

A shady character that become a burden later on! How unexpected!!1!

Hes so suck that she gotta suffer for years because of him. If you cant do it right then let her go theres so many man could treat her way better and surely not make her suffer to the day of her death. If a completely different character shows up rn and become the ML I ain't even mad that would be the happy ending.

Laurel created a topic of To deny the route

First of all im so happy the prince bros doesnt have any bad feeling towards each other. Second of all im also happy that Ilya (obviously the ML) isnt the one sitting on the crown prince throne so big chance we wont have any noble engagement shit. Im still not sure tho how the world work like is there normal for MxM couple or maybe even more.

They divided one meeting scene into 10 chapters

Laurel created a topic of Concubine's Invitation

I think Sillotte coulda be the FL of her own story and thats gonnabe an interesting plot. One sided love to eventually stepped down with grace and choose to support the main couple. I wish she get to meet her true love by the end of the story and no bullshit such as sudden sacrifice or being controller by magic kind of bullshit.

I love how MC ain't taking bullshit no more. I love how, eventho the author could make the drama more emotion-draining by making the (supposed ml) and the prince having love triangle with her, instead the prince see her and respect her as a sibling.

Okay so far we obviously know Lizze is the real villain. So.. Is Cliff actually involved in everything she did? I'm not sure if hes a bad person since, different from Lizze, his hatred toward Edith is... Normal to say the least just like how killian hate Edith in the beginning like only the matter of two family hatred each other. I actually think the way Cliff potrayed all along is to throw the reader off for some nice plot twist. Am I wrong tho lmao

This manhwa reminds me of 'Little Princess Mint'. That manhwa started as your usual wholesome 'I forgot about my past I suffer for along time until this one man rescue me and now I'm happy' and turned out dark asf when her real identity was revealed that I dont want to continue. I think this one would turn like that especially with the whole she 'can see ghosts' 'was an experiment subject' and literally forgot who she is.

there is noo way so someone came across this idea of writing and 'yea sounds good' and make a fuckin wholeass manga out of it. Id start to think the covid 19 was gods effort to erase this shit from existance

Laurel created a topic of La Fede

This shouldnt be a one shot. Alot of us are confused and things feels so forced to fit into one frame. The ending be hanging on a cliff with (for me) no proper closure.

I cant believe we've come so far. Are you kidding. This manhwa started with an unfamiliar artstyle and unmatched proporsion but now its drawn so pretty and have the 'this artstyle, must be this manhwa' type of signature. Im weirdly feeling proud of that.

Im worried about the kingdom i know its not the genre but these are the nobles that will carry the future of the empire yet they have IQ less than those who invented fire

Laurel created a topic of Not a Lady Anymore

Shes the type of girl who dipped her pussay in everyones dick

Laurel created a topic of The Life of Maria Lewellin

Is every manhwa with this art style turn to be so.... So bad

Laurel created a topic of Paid to Fondle

I'm not sure to leave ur company to this one silly creature (=・ω・=)