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TENYN created a topic of Love Thy Neighbor

I feel like Jinjoo thought she knew what love was when she met and married her husband but her idea of love made her waste her life away being kept in a house and not living her life apart from marriage....and she finally knew what freedom of youth felt like because of Doyeon which is a part of her life that past her by because she got married young and became a housewife for many years...

TENYN created a topic of Love Thy Neighbor

Man oh man i feel sorry for Doyeon,to live your whole life not being someone's first choice but always a replacement /stand in for the absence of a person and because of that the person who you are standing in for is loved while Doyeon never gets the love but loves the person who put her in that position....I feel like in Doyeon's mind that it makes no sense loving anyone because they never love her back and so it's why she acts as if she doesn't feel hurt when someone hurts her and tries to make sure the other person's feelings don't get hurt by her.

I feel like Doyeon now thinks that love is a useless fantasy that she needs to let go of...

TENYN created a topic of Show Me Your Bust

So it's like blue hair decided that all she holds dear to her or important comes to nothing in the end and so it's why she doesn't even take good care of herself presently,blue hair must feel like if she dares to care about something or someone they will leave or she she loose everything again & again so it's why she accepts to just have sex with pink hair and agree to her terms of not dating
And so blue hair feels safer emotionally.

As for brown hair,well blue hair gets emotional support from her which is why she always comes back to her when brown feels blue pissed her off,blue is afraid to loose brown more than pink and pink sees brown has a greater hold on blue's heart than pink does.

Home girl from her high school wasn't a true friend because she didn't even visit blue at hospital or talked to her about the rumors but made it worse behind blue's back so blue in present won't trust anyone and always have a fear of being hurt and left so in is just doing what ever feels good and forget about romance because to her it all don't even last anyways.

TENYN created a topic of Show Me Your Bust

Oh so Jiho was led on by a straight girl who she fell in love with anf best friends with like brown hair,Jiho wished for a kiss similar to asking brown to see her boobs then well that progressed,Jiho was popular back at that school and straight girl liked that about her anf i guess that's why she befriended Jiho,so i bet Jiho and that girl dated until Jiho broke her leg and couldn't run anymore and the girl ended the friendship or broke up with her because she lost her fame and so who knows maybe Jiho started dating that slutty girl and grew a taste for such girls is why she likes pink haired woman and why she keeps her heart in check and keeps her feelings for brown haired girl to herself she she won't get hurt or left again....and is why she put it into her head that brown is straight and will never feel romantically toward Jiho,cause maybe that girl from her past told her that fooling around is ok but she only has feelings for boys....or something like that

TENYN created a topic of Love Thy Neighbor

Here's what i think,i can be wrong but here goes....Jin joo came from a rich family and she was always taken care of and her husband it seems to me took care of her the best he could,he worked,cooked and cleaned and because he wanted to make sure she didn't suffer while married to him he took multiple loans over the years,Jin joo can't cook or clean or anything,even Doyeon did all the cooking and stuff while Jin joo watched Tv,that time Jin joo made a sandwich she told Doyeon it didn't look nice so don't share it at school.

I bet Jin joo feels a lot of guilt because the people who love her have to bed over backward for her while she has nothing but her body to give in return..

TENYN created a topic of Show Me Your Bust

The thing is blue hair girl assumed Brown hair girl was straight from the start and brown hair girl never told blue hair girl that she was straight,i do believe that brown hair girl knew blue hair was a lesbian and still choose to befriend her,choose to allow her to see her boobs,allowed her to touch them and well things went on between them from there and yet blue hair thinks brown hair is straight...even though blue hair knows that brown refuses to have sex with the guys she's dated yet let her have foreplay with her while blue sees with her own eyes abd hears how much brown enjoys it.

For all i know brown hair may have liked girls&guys but maybe she didn't think blue would have been a love interest & was ok being friends...the reality hit brown that someone sees blue in a sexual manner and that shook her to her core & opened up her mind towards blue as a potential love interest and is now mad that blue hasn't yet inspite of the foreplay don't understand that brown won't let anyone touch her sexually if she don't like them romantically..

TENYN created a topic of Love Thy Neighbor

Why do i get the feeling the husband sold a kidney and took long to return because he was healing up after surgery

TENYN created a topic of Show Me Your Bust

Pink haired woman don't want to loose against brown hair,she doesn't want to loose her replacement ( Jiho ) because she reminds her of her ex...waiting to see more of the back story about pink hair and her ex and brown hair at least started making moves romantically toward Jiho,brown hair her sister ain't about playing no games,she wants high kick woman RIGHT NOW

TENYN created a topic of Club

Too bad this was never continued...

TENYN created a topic of Misterioso

Man i've been looking all over for this,i'm so glad it continued...i enjoyed the story a lot and Kyungmi is finally able to live for herself,Gina kept her promises to her...

TENYN created a topic of Show Me Your Bust

I just hope the first time they have sex would be sweet and beautiful because it will be their first time because i think both are virgins and Jeho hasn't ever been satisfied...she only pleasures the other pink haired woman but she never pleasures Jeho..