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Kiss* August 9, 2015 9:10 am

you know,I actually like this chapter. There is still no love between the characters,between kusakabe and kuze there is just lust and possessiveness. Between karino and azusa something was happening,but it stopped developing,like karino said to azusa it is a game between the school's walls,nothing more to him....and azusa woke up from the dream that "love" ,Karino could help him change. There is that part where he says "if this could change anything..." So,there's still no love,and love can be destructive. I like where this manga is going,but we've to wait until september >.<

Kiss* August 5, 2015 9:15 pm

this is really nice,before chapter 8 they give us this extra and then....drop the bomb,ch8. Good to know that sensei wants a happy ending too...curious to know what's next.

Kiss* July 31, 2015 3:50 pm

hahaha this story is Ridiculous. yeah....clean your house with him,he'll be mad for sure then. abuse,that's all it is. the seme can't feel(feelings can't be learned),what he feels is called possessiveness not love,that's why he kept his brother for 10 years only for sex,he had a low self-esteem,let's use him,abuse him....10 years!! Oh poor seme,his brother run away from him,.is his brother's fault,no one wants to stay with him,he feels so lonely. I feel sorry for the uke ,he hopes to change him,bla bla bla,not the first victim of abusive relationships to have said that.The seme will never love him,no emotions,he simply found a comfort without problems and one-sided love,what he needs to do is treat him a little better,oh yes uke,go and clean his house.. Oh,and wow..10 years,like he said he "killed" his own brother...I want a story about his brother finding a decent guy,and maybe,being a little bit happy. I can't even imagine 10 years like that!

Kiss* July 22, 2015 10:02 pm

I actually like the uke,he seems so sad and is probably using sex to fill the emptiness he fells. And the seme is so cute!

    Yaoi-tastic July 22, 2015 10:26 pm

    lol, his freshly-shaved head in the beginning wasn't very cute to me though xD

    His hair definitely looks better now(▰˘◡˘▰)

    Kiss* July 22, 2015 11:10 pm
    lol, his freshly-shaved head in the beginning wasn't very cute to me though xDHis hair definitely looks better now(▰˘◡˘▰) Yaoi-tastic

    hahaha I was talking about his personality,sweet and cute XDXD but yeah,his hair looks better first I didn't even recognize him XDXD

    Dool July 23, 2015 12:17 am

    I adore this kind of broken Uke ! Root for them *.*

    Kiss* July 23, 2015 6:20 pm
    I adore this kind of broken Uke ! Root for them *.* @Dool

    me too! (▰˘◡˘▰)

    4n1m3_D34m0n September 4, 2015 12:01 am
    hahaha I was talking about his personality,sweet and cute XDXD but yeah,his hair looks better first I didn't even recognize him XDXD Kiss*

    I liked it when it grew out a little

Kiss* July 16, 2015 7:32 pm

>.< at least why not have a scene where J bumps into girl Sera and nearly kiss would have been so much better

Kiss* July 11, 2015 4:58 pm

short summary
Chapter1- Fuck
Chapter2- This is so twisted
Chapter3-There is something between them
Chapter4- Omg so intense
Chapter5- They are so cute
Chapter6- OTP
Chapter7- O.O fucked up
Chapter8- ..... *furious*
hahaha can't wait for chapter 9

    Anonymous August 2, 2015 7:15 pm

    Chapter 8? Is the raws out? Where'd you read it? I want to read it myself too.

    Anonymous August 2, 2015 8:00 pm

    Ok, my thoughts on chap 8.

    * Atsumu and Azusa could be friends. The possibility of friendship blossoming between the ukes is still there.
    * Karino and Kuze, though both hot (they are!) are both f*cked up SOBS.
    * Its a dream sequence. It has to be. Because if it isn't : Atsumu, Azusa and I will be so depressed until the next chapter.

    For those who are asking where they could find the raws, check this page. you have to scroll down and look for Caste Heaven

    Even if your Japanese is in the beginner level you could still understand what they're saying. Still, can't way for the scanlation group's work. Love you, guys. (●'◡'●)ノ

Kiss* July 11, 2015 1:37 pm

Karino is a sadist= a sexual perversion in which gratification is obtained by the infliction of physical or mental pain on others (as on a love object)
2. delight in cruelty
Azusa seems to be a masochist.

    nein July 11, 2015 3:52 pm

    I hope you really don't believe what you're saying.

    Anonymous July 11, 2015 3:57 pm

    Who cares. It doesn't make any of his actions benevolent.

