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Ozymandias created a topic of Plaything

ive been rereading this over and over again i just want an update. anything, I'll even take a Q/A k just want a lil something

Ozymandias created a topic of High Society

if you want him to be loved then maybe... just maybe... he should try making himself lovable

Ozymandias created a topic of My Darling Signed In

this was one of my first bls, i used to read it on wattpad in french before i learned how to speak english. I'm full of nostalgia rn

Ozymandias created a topic of The Mermaid I Loved

i feel so bad for her she deserves better

this is so bad help. the premise is good but it's so boring, nothing's happening and her relationship with that gladiator is so forced, uncle is completely spineless and I don't even understand what FL's intentions are. The translations aren't helping either, the plot is all over the place, and the characters aren't very interesting.

Ozymandias created a topic of Writing Hell
Ozymandias created a topic of Love in Orbit

"he can't live without this" MY JAW DROPPED

Ozymandias created a topic of Lookism

I'll never know peace if taejin doesn't get publicly executed for doing this to my glorious king Seongji

Ozymandias created a topic of Lookism
Ozymandias created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

the two faced dickhead... did he really expect him to find a place in less than two weeks?? i hate fake bitches like that. just tzll him straight up instead of bitching to someone else like a snake. if you don't want him to stay then don't offer in the first place! son of a bitch

Ozymandias created a topic of Dirty High
Ozymandias created a topic of Nerd Project

I'm tripping over my feet this is making me all giggly

i want Brett to bear my child that hayden guy is damn lucky

Ozymandias created a topic of A Wolf and A Bear
Ozymandias created a topic of Lost Motion

calling yourself a bitch in heat for a married man who doesn't like you enough to even speak to you politely is not the power move you think it is

Ozymandias created a topic of Bluelock

Himsagi really pulled out the glock for that one he fr don't play