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Mans got ...dedication, ill give him that...(⊙…⊙ )

Rrrggg...SOOOOOO many of yalls issues would be solved if you just gave up yalls dam pride and honestly comunicated your dam feelings bowt each other!!!!(╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Haaaawwttt... ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

Bit idk. I dont see rio as a snake! Cute/funny art tho.

Girl, Just admit it...u wuv him...and he wuvs youuuu!!!(≧∀≦)

Bossman's gon blow a fuse....(⊙…⊙ )

Sammysamsam created a topic of Channeling Urges

Come on, the moment they said "beach" WE ALL knew this was coming...(≧∀≦)

And lol. Dont We all got that one crazy wirlwind friend like her unnie....its their world and we are all just livin in it. ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

Sammysamsam created a topic of Rosen Garten Saga

What....what the f*ck...?....( ̄∇ ̄")

Huh, ya kno, hes letting her off the hook pretty easilly this time. I was really expecting her and the coworker to be in deep sh*t with the bossman for going out alone together. Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

Is he slowly starting to trust her judgement more about other men? Or is he just accepting that this only happened because of his own fumble of not replying in time, and isnt taking that frustration out on her? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Either way, i see this as some small character developement for him and im proud of it!(⌒▽⌒)

Yo, Why everybody so shocked rn that theve only been winning thus far just cuz they had the home field advantage up till now? Yall thought you were just THAT good at the game? Like, There ARE other rich and powerfull families out there, besides yall, ya kno? XD

Aww...Prince dereck is actually kind of a stoic lil cutie pie underneith all that broodng, aint he!

Is this manager actually a pimp? And i bet blondie guy was def only there to run wingman double date interference for his yakuza bro at 1st, but is now def starting to catch actual feels for ko! that her coping mechanism for dealing with tramatic moments? To litrally go stone faced??

Sammysamsam created a topic of Mousou Shoujo

Uuuhg i swear to god if this is a male pride thing about not wanting to show your innermost feelings to other men "cuz thatll make you a pussy" or whatever, ima scream., there HAD BETTER BE some real, actual, deeply rooted famillial trauma behind the brother's compleetly out of pocket responce there, got it?! Or like some idiotic big brother "HAAA! GOT CHA! LOL, you should see the look on yer face, bro!" type of fake out prank to be emidiatly resolved in the next episode!

Ya hear me out there outdated mysogenistic patrearichal society stereo types?!?!? We aint got no time for you!(╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Sammysamsam created a topic of Channeling Urges


Just 2 dudes sitting in a hot bath 6 feet apart because theyre not gay! (≧∀≦)

Ooooof.....boi r u 2 gonna be in trouble...#-.-)

Sammysamsam created a topic of You Haven't Changed

3 chapters in 1 update??? Thats what im talking about baybeeeeee!!!!

We really got the 2 extreams of the simp spectrum right here.

Calm vs chaotic. Serious vs silly. Maturity vs innocence. sarcasm vs slapstick. Smugass vs dumbass. Boss vs subordinate. Left brain vs right brain. Salt vs pepper....

...or wait, would that one be reversed because of their hair colors??? Cuz its literally black vs white!?

Idk. Im on team bossman, myself. Her chaos needs his calm to balance her out. Coworker and her would just be too much of the same chaotic type of energy together, and you gotta find the right yin for your yang....ya feel me?

Lol. That was a wild ride even for THIS manga. A breif summery of my thoughts while reading:

Friends are angel and devil. Cuuute. Pls let there be a part where they get on cheiri's sholders and wisper contradicting advice to her!

Hot sensei is hot. And I wasnt him to date cheiris big sis. Emagine the chaos.

Lil rich girl IS doctor seus's "yurtle the turtle" in disguise and you cannot convince me otherwise.

Pfft the slapping her out of it in the background, i cant...xD

Huh, i guess they settled on cheiri in the chinese dress as the ace in the hole because its the most cleavage possible while still being (sort of) school appropriate, which that cow costume was..not the most appropiate for a high school festival, shall we say.

Lol. Pink crossplay, huh? Looks Yumeji is both shattered, and somewhat questioning his love for manly hot sensei, rn.

And last but not least, good god, Air dropping neiro into a hevy populated event?! They couldve killed sombody!

... But yeah, either way, there WILL DEF be a death count by the end of this festival! (⊙…⊙ ) lol

Damn, boi may be a red flag, but he def making me consider being a flag pole... ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