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Ozymandias created a topic of Bokura No Negai

i would've liked this story way more if I didn't have to read about that fuckass creepy pedo adult man and his middle schooler boyfriend.

Ozymandias created a topic of Ashita wa Docchi Da!

i was younger than them when i started reading this, now I'm older omfg

i hate her fuckass dad he should kill himself and stop making his grief everyone's problem. Does he think his feelings are the only ones that matter in this universe??? these innocent people he keeps murdering also have a family that loves them dearly. Never have children with these types of worthless assholes, it never ends well. why does FL have to take the initiative just to make him like her??? that's his job in the first place. Don't have fucking kids if you're not willing to love and raise them unconditionally. if i was her mom and got revived I would fucking wring his neck for treating my daughter that way

Ozymandias created a topic of 19 Days

happy pride month fr

i hate everyone in this manhwa beside elodie. the entire family can go die for all I care

Ozymandias created a topic of Love in Orbit

his dad is completely delusional. wtf do you mean you want to find her so you can raise the kid together. He's an adult. You both fucking left when he needed you, leaving him with a shit ton of debts. It's over. too late. you fucked up completely, there's no coming back from that. and you don't even actually care about him either. i fucking hate his parents

Ozymandias created a topic of Toxin

could never catch me having sex with someone who killed my parents but ig he's that determined

Ozymandias created a topic of The Golden Wife-in-Law

close enough welcome back drake

Ozymandias created a topic of Coffin Jackson

i just assumed this was old man yaoi

Ozymandias created a topic of ASHTRAY
Ozymandias created a topic of Drick's Heat

blonde dude is fine as hell

i don't understand how Llewellyn fell in love with him they've never even had a proper conversation that didn't turn into sex. hell they went on one date and Llewellyn himself said it was terrible because that prince mf couldn't keep it in his pants and ALSO literally made him cry just for shits nd giggles. Esteban is insufferable i absolutely hate him. i don't understand their relationship.

I'll never understand how Llewellyn fell in love with Esteban. the mf is so boring and annoying??? he's lucky because if it was me he would've turned into a statue. not even decades spent with this man would've been enough to make me even enjoy his company let alone fall in love with him. this manhwa is like a train wreck i hate it yet I can't look away. I'm terribly indifferent to all the characters, they could all die right now and i couldn't care less, the plot is pretty much non existent and the smut is not even that good.

i need to stop rereading this

Ozymandias created a topic of Plaything

ive been rereading this over and over again i just want an update. anything, I'll even take a Q/A k just want a lil something

Ozymandias created a topic of High Society

if you want him to be loved then maybe... just maybe... he should try making himself lovable

Ozymandias created a topic of My Darling Signed In

this was one of my first bls, i used to read it on wattpad in french before i learned how to speak english. I'm full of nostalgia rn

Ozymandias created a topic of The Mermaid I Loved

i feel so bad for her she deserves better