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Miss Thang created a topic of Jinx

i could puke. literally. dont continue this story no moe

Miss Thang created a topic of Jinx

trash, filth, trash, garbage, dumpster, trash.

Miss Thang created a topic of Jinx

i know goddamn well dan be so tired than me in school alone periodtt.

Miss Thang created a topic of Honey Trouble
Miss Thang created a topic of Perfect Buddy

how does he even tuck it in thats my question......

Miss Thang created a topic of Jinx
Miss Thang created a topic of Ghost Gate

i re-read it and it was exhausting, i could not breathe like very chapter. and y didnt the author like put a whole chapter explaining like why this happen sumn like that, isnt that like a thing for starting a story? author just jumped straight to it and yada yada yada. but im glad uploader explained it though cuz i was CONFUSED of whats going on

Miss Thang created a topic of Insomnia

next time???? baby there will be no next time, you fucking sadist mfkr

Miss Thang created a topic of Ghost Gate

swarm of the ghost swarming that building shiiiii

Miss Thang created a topic of Yours to Claim

bro what kinda fucked up uncle would do that though??? thats just sad man

Miss Thang created a topic of Ghost Gate

eww?? suddenly this became weird, and the one who has a crush on him is a fucking ghost with horny personality.

Miss Thang created a topic of Our Sunny Days
Miss Thang created a topic of Ghost Gate

finally girl, thank you for uploading this up. but damn, shit got scarier and the art

Miss Thang created a topic of Our Sunny Days

bro he looks like a soft spoken person, why is he so fluffy and dat baby is so frickin adorable, THAT CHEEKS MAN, I TELL YA I WANNA BITE IT LIKE ITS A MOCHI (jk)

Miss Thang created a topic of Payback