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Eru created a topic of You’re My Favorite Toy

What was that?

Eru created a topic of Hanbun Ageru

I didn't think I could finish this... Not for the faint of heart, people. Do not underestimate how nostalgic the cover is.. I'm bawling!

Eru created a topic of Yubisaki to Renren

Aww... I.. I didn't expect this of you, Itsu. (T^T) I should've prepared my heart... ༼;´༎ ༎༽

Eru created a topic of Steel Under Silk

No, sir. I'm meltingggg... Don't deceive me with your opaque grail....

Ehem...I just wanted to use the word, opaque, in a sentence since I had to look it up if I understood it correct.. haaa....

I really should've waited longer.. Now I'm left hanging with this angst.. Tsk..

Eru created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

Oh my gooooddddd this chapter. This chapter was nothing but Masterpiece! I tell you. Masterpiece!!!! And I am short of vocabulary to describe it further!

Eru created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

This prick is way worse than JJK.... At least with JJK you know what's your position. You are aware of how red of a banner he is because he is straightforward, unless you catch feelings for him yourself, then that's your responsibility..

But this prick here? He has the nastiest words ever towards someone he's setting his eyes on. Mind games is such btch.. Real life or not. Compared to others really, this Do-yoon is the one on top of my red flag list...

Eru created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

I just went back and read chap27... Oh m g! I hope he won't forget his promise to Taehyuk! ༼;´༎ ༎༽

That's a "she"? I'm asking cause you know, we have trap community in anime.. So...

Eru created a topic of Waterside Night

Taeju is so extra! I love him! I so did not see that coming! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

Eru created a topic of Therapy Game Restart

God... I can't believe he was delighted to think that Minato might be jealous and wanted reassurance. And that It. Was. Cute. Seriously, Shizuma? You know darn well his history. You went into this relationship knowing he hasn't get past his trauma yet. Get that into your head! I don't care if Minato is insecure and needs a lot of working out for himself, but he wouldn't be feeling so anxious had only..... God! You're already aware he's jealous even! You're making me angry, seriously!

This thing with your ex and now this director. Who would go meet their lover together with a lump in the throat?! Seriously???!

Now that this situation has gotten to a point where Minato has to suppress himself all because he feels like he's a bad guy, for being the unstable one in this mad relationship, I hope you're happy seeing his suffering! I hope you feel so satisfied to see your lover melting in agony that you don't know what to do with yourself cause it's overwhelmingly suffocating! I hope you're happily in love given all that! Good riddance! ヽ(`д´;)/

P. S. I swear, I started this in a soft tone. But as I go along realizing everything.... My heart and fingers were on fire typing. Gosh. This was one of my favorite. But now, I swear, I want to rip out all of Shizuma's hair. Istg! Sorry... Couldn't help it. Phew! I'm tired, y'all. Ja! (。´-д-)。。 (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

Eru created a topic of Steel Under Silk

Ladies and gentlemen, the doom of these two.

✺◟( ° ʖ °)◞✺


Eru created a topic of Waterside Night
Eru followed a goer
04 02,2024
Eru created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

Let's goooooo!!!! But at the same time, .

P. S. I saw a ship. Was that a ship? Or I'm just being delulu..

Eru followed a goer
04 02,2024
Eru created a topic of Jinx

I'm seeing the plot going on a bit dangerous path.. Haaaaa ..

Eru created a topic of Kiss de Egaku Ittousei

Every thing will be fine, bud. You don't have to rush. You being there is more than enough. Work on improving yourself and eventually you'll get there.. It'll work out, believe in yourself!

Eru created a topic of Under the Oak Tree

The plot will be plotting soon. ( °з °)
I'll just be here in my corner, meditating together with my patience (ㆁᴗㆁ✿)

Am I the only one who was so delighted to see Creni??

Also, Perez......