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blob created a topic of Profundis

Dragons? So random just like the whole plot

blob created a topic of Kabukicho Cat Honey

Definitely dropping this at least now i have 1 less manga to read from the 753774 manga on my to read list, but seriously he is insufferable i hate the whole “oh you are clearly upset with me instead of proper communication i will force my self on you and call it love” bitch please i hate him

Im hoping the end game would be the emo guy, kaede is a cutie pie i love him but I don’t see him with mc (maybe with the school president?) the janitor needs to be thrown to jail why did even the author added his pedo ass his existence is not only gross but unnecessary he adds nothing but predatory behavior

Their world needs to be under flames god they all are audaciously entitled and manipulative, they basically kidnap girls then put a ridiculous name on them and a mission to fix a problem that isn’t theirs that would cost them their life and have to either die while doing it or live like a slave for their kingdom surrounded by old geezers forever, the prince doesn’t like her he likes the idea of owning her it’s disgusting, not to mention they are not grateful for neither the mc work that literally saves their ass nor for the “holy maid” since if they did they would at least ask her what she wants in return and work on a method to send her back, but nope they use her and tell her its for her own good or manipulatively say that giving her money is enough for kidnapping her and putting her life on the line against her will.. like the audacity

I had this done to me before… i never cried like that in my life it brought out the fucking toddler within me

blob created a topic of Formless

I ain't gonna lie this looks like a washed up version of killing stalking

blob created a topic of Hell & High Water

I was getting so bored of stale ass stories that were either long boring dialogues that spoon feed me the story and every little detail leaving nothing to the imagination or characters that were insufferable but the authors don’t seem to see it, or just full on porno with little to no story, this comic was exactly what i was looking for, good story funny dialogue lovable characters nice world creation the only downside is that its short, i also figured out who was the murderer a bit early on so i was sliiiightly bored seeing them chase a felid but again it did not drag on ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

blob created a topic of Jinx

Does anyone know if there are raws ?

blob created a topic of Killing Stalking

I don’t understand the ending, is yoonbum dead?

blob created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

At this point i want to murder every adult in this manga they all suck ass

blob created a topic of Rain Advisory
blob created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

Ew i just read the raws and the uke is becoming trash, like abusing and turning your eye from a young person going through the same trauma as you is just disgusting and makes the whole lets kill and get revenge from those asshole quite hypocritical when you are slowly becoming them, im dropping this not only is the new art style doesn’t make sense for the plot its kinda got glossy instead of the grim look it had which suited it better but also the characters suck ass even the main one

blob created a topic of Kurikaeshi Ai no Oto
blob created a topic of Monster and Ghost

Does anyone know if the author mentions when volume 10 will be released?

blob created a topic of Yoake no Uta

Idk the plot feels random after the “modern world” appeared, i really loved the ghibli style fantasy story it was at the beginning but then got political and realistic

blob created a topic of ARTS MANZ

Is the black hair dude the endgame? Cause if not I don’t want to waste my time with spineless mc and rapey ml

blob created a topic of Swapping

Where can i read the translated mature version? The r15 is wack specially for this type of story now its just business and law talks fucking boring

blob created a topic of Ote, Osuwari, Kiss