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blockheart June 6, 2024 11:39 pm

This was on my Want To Read list for like the longest time and I was just waiting for it to be marked Complete but I guess, that's not happening. I'm glad I read it.

I can see the story as a critique on society. We're knowingly and unknowingly acting to our pre-determined roles prescribed to us by the systems in our society, and I felt the sense of freedom that I think the author was trying to communicate. Breaking free.

They designed such an elaborate background on which this piece of work is set on, and I consider that their attempt on reflecting our real society as it is. We get dealt cards/roles whereas the students find them. We fulfill those roles whether we want to or not, whether we intend to or not, and by the characters choosing to forfeit the game and making it impossible for the game to continue for everyone else, we are reminded that it's just a game. This is the thing that I think the author wanted to relay. Society might have predesribed roles upon us, but we have a choice whether to go along with it or not. We're not completely helpless, and finding a supportive community will help us with self-realization–our attempt to dismiss those predesribed roles and forge our own paths.

That was my take on the theme of the story. Would add to this later.

blockheart May 24, 2024 12:17 am

I have never read a guideverse story (I lied I think I might have read an incomplete one but I don't remember it so it didn't happen) and I'm so glad this is my first one! BUT also, I know I'm putting myself in a spot here because of how good it is that I'm afraid all the others wouldn't fare well to the standard that this one has set! (I also read it in one go just now so forgive me if I maybe excited)

I love this so much. It's so easy to read. It's relatable. And I would probably never say this anywhere else but I love the smut!!! It's so delicious! And I'm not saying that bc it's the full moon but the smut is palatable, meticulous, intentional. I love how careful they are going about it. Too often (and I'm generalizing heavy) smut in bl can feel mechanical, and even overused but I love that it's not the case here (yet).

I really love the dynamics between the characters, how, because of the nature of him as a person, Taegun can't help but spill all his beans to Eunsung (it's thanks to Eunsung's character essence too) and I find that so interesting because we've viewed Taegun from Eunsung lenses which means that we see him as guarded, as the one with the high walls, but ironically enough, by the end of the first season, we know more about Taegun than we do about Eunsung. I wanna give them both a hug.

Also, this is an 8am blubber so I'll keep it short but I really love Eunsung's backlash esp verbal diarrhea lmaooo

I'm really looking forward to season 2!!! I can't wait! <3

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I didn't read everything on my Already Read list, especially those put there in the earlier days of this account. I had to mark stories I tried to read but didn't finish/ended up getting put off by somehow and at the time I thought it was a good idea to tag those as Already Read lol

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