    Kiss* July 11, 2015 4:12 pm
    Who cares. It doesn't make any of his actions benevolent. @Anonymous

    uhm I know,being a sadist doesn't make his actions benevolent and isn't supposed to,I am just saying that he is a sadist,typical behaviour.

    LalaLand July 11, 2015 5:30 pm
    I hope you really don't believe what you're saying. @nein

    ? but that's what sadism is.

    Anon July 11, 2015 7:02 pm

    But IRL (which I know doesn't apply here), people who are into S & M as a kink should be "safe, sane and consensual". They actually have to talk a lot--before and after--about boundaries, safe words and how the scene made them feel. There is a lot of care and cummunication when it is done right.

    Kiss* July 11, 2015 7:35 pm
    But IRL (which I know doesn't apply here), people who are into S & M as a kink should be "safe, sane and consensual". They actually have to talk a lot--before and after--about boundaries, safe words and how... @Anon

    you are right! but some sadists don't have that self-control, some of them need a victim...and if they have control of them like karino does,that's what happens. I understand what you are talking about and I agree. But in this case, karino is a sadist and azusa a masochist. I am talking about their personalities,and karino is a sadist (it doesn't mean that it is only physical,it can be emotional as well....and the emotional ones are much rarer. You can read onlinr about emotional abuse, a lot of masochists aren't into it,simply because it is worse....they don't have that control you mentioned. Anyway, I agree with you,but I was talking about their personalities. Maybe the title S&M was misleading XD

    Anon July 11, 2015 9:46 pm
    you are right! but some sadists don't have that self-control, some of them need a victim...and if they have control of them like karino does,that's what happens. I understand what you are talking about and I ag... Kiss*

    I don't think Asuza is a masochist. I don't think he enjoys pain--I think he gets so much of it that he gets used to it. The fact that he still fights back matters.

    I think Kusakabe is a masochist and Kuze is a sadist (emotionally he is always settig other people up).

    anon July 12, 2015 1:26 am
    ? but that's what sadism is. @LalaLand

    She's obviously referring to that Azusa is a masochist bull crap. I don't believe that either.

    dummy July 12, 2015 6:07 am
    I don't think Asuza is a masochist. I don't think he enjoys pain--I think he gets so much of it that he gets used to it. The fact that he still fights back matters.I think Kusakabe is a masochist and Kuze is a ... @Anon

    right Asuza is no way a masochist, what made you think he likes his torture?? If he were he would be happy with his current life no fighting to get revenge. If you think he likes the pain Karino is putting him through you are not paying attention to his character at all

    Kiss* July 12, 2015 10:45 am
    right Asuza is no way a masochist, what made you think he likes his torture?? If he were he would be happy with his current life no fighting to get revenge. If you think he likes the pain Karino is putting him ... dummy

    First of all,I said "Azusa seems to be a masochist" I didn't say "Azusa is a masochist" there's a big difference,but I actually said karino IS a sadist. With this I am not sure if he's a masochist,but there are some parts that make me think he may be. Remember that scene,at the beginning of the manga, when karino blindfolded and had sex with azusa? Well that was super harsh(it was rape) for everyone,but azusa's reaction was this :
    and after that he says " If I prentended I enjoyed it so you'd finish sooner..." he actually enjoyed it. this part:
    and above all this part:
    Azusa was still being emotionally and physically abused,but he complained that karino didn't finish doing it? Well,maybe he started to feel something for him?
    And chapter 8 was too harsh,that's true,but if you read the part translated from maomao,then it is strange that when karino said "I made you came,you like it" or something like that,azusa's answer was only "shut up". And if you have ever read something about emotional masochism then you should know that the first cause is feeling worthless,and azusa,even if he doesn't admit it,he feels worthless. He said it so many times,the bottom must be exploited,the bottom is scum,the top doesn't care about the bottom...but who is the bottom in the end? Outside the school system,he is the bottom. He even said that he wanted to exploit them before being exploited. And with this I am NOT saying their relationshio is consensual,azusa doen't want it,he never gave his consent ,and that makes it much more horrible.

