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I hope y'all have a fruity pride month

Have fun being boring heteros

"but they're just like normal"

The allyship is kind of weird but okay bro

I want this on a shirt lmao

murasaki_likesfluff created a topic of Renchin!

They are so goofy I need the second couple yeaaahhh

Bisexual disasters are sooo my cup of tea

I'm tired of the misunderstanding trope, I hope they just focused on developing the couple even more

But I love them sm so I'm still gonna read this.

Man fr, this chapter is so fucking DELICIOUS.

I love how immature Ryuuji is being. He's so composed all the fucking time and it's soooooo refreshing seeing him act irrationally. I LOVE IT. ITS SCRUMPTIOUS. HE IS BABY.

I just need my dose of fluff okay?!?!?


I'm not even religious and I think I need Jesus to cleanse me

Bro the first chapter how do I forget please I don't want to live like this I thought that it was gonna be cute

Ok it's supposed to be cute and all but I can't help but curse whenever I see his name (≧▽≦)

murasaki_likesfluff created a topic of Renchin!
murasaki_likesfluff created a topic of Nomi×Shiba

Don't go back to him, you've got Leo to mess with

The cuteness aggression made my heart explode!!!!


Thanks Aki for moving the plot forward lmaooo

I'm just at the beginning of the story and our poor lil fella rlly got fired, involved in an accident, then got thrown out of his apartment.

The gods are not doing their jobs oml

He's a pathetic lil guy. He's so squeezable. I want to shake him in a jar. He's so needy.

I can survive the entire week now

That is so disturbingly beautiful. It's uncanny.

I feel as if something heavy is around me. The textures and the shades are making me sick, it's beautiful.