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Miss Thang created a topic of Foul's Start


Miss Thang created a topic of Foul's Start

his style is so attractive omg i wanna get fucked by him already.

Miss Thang created a topic of Codename Anastasia

poor him omg someone send him hugs

Miss Thang created a topic of Peach Boy (Yooyoung)

how is he alive is my question

Miss Thang created a topic of Foul's Start

wait why i feel like someone is gonna die between one of em

Miss Thang created a topic of Foul's Start

im sorry but why is the name choice is so... i keep mistakenly reading it 'Yoon Pedo'. they should change that omg. maybe ill get used to saying his name but girl... choices where made henni

destroyed, disheveled, sloppy, messy. i was picking my pussy hairs while reading this. fuck it why

Miss Thang created a topic of Codename Anastasia

Anastasia Beverly Hills

Miss Thang created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

bro is it just me or sanho looks exhausting to even look at..... bro is just always raging and screaming omg like calm down twink...

Miss Thang created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

i dont see the chemistry girl... it seems so forced. something's not clicking between them:////

gwonryeom is so cunttttt bro the way he flipped that fan. im just gagged. cnty ashell

Miss Thang created a topic of Jinx

wait did dan teamed up with that bald dude?

Miss Thang created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

i think he basically did remove his memories

Miss Thang created a topic of Jinx

i know dan's granny gonna be gone in the next few ch. and now probably gonna get kidnapped. WHEW, this man cant take a break hope jk lose his shit bro

Miss Thang created a topic of Jinx

please be a lost match, i cant bare his horse face.

Miss Thang created a topic of Dead or alive

the body?? the chest hair?? THE UNCUT DDDDDDDD??!!!?! im barking