    Rain July 12, 2015 3:00 pm
    First of all,I said "Azusa seems to be a masochist" I didn't say "Azusa is a masochist" there's a big difference,but I actually said karino IS a sadist. With this I am not sure if he's a masochist,but there are... Kiss*

    Hi!! I read this conversation and I feel that Azusa might not be a maso.I think the reason why he says such things in the links you've posted is because no matter how much pain is inflicted on him, he doesn't want to show anyone his weak side.He doesn't want to become dependent on someone else.That's why, even though he hates it, he acts like he doesn't give a shit.This is what I feel, I'd love to hear your opinion on this :)

    dummy July 12, 2015 5:54 pm
    First of all,I said "Azusa seems to be a masochist" I didn't say "Azusa is a masochist" there's a big difference,but I actually said karino IS a sadist. With this I am not sure if he's a masochist,but there are... Kiss*

    hmm I think you are forgetting that your body can have a different reaction from your mind. There has been cases where the person that is being raped physically enjoys the act, doesn't means they mentally liked it and would like another experience like it.
    Most definitions of masochist is this: Psychiatry. a person who has masochism, the condition in which sexual or other gratification depends on one's suffering physical pain or humiliation.
    Azusa is not getting off on his physical pain or humiliation or did you saw him liking it when he was about to be gang raped? he gets off on having good sex, which karino supposedly is really good at despite being a virgin before this situation. He himself said his body is used to the pain so he is mind is starting to get used to to it too .
    Azusa is not a masochist, Karino is trying to make him one (or is he?). The fact that he came to his senses and started fighting Karino again
    shows he isnt. it bothers me how you said he was or seemed like one because you saying he likes his torture, he is a strong person that isnt gonna let anyone made him feel like shit else he would had already given up mentally. His body likes sex with karino, karino knows how to make him feel good after all, but he is still fighting not begging for more. If he was a masochist he would have been acting as how he was acting when he was filming now thats a masochist Azusa but nope that one was fake. Karino is a sadist but Azusa is not a masochist and I really hope he stays that way.

    Tilio July 12, 2015 6:12 pm

    I agree with Karino being a sadist but not Azusa being a masochist on that with everyone else Azusa is basically..more or less numb and use tp shitty treatment

    Anon July 12, 2015 6:43 pm
    First of all,I said "Azusa seems to be a masochist" I didn't say "Azusa is a masochist" there's a big difference,but I actually said karino IS a sadist. With this I am not sure if he's a masochist,but there are... Kiss*

    I respect your thoughtfulness (and there is more than one person who uses the shorter "anon" so I know it gets confusing). I want to clarify something though.

    Abuse survivors and those who have learned helplessness or developed other problems are usually different than masochists. Well, there may be some overlap, but generally speaking, IRL, masochism is a *sexual* thing and learned helplessness is an overall psychological thing. Most masochist or submissive in the bedroom have to be in a certain "head space" to enjoy the pain or domination, and they do not usually act that way outside of a "scene" (a scene is sexual but not always involving sex per se).

    Many people who are powerful and controlling in other areas of life enjoy being dominated sexually. Most submissive and mascohists have healthy personalities outside of the bedroom. It's like role play.

    Anon July 12, 2015 6:53 pm
    I agree with Karino being a sadist but not Azusa being a masochist on that with everyone else Azusa is basically..more or less numb and use tp shitty treatment Tilio

    This is how I see it. When Asuza was king, he had vanilla sex with girls who had big breasts. He had emotional disconnect, but sexually he was pretty uncomplicated.

    I do think that Asuza in some way responds to having his control taken away because he fights so long and so hard to be in control. Fighting that way since he was a small child made him tired inside, and in some ways it must have been a relief to have that stripped away for a moment. That doesn't make he abuse okay, it just explains why the reaction was not simply all negative.

    Karino strips Azusa of his illusions, and at some point that starts to make Asuza vulnerable (as was the intent). There was a relative safety of accepting Karino, because then only Karino hurts him, and Azusa does not need to be in control. That's why when Azusa is hurt, he goes to Karino despite thinking Karino will hurt him. That's why the gentleness was such a mind fuck. The real kick in the teeth was going to Karino's house and being rejected. That's what makes Azusa start fighting again--the knowledge that Karino is only playing with him.

    Tilio July 12, 2015 7:06 pm
    This is how I see it. When Asuza was king, he had vanilla sex with girls who had big breasts. He had emotional disconnect, but sexually he was pretty uncomplicated. I do think that Asuza in some way responds to... @Anon

    Ah I like this response a lot as it re clarified some stuff I forgot (i havent read this the chapter 5 came out and didnt really feel like it ) i completely see where you're coming from and agree a bit

    Kiss* July 12, 2015 7:09 pm
    hmm I think you are forgetting that your body can have a different reaction from your mind. There has been cases where the person that is being raped physically enjoys the act, doesn't means they mentally liked... dummy

