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Lol. When the cats away, the mice shall play. Good for her getting all her me-time activities in for a change!(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

I see. The manager isnt a pimp, hes in leage with a rival gang!!!Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

Sammysamsam created a topic of Mousou Shoujo

Sigh...girl may be over stepping a bit, but well, somthimes thats the only way you get any answers....i get it...idk if i agree with it, but i get it. ( ̄へ ̄)

Its finally happening!!!!! ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

What? They left a buch of questions unanswered. What happend to the blond alpha and his beta friend? How did seon's parents react to her finally teliing them shes an omega and went through all this when she introduced them to tejun? Whats gonna happen to gong yusuns company and employees now that hes most likely going to jail? Does the wisower alpha doctor get a happy endiing and find a new love/a new mom for him and his son? So many loose ends!!.. (/TДT)/

Sammysamsam created a topic of Between Seasons

*GULP*(⊙…⊙ )

I thought taejun already told whats his face about them imprinting when he was confronting him and rubbing his nose all up in it.

Well, at least hes STARTING to see th light, but sheesh buddy. Going to stalk het in disguise?? Yikes!!!#-.-)

Oh my god, get over it dude! Youre what, his assistant, or whatever??? You workfor/with him, and he told you to BACK OFF ALREADY!!!sheesh.!! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

Ooof. You KNOW its serious when he lets out that yandere protector side come out in front of everybody!!! Dont even blink at his girl the wrong way unless youre prepared to get those same eyelids ripped off.(⊙…⊙ )

Lol. What a fun start and end to a chapter.(≧∀≦)

A little rushed pacing, but def not bad. Likin it so far!

Sammysamsam created a topic of Between Seasons

Girl needs a restraining order on everybody in her life here. Maybe even witness protection...
Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

Hmm...Why dont i remember the character she went out to dinner with? Have we met her before? It dosnt look like the coworker in the reserch department who was also moving in with their bf, if im recalling right.... is it someone from before she changed departments? (╭ರ_ ⊙ )

Yup. I took 1 look at this new guy and was just like "mmhmm. Love rival" ( ̄へ ̄)

God, i swear, all it takes for me to start shipping a pair is for the guy to catch the gil when she falls... damn im cleche..(≧∀≦)

His brother seam like a cheeky lil ahole, but like...with a good heart?...i hope.( ̄∇ ̄")

....aaannddd there he goes poking the bear, again...( ̄∇ ̄")

Sammysamsam created a topic of Between Seasons

Its kind of funny how he seams to think she will be putty in his hands, or whatever...

He'll be like like "now i wait, And make HER come to ME!" In his head....

And then just ...*emidiatly proceeds to make the next 1st move on her* right after...

Like....dude....that...thats not how that stratogy works.( ̄∇ ̄")