    I'd like to give you a full reply,but unfortunately I don't have enough time now,I have to study. But now I get the problem,you don't know the difference between Bottom,Submissive,Masochist and Slave. There are Dominant roles that are also masochist...."If he was a masochist he would have been acting as how he was acting when he was filming now thats a masochist Azusa but nope that one was fake. " that's a slave or can be a submissive NOT a masochist. Actually masochist aren't weak like you think they are (you are saying azusa is strong so he can't be a maso.) anyway,I know that your body can react in a different manner from your mind,but feeling pleasure(he said enjoy) after having sex with someone who is abusing you(MORE than once in this case) physically , is masochism.Who could stand being raped repeatedly,the psychological damage would be too much for a normal person. Kusakabe himself felt it was so disgusting that he was willing to break the rules. And just to clear the matter,masochist can be abused too if they end up with the wrong sadist. You can actually read masochist who consider love to be only for weak people,some of their typical behaviour consist in: Incites angry or rejecting responses from others ,Rejects or renders ineffective the attempts of others to help him of her. I may be wrong,but I don't think I am saying he is NOT being abused,I am saying that his behaviour makes me think of a maso,and there are different types of masochists and sadists.

    Kiss* July 12, 2015 7:18 pm
    This is how I see it. When Asuza was king, he had vanilla sex with girls who had big breasts. He had emotional disconnect, but sexually he was pretty uncomplicated. I do think that Asuza in some way responds to... @Anon

    I like your reply a lot! (: good to read a good response,I agree with. He may be a maso. or not,I don't know...but after reading some comments from people who are masochist(physical,emotional or both) it was a documentary on BDSM I thought he had some traits. Anyway, I agree with you,and I am curious to know what he'll do on chapter9.

    Kiss* July 12, 2015 7:37 pm
    I respect your thoughtfulness (and there is more than one person who uses the shorter "anon" so I know it gets confusing). I want to clarify something though.Abuse survivors and those who have learned helplessn... @Anon

    Masochism is not necessarily sexual, it has only become that way recently,masochism is masochism, whether it's sexual or not.

    Anon July 12, 2015 7:46 pm
    I like your reply a lot! (: good to read a good response,I agree with. He may be a maso. or not,I don't know...but after reading some comments from people who are masochist(physical,emotional or both) it was a ... Kiss*

    I understand where you are coming from. I tend to try to persuade people there is difference between a sexual kink and an unhealthy relationship, but I know things can get messy and the line may be blurred.

    If we start talking about emotional masochism (staying in relationships with people who cause them pain), half the people I know suffer from it. Our needs can fears can be so complex.

    LevixEren July 12, 2015 8:48 pm

    I agree that karino categorize as sadist. But maybe not azusa. I mean I don't think he is masochist. At the moment he is in dominant & submissive relationship. Which his role is as submissive. But it still unclear if azusa developing any trait of being masochist. I just think that he is doing his role so he can get back to karino (I mean the sworn thing he said at the end of chapter 4 that he want to make karino suffer or something like that).

    Anon July 12, 2015 10:38 pm
    Masochism is not necessarily sexual, it has only become that way recently,masochism is masochism, whether it's sexual or not. Kiss*

    But the key to masochism is that there has be be some sort of pleasure derived from the pain, and it is usually sexual pleasure.

    Accepting pain or wanting something that is sometimes painful is not the same as enjoying and seeking the pain.

    dummy July 13, 2015 7:06 am
    I'd like to give you a full reply,but unfortunately I don't have enough time now,I have to study. But now I get the problem,you don't know the difference between Bottom,Submissive,Masochist and Slave. There ar... Kiss*

    I agree that I dont have the knowledge to see the difference between them as I tend to stay as far away as possible from these topics. Really I think we just see his character in a really different way so to me and others he just isn't while to you and some others he is or seems like it. I'm gonna be truthful and say I dont see it at all so unless the manga makes it clear I still see him as someone that just enjoys good sex not pain, now if he were to stop fighting and accepts all karino does and ends up with him I would see him as one and stop reading. I'm sorry if Im offending you by saying this but even after seriously thinking on your points I still don't see it. I think the best thing for us to do is to agree to disagree. Truthful though I think he is gonna become one and end up with karino just because I'm familiar with this authors works so hey I better be preparing my tissues

Kiss* July 10, 2015 6:19 pm

this manga is getting so interesting! *ricovered from chapter 8 shock XD*
Remember this scene
karino used the word naive while talking about what kusakabe did. Kusakabe has always been physically attracted to Azusa....from the very beginning. And in chapter 8 is obvious,he blushes while looking at azusa (not because he's shy,azusa wasn't even looking at him,and that scene with azusa having the joker and kusakabe the king....azusa was being alluring/sexy to get the king Kusakabe got mad with that girl but was too shocked to do something for azusa? I believe that he secretely wanted it,at least from the way he was staring at azusa(anyway he's innocent but I don't think he will do anything against kuze). Kuze wants kusakabe to show his true colors,while karino wants a submissive azusa even though he knows that azusa is naive(and he is right).

    BleghButchers July 11, 2015 4:46 am

    The way I see it, Kusakabe just admires Azusa.

    Kiss* July 11, 2015 8:49 am
    The way I see it, Kusakabe just admires Azusa. @BleghButchers

    yes he does. Poor kusakabe,better not mess around with karino

    Anon July 11, 2015 7:14 pm

    I agree with most of what you said--but I think that Kuze does not want Kasakabe to get stronger. Kuze also wants to isolate Kusakabe and be the only one that Kuskabe trusts.

    Kiss* July 11, 2015 7:37 pm
    I agree with most of what you said--but I think that Kuze does not want Kasakabe to get stronger. Kuze also wants to isolate Kusakabe and be the only one that Kuskabe trusts. @Anon

    yes you are right. You know,kusakabe actually has a strong personality...he was ready to go against the rules of the game after he saw what karino was doing to azusa. That needed courage.

Kiss* July 8, 2015 9:49 pm

Can someone plz translate what they are saying? thanx

Kiss* July 8, 2015 5:47 pm

after reading the raws of chapter's messed up,but I still ship karino and azusa(it's hard though) now we have to wait for chapter 9! (⊙…⊙ ) ╥﹏╥

    Daffodil July 9, 2015 12:09 pm

    lol same i cant ship azusa with anyone but karino
    i mean ogawa hinted that karino cares (a little) about azusa even though he was an asshole in the beginning, i dont understand what the hell suddenly happened?
    the tables have turned and i can almost see that azusa and kusakabe will end up together. Jesus, i dont want this to happen at all.

    Kiss* July 9, 2015 6:23 pm
    lol same i cant ship azusa with anyone but karinoi mean ogawa hinted that karino cares (a little) about azusa even though he was an asshole in the beginning, i dont understand what the hell suddenly happened?th... Daffodil

    me too! I can't imagine azusa with anyone else but Karino. They are made for each other. At the beginning it was stated that each of them wears a mask,when azusa's mask was breaking and karino's a little bit as well,there was an attraction. Now,it seems that they are playing their roles again. I want to see what will happen.In Chapter 1-4 it was clear that there was something,it's impossible to deny it. We'll have to wait until chapter 9,I want to see azusa break and karino's reaction. I can't get off my mind that line from azusa when going to karino's house "if this can change anything..." he was starting to fall for karino(and when he said there was no places for him in this world and after that he goes back to karino),but then nothing,he put on his mask again,after karino said that it was just a game to him. I am really curious,I love this manga. but we'll have to wait until september ç.ç

    Anon July 10, 2015 5:35 am
    me too! I can't imagine azusa with anyone else but Karino. They are made for each other. At the beginning it was stated that each of them wears a mask,when azusa's mask was breaking and karino's a little bit as... Kiss*

    Karino can not only imagine Azusa with someone else, he can force it.

    Daffodil July 11, 2015 5:30 am
    me too! I can't imagine azusa with anyone else but Karino. They are made for each other. At the beginning it was stated that each of them wears a mask,when azusa's mask was breaking and karino's a little bit as... Kiss*

    Omg YES you took the words straight from my mouth! You can obviously tell they have feelings for each other no matter how twisted some would think these feelings are (or their relationship), they can't deny it at all! Mhmmm i cant wait for things to go back to the way they used to be i really miss karino/azusa and im so done with kusakabe/kuze ╥﹏╥ cant believe i'll have to wait for 2 more months!

    Kiss* July 11, 2015 1:27 pm
    Omg YES you took the words straight from my mouth! You can obviously tell they have feelings for each other no matter how twisted some would think these feelings are (or their relationship), they can't deny it ... Daffodil

    the user maomao just translated what they were saying on chapter8. Karino forces azusa and kusakabe,it was a punishment for them(because they were getting closer) so,I don't think kusakabe will have anything to do with azusa anymore. Maybe he will talk to karino (despite everything, he's jack). Anyway,this manga may be twisted but I like it. I really want a lovely moment between those two.....there must be at least one moment. Karino is a sadist,that's for sure XD

    Daffodil July 12, 2015 10:58 am
    the user maomao just translated what they were saying on chapter8. Karino forces azusa and kusakabe,it was a punishment for them(because they were getting closer) so,I don't think kusakabe will have anything to... Kiss*

    I sure hope kusakabe would stay the hell away from azusa and karino but i dont think ogawa wants that ( ̄∇ ̄") Karino sure is one xD let's wait and see (=・ω・=)

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